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New details about #DanforthShooting emerging as court documents released:
Shooter (Faisal Hussain) shot himself in head after firing on unsuspecting public. He had ad been arrested 2 days prior to rampage for shoplifitng but not charged.
Hussain had several dealings with Toronto and Durham police for being "EDP"-police jargon for "Emotionally Distressed Person"-described as depressed, fascinated with death and violence.
Hussain left his home about 8:30 night of shootings. Opened fire on Danforth at about 10pm. When police found his lifeless body his phone was ringing-it was his parents. Police told them to get to a police station.
Read 32 tweets
The important point to keep in mind regarding section 33 of the Charter of Rights & Freedoms is why it was included. Think about what was going on at the time and why the Charter was even created.

Sect. 33 is a white supremacy tool that was included to make white men feel safe.
Now that this fact has been said, let’s get to the heart of addressing the attempt to abuse power in order to maintain white supremacy.

It’s 2018, time to rule section 33 unconstitutional when used to subvert Canadians’ inalienable rights to a free & democratic society.

History has taught us many lessons.

Some people learn from them and some people don’t.

During the time when then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and other white male elected Representatives were working on ensuring that underrepresented and marginalized Communities were protected
Read 30 tweets
Regardless of whether or not its a done deal, all candidates should be honest & open about where they stand on the LRT vs Subway issue because it sheds light on their decision making skills. Failure to do so is a disservice to the residents they strive we serve.

#TOpoli #ONpoli
Some of my opponents are too cozy with the Mayor to speak out about what's truly best for Scarborough - and that clearly isn't a subway.
The argument of "something is better than nothing" may be logically correct, but we are better than that. #Toronto has a serious fiscal problem so we need to use every penny as wisely as we can and a subway is an affront to that principle.
Read 7 tweets
Dear Seniors,

I love you!

I’m writing to you as your TORONTO Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TOvote
Have you shaken hands and made agreements against the Public’s interests, specifically Black Candidates in order to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall
Have you turned away from your public chants of “end racism, stop racists, etc...” during this Election period and are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you say you’re against?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO
Read 11 tweets
Dear East Asian fam,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of the status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO
Have you shaken hands and made agreements against the interests of society, specifically Black Candidates in order to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall #OurToronto
Have you turned away from the public calls for “inclusion, end racism, stop racists, etc...” during this Election period & are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that we’re all against?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO
Read 10 tweets
Dear South East Asian fam,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of the status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO
Have you shaken hands & made agreements against the interests of BIPoC, specifically Black Candidates for your own gain and/or to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall
Have you turned away from your public chants of “end discrimination islamophobia racism, stop racists, etc...” during this Election period & are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you’re against?

Read 9 tweets
Dear people who identify as having #disabilities fam,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?

Have you compromised your needs and made agreements against the interests of #accessibility #inclusion, in order to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall
Have you turned away from your public chants of “#accessibilityNOW, #inclusion, #equity, #universalDesign, etc...” during this Election period & are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results you’re against?

Read 10 tweets
Dear LGBTQIA2S fam,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO
Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

Are you amplifying the 2 status quo Candidates that media put in your face as the only options for Mayor even after all we’ve been through?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall #TOvote #VoteTO
Have you turned away from your public chants of “end homophobia, end transphobia, end discrimination, etc...” during this Election period and are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you say you’re against?
Read 10 tweets
Dear ‘intersectional feminists’ in TORONTO,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude Black Candidates voices- as usual.

Have you been co-signing maintaining the status quo?
#TOpoli #ElectionTO
Have you shaken hands and made agreements against the interests of ‘intersectionality’, specifically Black Candidates in order to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices presented to you by the establishment?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurcityHall
Have you turned away from your public chants of “intersectionality, end racism, stop Nazis, etc...” during this Election period and are instead prepared to publicly/quietly push what the establishment has been pushing just to get the results that you say you’re against?

Read 14 tweets
Dear Black sisters & brothers in Toronto,

I’m writing to you as your Mayoral Candidate, because the media & supporters of status quo are doing their very best to exclude us- as usual.

They’re deal making & hand shaking to the detriment of your ability to live & thrive.

Have you shaken hands and made agreements against your own interests to maintain the status quo?

Are you amplifying voices folks who NEVER
👉🏿knew you?
👉🏿cared about you?
👉🏿advocated for you?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHall #TOvote
Are you giving your energy to folks who want your labour in exchange for some future promise?

Why have you compromised yourself so that the status quo can be maintained?

Why should status quo remain sustained?

#TOpoli #ElectionTO #TORONTO #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall #TOvote
Read 7 tweets
The @ONgov’s swift passing of #Bill5, cutting the size of Toronto’s city council, surprised many across Canada. Discover how this controversial bill broke the mould on #DemocraticProcess. #Thread below. [1/10] #OnPoli #CdnPoli @IRPP
When #Toronto City Council reviewed its own ward boundaries starting in 2014, there were 24 public meetings, 100+ in-person meetings, surveys and online engagement. 2/11
The previous #Ontario government created an expert panel which held 20+ public meetings before it added two new ridings. 3/10
Read 10 tweets
@keerthanarang @mbeckrubin @jen_keesmaat "Insufferable" is 20~ish hyper-partisan, political staffers weighing in on public transit issues…with little expert knowledge...on behalf of a Mayor whose #TTC track record is a new record: no-ride/rev growth in a growing economy! #BADtransitMayor…
@keerthanarang @mbeckrubin @jen_keesmaat "Only @JohnTory could" says a Staffer…
❌Brings people long as they're sycophants—not radicals
❌Hires an an angry, alcoholic, alt-right, divisive, white supremacist hate-speech-spewing, unhappy hater NicK as his campaign strategist… shaming his once proud name!
Read 4 tweets
One of #Canada #Ottawa's largest mosques loses charity status for promoting ‘hate and intolerance’ via @StewartBellNP…
“Many of the views expressed by the organization’s speakers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist and/or promote violence,” the @CanRevAgency Charities Branch wrote in a letter sent to the mosque president.
It means the mosque no longer benefits from the #tax advantages enjoyed by government-registered charities. Foremost, it cannot issue receipts allowing donors to claim their contributions as income tax deductions.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 8 marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the Battle of #Amiens. This battle ushered in the #HundredDays offensive and saw some of the most decisive victories of the war #thread 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
Photograph is: "Scene at Field Ambulance Dressing Station," by William Rider-Rider, August, 1918. LAC MIKAN 3397054 #Amiens100
The Hundred Days also saw the culmination of William Rider-Rider’s career as Canada’s third and final official photographer. (seen here in: [Portrait of William Rider-Rider, ca. 1917, unattributed, @I_W_M © Q 113992).
Read 18 tweets
So a quick word on #onstorm & #torontoflood. This is what #climatechange looks like. It's already too late to turn the clock back. This is it. And conversations about how to deal with it need to start focusing on resiliency rather than avoidance. That's going to mean different 1/
Priorities for developers and city planners, which must set higher standards for building codes and sewer systems. That's going to raise costs on building and in a city like #Toronto, it's only going to make housing more expensive. So if you are following or supporting one of 2/
The two major mayoral candidates, either @JohnTory or @jen_keesmaat, their claims about more affordable developments and better housing, deserve to be scrutinized through this reality of flooded basements, waterlogged streets, and people being rescued from parking elevators. 3/
Read 6 tweets
@petedako @Citytv @CBCToronto @CTVToronto @TheAgenda @PnPCBC @TheCurrentCBC Thanks Peter!

It’s interesting, this time 4 years ago several debates had already taken place. I also learned that many of the debates were specifically held for specific Candidates- a way to use the airwaves to promote if you will.

My platform includes electoral reform.

@petedako @Citytv @CBCToronto @CTVToronto @TheAgenda @PnPCBC @TheCurrentCBC It’s possible to ensure an inclusive, accessible, democratic Election.

I believe the demonstration of #inclusion #accessibility #democracy in our Election is part of ensuring #CommunityWellness

Vote D!ONNE Renée on Election Day for Mayor of TORONTO!
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
@petedako @Citytv @CBCToronto @CTVToronto @TheAgenda @PnPCBC @TheCurrentCBC Outcomes of #CommunityWellness include:
👉🏿a healthy society
👉🏿a wealth of opportunities
👉🏿the ability to just be
👉🏿an engaged citizenry
👉🏿inclusive mindsets
👉🏿a thriving society
👉🏿a thriving economy full of innovation, creativity, LOVE
Read 15 tweets
#BREAKING : Saudi Arabian Airlines is now suspending all flights to and from #Toronto effective next Monday 13th August 2018 #Canada #KSA
Flights are getting suspended #RIYADH to / from #TORONTO
AND NOW: #Saudi Arabian agency stops buying Canadian #wheat, barley
#Canada #KSA
Read 5 tweets
Life ‘seemed’ easier when I was with my white people.

Inequitable treatment continued.🙈🙉🙊
Homelessness continued.🙈🙉🙊
Black people were being brutalized & killed by the State.
Injustice continued.🙈🙉🙊
Mediocrity maintained the status quo.🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♀️
Wilful oblivion
White privilege allows wilful oblivion.

I never understood this wilful oblivion when I was with my white people.

My white people were my family, including literal actual family.

I questioned, “Was it this wilful oblivion that allowed:

👉🏿 over 400 years of slavery
👉🏿116 yrs of residential schools
👉🏿48 yrs of apartheid
👉🏿35 yrs of the Chinese Head Tax
👉🏿5 years of Auschwitz
👉🏿our current gov’t

#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
Read 41 tweets
Thank you for the recognition, support and kind words @SamTecle!

You too are a force, a gift to our City brother!

We will not be silenced. We will win! Together we succeed!
#TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO
Brother @SamTecle, I watched the video of the 2014 Mayoral Debate again and am reminded how Jane-Finch boldly stood up for & with me!

Together we succeed!

#CommunityUnity #TOpoli #TORONTO #ElectionTO #OurTorontoToo #OurCityHallToo #OurCityHall
What the Jane & Finch Community audience publicly & actively did was the example of what we should be doing.

Jane & Finch’s example was the example of outrage for the nonsense going on during that election.
I expected to see this response at other ‘debates’.

#TOpoli #ElectionTO
Read 19 tweets
Dear white sisters & brothers in #TORONTO,

I’m asking you a question that may make you uncomfortable, that may make you recoil, that may make you hide, &/or that may make you retaliate in various ways.

You are the majority of people who vote.
Your vote has impacted our lives.
Yes white sisters & brothers, your. Your vote has impacted our lives.

#TORONTO #TOpoli #ElectionTO

This thread is not about making you feel guilty. Know that I write this with love to you because I love you & want better for our City. In order for our City to thrive we must work towards certain goals together.

We must ensure #CommunityWellness!

#TORONTO #TOpoli #ElectionTO
Read 34 tweets
@idilatweets This doesn’t make sense!

IMO, this is a political manoeuvre that Mayor John Tory is advancing in order to rally Police support & media attention while at the same time showing that he has no idea about many things & is willing to spend the Public’s money because he can.

@idilatweets Acting in haste leads to continual waste when it involves the Police and surveillance. Not only will #TORONTO taxpayers be unnecessarily forced to cover the cost of this intangible, unmeasured technology we’ll be forced to cover the corollary costs as well!

#TOpoli #ElectionTO
@idilatweets How many more times must the Public find out after the fact about how our money is being mismanaged & ineffectively spent by Government & its agencies?

Why do we allow Gov’t to mismanage our money and betray our trust & what we empower them to do?
Read 4 tweets
Last week, I went to Chicago to interview @radiohead and its crew about Scott Johnson’s death, returning to Toronto and how the Canadian judicial system failed them. A lot of sweat and tears went into this story, if you can, please read it.…
@radiohead @philipselway There is a lot of important stuff here, I'll get to that, but first I'd like to talk a bit about what I didn't manage to fit into the feature. [THREAD]
Months were spent agonizing over what exactly happened at the trial. As a Canadian citizen, it seems bonkers to me that a foreigner can be killed in Canada and not expect justice because our judicial system is too broken to hand out a verdict.
Read 13 tweets
Somalia, Pakistan? No, It's Toronto, Canada.

The "refugees" our globalist "progressive" left media & corrupt government push. Islamic economic migrants at Al Quds Day "protesting" They glorify Hamas & Hezbollah.

Terrorism at our expense. #cdnpoli…
Sheikh Shafiq Huda of the Islamic Humanitarian Service calling for eradication of America Israel UK at Toronto Al Qud's Day

B'nai Brith Canada filing complaint w TO police. #cdnpoli #IslamicState #Hezbollah #Hamas #TrudeauMustGo…

Newly Elected Conservative Ontario Premier Doug Ford Took Correct & Strong Stand Against Al Qud's Day.

Quite refreshing after over a decade of progressives willfully complicit.

Al Qud's Day inaugurated by Iranian dictator Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979.

#cdnpoli #DougFord #Hamas
Read 8 tweets
Live: #Hijabhoax #Protesters from eight #Canadian cities gathered at the Parliament Hill in #Ottawa now! They deserve equality and no more #fakenews!
More photos from the #Hijabhiax protest in #Ottawa! All Canadians are equal, #Hijabhoax divides Canada! Do you see the police?
Team from #Montreal Joined the #Hijabhoax protest in Ottawa now!
Read 14 tweets

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