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Jul 28th 2018
The Rempel experiment. I contacted 10 people that I personally knew, who were Twitter users and not very political, or yet #BlockedByRempel. I asked them one simple favour. To ask Michelle Rempel a fair immigration based question as non-partisanly as possible. #cdnpoli #ableg
Questions asked were, "While I agree that irregular immigration had increased, could we find a solution that didn't require rhetoric" or variations of it, asked directly to Michelle Rempel via a reply to one of her Tweets. #cdnpoli #ableg #BlockedByRempel
If not blocked the first time, to ask a second question along the lines of "What about your policy for irregular immigration would differ from the Liberals?" Or a variation of that. Well, the results were shocking/not shocking. #BlockedByRempel #cdnpoli #cdnmedia
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Jul 22nd 2018
Hey @rpoconnor, can you explain how Hamish Marshall's One Persuasion shares the same corporate address as @ontarioisproud? The same Hamish Marshall who is Andrew Scheer's campaign manager. (h/t to @TheJasonPugh) #cdnpoli #cdnmedia
That means Ontario Proud is officially affiliated with @CPC_HQ as a propoganda arm, and with the @fordnation campaign through Hamish Marshall. That would explain your use of Nation Builder/how you got access to voter's personal information for texts/calls during campaign #onpoli
Here is a partner of @onepersuades soliciting for donations for @ontarioisproud before the election. Both organizations share the same corporate address. #cdnpoli #cdnmedia #onpoli
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