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Jun 7th 2018
1. While #California numbers aren’t entirely in, let’s take a dive into Super Tuesday in terms of the strategies we employed at @DemsWork4USA and what the primary results mean for November.
2. We’re extremely proud of the results in #NewMexico and #Iowa where all our endorsed candidates won. We don’t always feature state legislature seats as with IA, but do so when we have strong candidates than will both build the bench and drive momentum at the top of the ticket.
3. In #NewJersey we won all but 1 of our endorsements. We realized that Tanzie Youngblood would not likely take the nomination, but she is well positioned for seeking a state legislative seat in the special election and bringing Jeff Van Drew along to a more progressive appeal.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 22nd 2018
It's #SinglePayerSunday!
Beware the scams!
Vote #MedicareForAll!
Vote #SinglePayer in 2018!
Be a #MedicareForAllVoter
It's #SinglePayer supporters who are being pragmatic, not the opponents
#MedicareForAll #SinglePayerSunday…
The popularity of #SinglePayer health care:
Letter to the editor
#MedicareForAll #SinglePayerSunday…
Read 94 tweets
Apr 15th 2018
Welcome to #SinglePayerSunday Support #SinglePayer #MedicareForAll
April 15, 2018
Help Campaign For #MedicareForAll

When: Sunday, April 15, 2018
Where: Oakland, CA
#SB562 #SinglePayerSunday…
Q&A with Erin Georgen on Washington’s #SinglePayer healthcare initiative
#I1600 #SinglePayerSunday…
Read 59 tweets

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