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May 31st 2018
I still don’t buy this core voter disenchantment theory after #ByPollResults . One month back the same core Voter brought BJP from 40 to 104. I have some questions for on-twitter BJP Core supporters who claim loss is due to “core voters” losing faith in Modi . #KairanaByPolls
Some ‘Core Voters’ are educated people. Their friendships extend, like mine, across religions, even though their commitment to Hinduism is unquestionable. They demand like old Hindi film’s heroine’s dad that Modi mustn’t have Muslim friends. Is it plausible in politics?
From what we see here, even from Muslims voting en-masse for temple-hopping Congress is their trust in appeasement parties isn’t ephemeral and conditional like ‘core Hindu voters’. If he tries to even win one Muslim heart, Hindus will stand stiff claiming either him or me.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 14th 2018
This is a resounding response given by secular ethics of Nehru’s India to Modi’s hindutva politics : Sagarika Ghosh
These results prove that the third front formed by Goddess Sonia Gandhi is such a potent force that it yielded results in anticipation of upcoming dinner- Rajdeep Sardesai
These results are indicative of deep hunger in the people of Gorakhpur for quality literature like Gujarat File and that they believe that Modi was behind the mahanirvan of Sant Ishrat Jahaan.- Rana Ayyub
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