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Aug 27th 2018
Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland and globalist George Soros relationship goes back as far as 1990

Think about that. She was 20 years old. She was groomed her entire life for this. This globalist traitorous government has been in the works at least this long. #cndpoli #NAFTA
In more recent years with Trudeau & Soros.…
It's come to my attention that @anna_938 is responsible or recording this critical vid! Thanks so much Anna you are a great patriot & truth researcher!

I highly recommend everyone give Anna a follow for high quality illuminating tweets!
Read 15 tweets
Jun 12th 2018
Somalia, Pakistan? No, It's Toronto, Canada.

The "refugees" our globalist "progressive" left media & corrupt government push. Islamic economic migrants at Al Quds Day "protesting" They glorify Hamas & Hezbollah.

Terrorism at our expense. #cdnpoli…
Sheikh Shafiq Huda of the Islamic Humanitarian Service calling for eradication of America Israel UK at Toronto Al Qud's Day

B'nai Brith Canada filing complaint w TO police. #cdnpoli #IslamicState #Hezbollah #Hamas #TrudeauMustGo…

Newly Elected Conservative Ontario Premier Doug Ford Took Correct & Strong Stand Against Al Qud's Day.

Quite refreshing after over a decade of progressives willfully complicit.

Al Qud's Day inaugurated by Iranian dictator Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979.

#cdnpoli #DougFord #Hamas
Read 8 tweets
Feb 4th 2018
This thread is for anyone in #cdnpoli who thinks that it's an exaggeration to refer to Trudeau as #JihadiJustin. It is my great hope that once Cdns realize that Trudeau's & LPC's decisions are systemically made to appease radical lslam, that we could unite as Cdns to resist..
Even before Trudeau was elected, there were plenty of red flags that were mostly ignored or dismissed as harmless pandering or bad judgement. If only more Cdns watched this video before the 2015 election ...
#JihadiJustin #cdnpoli #TrudeauMustGo
Since getting elected, Trudeau/LPC prioritized lslamists/Jihadis interests, while jeopardizing the interests of moderate MusIims & Cdns
- Refugees
- Welcome to Canada Tweet / Border Security
- BillC6
- M103
- Terrorist Payouts
- ISIS Reintegration
#JihadiJustin #cdnpoli
Read 34 tweets
Dec 19th 2017

Trudeau also has connections to the CLINTONS.

Investigators found the Shermans, side by side, each with a men’s leather belt wrapped around their necks and tied to the pool railing.
Read 3 tweets

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