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More than meets the eye. By removing itself from World Medical Assoc (@medwma), Canadian Medical Assoc (@CMA_Docs) appears to be attempting to remove itself &🇨🇦’s MDs from International Code of #MedicalEthics. Why?…

#ethics #cdnpoli #onpoli
Some MDs in international medical community stating that it was @medwma’s criticism of CMA re below & #CMA not accepting its International Code of #MedicalEthics that led to CMA resignation


#hippocraticoath #consciencerights #ethics #cdnpoli #cdnhealth
World Medical Association @medwma developed modernized #HippocraticOath w/ #DeclarationOfGeneva in 1948 after WW2 atrocities & has had highest standard of International Code of #MedicalEthics for ~10M MDs globally... EXCEPT for 🇨🇦’s MDs since @CMA_Docs’ exit
#cdnpoli #cdnhealth🆘
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@JasonParis @frankscarpitti I agree w/ Markham's Mayor (both as former 26yr resident of York Region: Markham & Vaughan & #TTC CMO): The Yonge North extension should have been the first subway extension, not the #TYSSE, currently up & running w/ 1.2m rides/YEAR forecast—way, way less than subway capacity 1/
@JasonParis @frankscarpitti 2/ #TYSSE to FinMin Greg Sorbara's riding was approved by Premier Dalton McGuinty, as a thank you to Mr. Sorbara for his support winning Liberal leadership, election/re-election majorities & his family's deep involvement w/ @YorkUniversity (his brother was Chair). #TOpoli #ONpoli
@JasonParis @frankscarpitti @yorkuniversity 3/ I know from being #TTC ex-CMO and an engaged citizen, the TTC actively thwarted any YUS 🚇 extension to Toronto/YorkRegion Steeles boundary; or extending B/D 🚇 to Sherway Gardens even tho it's in Etobicoke. Its 2001 RTEP study #1 Priority—Sheppard 🚇 subway extension to STC.
Read 11 tweets
Debate on Bill 31 (which overrides the charter and downsizes Toronto city council) is now underway, starting with Municipal Affairs Minister @SteveClarkPC. There are more government MPPS here than opposition MPPs #onpoli #topoli
@SteveClarkPC Clark says things like Toronto council's 15 hour debate on the city's budget are reasons why Toronto needs a smaller council. #onpoli #topoli
@SteveClarkPC Clark notes that the Ford government got support for triggering the notwithstanding clause from former premiers @christyclarkbc, @BradWall306 and Jean Charest #topoli #cdnpoli #onpoli
Read 64 tweets
The important point to keep in mind regarding section 33 of the Charter of Rights & Freedoms is why it was included. Think about what was going on at the time and why the Charter was even created.

Sect. 33 is a white supremacy tool that was included to make white men feel safe.
Now that this fact has been said, let’s get to the heart of addressing the attempt to abuse power in order to maintain white supremacy.

It’s 2018, time to rule section 33 unconstitutional when used to subvert Canadians’ inalienable rights to a free & democratic society.

History has taught us many lessons.

Some people learn from them and some people don’t.

During the time when then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and other white male elected Representatives were working on ensuring that underrepresented and marginalized Communities were protected
Read 30 tweets
It's time for a #thread regarding the #NotwithstandingClause and the need for an independent judiciary as check to government tyranny. It's seems that the right forgets fundamentals of Canadian democracy whenever it is convenient. #onpoli #Bill31 #Bill5
Parliamentary democracy is not the same as simple majoritarianism. The ultimate protectors of governmental legitimacy are free elections and the power of the electorate to change governments. Elections are one of many checks on Government power. #onpoli #NotwithstandingClause
It is wrong to suggest, as Doug Ford does, that anything that limits what the elected majority might wish to do, including the judiciary, is anti- democratic. This notion that parliamentary democracy resides only in majority rule is both false and dangerous. #onpoli #Bill31
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Ford: The people want cheese to be filled with nails!
People: ...what?! WHAT?!
Ford: I was elected by 2.3 million people to improve cheese it’s my mandate!
People: You didn’t campaign on that!
@FordNAti99990034 from Oakville, Russia: EAT TEH CHEESE TORONTO LEFTIES
Ford: it’s good cheese made right here in Ontario with healthy nickel 1/4” nails from our neighbouring province Sudbury
Ford: Ontario nail-filled cheese will be only a buck at your local Beer Store.
Judge: you cannot put nails in cheese and sell it for human consumption. Illegal now. And since forever. *bangs gavel*
ONPC Mephistopheles: *whispers* notwithstanding...
Read 12 tweets
Having opened the door, Doug Ford says he would “not be shy” in using the notwithstanding clause again in the future to get his way. Here are the fundamental Charter rights that can be taken away with the notwithstanding clause:… #onpoli
Section 2: freedom of conscience, of religion, of thought and expression; freedom of the press; freedom of peaceful assembly and association
Section 7: the right to life, liberty and security of the person
Read 10 tweets
What you need to know about s.33 - the Notwithstanding Clause. A thread -
Municipalities are creatures of the province. This move was well within Premier Ford's legal authority to basically Thanos-snap half of the TO wards out of existence. #onpoli
And Doug Ford's move to use the Notwithstanding Clause in response to the judge's decision (ruling it unconstitutional) this morning, is also within his legal right as Premier of Ontario.
However, the Notwithstanding Clause is like using a shake weight on your morning commute using public transportation. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
Read 13 tweets
Regardless of whether or not its a done deal, all candidates should be honest & open about where they stand on the LRT vs Subway issue because it sheds light on their decision making skills. Failure to do so is a disservice to the residents they strive we serve.

#TOpoli #ONpoli
Some of my opponents are too cozy with the Mayor to speak out about what's truly best for Scarborough - and that clearly isn't a subway.
The argument of "something is better than nothing" may be logically correct, but we are better than that. #Toronto has a serious fiscal problem so we need to use every penny as wisely as we can and a subway is an affront to that principle.
Read 7 tweets
The @ONgov’s swift passing of #Bill5, cutting the size of Toronto’s city council, surprised many across Canada. Discover how this controversial bill broke the mould on #DemocraticProcess. #Thread below. [1/10] #OnPoli #CdnPoli @IRPP
When #Toronto City Council reviewed its own ward boundaries starting in 2014, there were 24 public meetings, 100+ in-person meetings, surveys and online engagement. 2/11
The previous #Ontario government created an expert panel which held 20+ public meetings before it added two new ridings. 3/10
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This is a thread on the repealed #Ontario health & education curriculum. Let’s start with the most important point. IT IS NOT SEX ED. The curriculum is HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION. @fordnation uses hot button terms like #SexEd to fire up religious extremists
Before you make any comments regarding the content of the it: ……
Since so many critics of the updated curriculum are aghast at the disgusting content to be taught to our innocent lil munchkins starting at the tender age of 5, this thread focuses only on gr 1-3
Read 14 tweets
A teacher in Ontario, who goes by Sabitha Furiosa, has been reworking vintage posters for @Fordnation's new sex-ed snitch line. They are brilliant. 1/4 #onpoli #sexedsaveslives Early 20th century style poster of a two children wearing blue kerchiefs reading a book with “The Ontario curriculum Grades 1-8: Health and Physical Education
Another brilliant poster for @Fordnation's sex-ed snitch line. 2/4 #onpoli #SexEdSavesLives Illustration of a man in a suit looking over three young children at their desks who are holding pens and have their notebooks open. One is wearing a blue blazer and looking up at the man. Overlaying text reads: Future taxpayers: Are you learning about consent at school? Call 1-800-534-2222 or visit to report teachers covering unauthorized material. Large font: Your ignorance is your priority.
Of course, there is also the need for newly designed textbooks for students in Ontario that better reflect the era of the old sex-ed curriculum. 3/4 #onpoli #SexEdSavesLives Illustration of an 1950s style paperback book that shows one girl in a red dress standing in front of a blackboard where a teacher is writing No Gays Allowed on the board. and three girls also in red dresses have their hands up. Overset text reads: Addressing sensitive issues in the Ontario Classroom. The Ontario Trillium logo appears on the bottom right.
Read 5 tweets
Six years ago I was offered a wonderful new opportunity that brought me right into the heart of the public sphere — to serve the people of Toronto as Chief Planner. #Keesmaat4Mayor #topoli
I truly loved working with my Planning team and with the people in the diverse neighbourhoods of this great city. I learned that Torontonians love their city and have a tremendous amount to contribute to its future. #Keesmaat4Mayor #topoli
The best places are the places that draw on the energy and the passion of the people who live there. Local really matters. Local people, local streets, local neighbourhoods where people are a part of the sidewalk ballet. #Keesmaat4Mayor
Read 22 tweets
In all seriousness, an entire generation of UK queers are dealing with the traumatic fallout of Section 28, a (thankfully now repealed) law that forbid educators from mentioning gay people exist. The damage cannot be understated. #onpoli…
I don't care why someone thinks it's okay to abolish any mention of gender identity from the curriculum. The consequence, regardless of your intent, is a pain no one should have to endure. This is what you inflict. #onpoli
You're entitled to your own opinion. You aren't entitled to your own facts. And the fact is, trans people exist. Trans kids exist. #onpoli
Read 3 tweets
Conservatives in Ontario set up a snitch line to get teachers fired for teaching that I exist but I'm the one with the agenda. Okay then. #onpoli
Bigotry is also a failed ideological experiment, for the record. #onpoli
Unrelated question: Hey, antifa Twitter, if I pointed you to the snitch line...
Read 4 tweets
Some thoughts (without having seen the details of anything beyond the linked article) about #DougFord 's Buck-A-Beer challenge. 1/

First off, all I know is what I've heard and read in articles like this one…
That being said, there are a whole lot of things going on here, and (almost) none of it is good.
1. Incentivising brewers to lower their prives to buck a beer is going to benefit only the larger breweries. Small brewers likely cannot afford to reduce costs to do so.
2. How do I know this? Glad you asked. I worked for one of the first buck-a-beer brewers in the early 2000s as we launched it. We needed a massive volume increase to make it work. We got it, but largely because we got their first and there weren't a tonne of other players.
Read 10 tweets
this thread identifies the conservative MPPs who want to interfere toronto's ongoing 2018 election. contact them all day, every day, until they withdraw legislation to mess with toronto's vote

#OurCityHall #TOpoli #ONpoli
(Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes)

Queens Park: 416-585-7000
Brockville office: 613-342-9522

Constituency office address:
Suite 101
100 Strowger Boulevard
Brockville, Ontario
K6V 5J9

Toronto office: 416-733-7878

Constituency office address:
Unit 3
5801 Yonge Street, Newtonbrook Plaza
Toronto, Ontario
M2M 3T9
Read 13 tweets
Hey @rpoconnor, can you explain how Hamish Marshall's One Persuasion shares the same corporate address as @ontarioisproud? The same Hamish Marshall who is Andrew Scheer's campaign manager. (h/t to @TheJasonPugh) #cdnpoli #cdnmedia
That means Ontario Proud is officially affiliated with @CPC_HQ as a propoganda arm, and with the @fordnation campaign through Hamish Marshall. That would explain your use of Nation Builder/how you got access to voter's personal information for texts/calls during campaign #onpoli
Here is a partner of @onepersuades soliciting for donations for @ontarioisproud before the election. Both organizations share the same corporate address. #cdnpoli #cdnmedia #onpoli
Read 7 tweets
A very successful Council of Federations in St. Andrews, NB. We agreed to join SK in the fight against the federal carbon tax. We also joined QC and MB in agreement that the Federal Government should pay all costs associated with illegal border crossers.…
All of Canada's Premiers agreed to stand together and protect jobs during the NAFTA negotiations, and to reduce barriers on interprovincial trade. #cdnpoli #onpoli
I look forward to continuing to work closely with my provincial counterparts, and to always putting Ontario families first. I would like to thank the fine people of New Brunswick for hosting this year’s conference. #cdnpoli #onpoli
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When my daughter came out as trans, her 2 brothers - 7 & 16 - handled it beautifully. When my wife transitioned the following year, they once again embraced it.

4 years later, they're still cisgender guys who aren't at all confused about who they are. The kids are alright.
When young kids learn about trans people in school, 1 of 2 things happens:

1. If they’re trans, they find language to describe themselves & see their reality normalized.

2. If they’re not trans, they learn how to support those who are.

No confusion, just inclusion.
Kids almost always have questions when they learn something new. That isn’t the same as confusion.

You can’t make a cis child trans. You can’t make a trans child cis. But we CAN teach them about each other so we create a more understanding environment.
#SexEd #onpoli
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Good morning #Brampton, today is Wednesday, July 4, and there is no council meeting today.

I think this morning is a reasonable time to start discussing the city issues and the #onpoli election is over, and the #brampoli election is fast approaching.
The city of Brampton is currently undergoing a major housing and transportation crisis. The city has sprawled out incredibly rapidly in a disorganized fashion, consisting almost entirely of single family homes. We now have a catastrophic housing crisis in rentals, CMHC data shows
There being a 0.0% vacancy in (legal) bachelor apartments, and 1, 2, 3 bedrooms are sitting in the low 1.x range. The price? TREB estimated the median cost of a legal one bedroom at $1595. If you make $15/hour working full time, that is 4/5th of your take home pay.
Read 27 tweets
A few quick thoughts on the @fordnation cabinet and swearing in today #onpoli 1/x
Very strong and competent group. This is the type of cabinet you assemble when you face serious challenges (NAFTA/fiscal mess) #onpoli 2/x
In a good way, no real wildcards here. This is a group of people who will succeed because they’re legislative veterans or come with real life experiences. #onpoli 3/x
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On the weekend-after repeating "Sixty percent didn't want this."

But why did it happen, beyond FPTP?

OLP decided its existence was more important than countless vulnerable people who are now in peril, a major paper colluded w/ PCs, a duped MSM, and a tactical NDP error
The NDP was attacked from 3 sides: OLP, PCs and a media running bogus stories about candidates.

Carefully timed by the PCs *colluding* with TorSun:
a new story each day to dominate the agenda. Didn't matter if the story was true/relevant. *Dump it bc MSM will run it anyway.*
Didn't even matter if media and voters started questioning whether the smear was true. They had no time bc a splashy new phony story took its place in the AM, and damage was done.

In effect, Doug Ford was elected on a crude fraud. None of the stories were relevant, fair or true
Read 12 tweets
Based on what I know of Doug Ford, here's what I think we can expect from our new premier – in 10 tweets. #TOpoli #ONpoli…
1. Doug Ford will move very quickly. Doug is an action figure who'll want to demonstrate that there’s a new alpha male running Ontario. No time – and no need - for careful analysis before acting.
2. Doug Ford will be persistently combative. Doug is a brawler who won the fight. The other side can try to swing back – and he'll be delighted if they do, so he has a reason to flatten them again.
Read 12 tweets

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