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#Iraq: @AdilAbdAlMahdi was given total freedom to select his team in the future government, free from non-qualified individuals and non-corrupted candidates.
Of course, the new PM will have to take into consideration all political parties. These can present names of candidates +
If names are inadequate or considered unsuitable by @AdilAbdAlMahdi, he will ask for more names and again more names until he is satisfied. That was the deal.

The new PM @AdilAbdAlMahdi has reconciled with Nuri al-Maliki a couple of days ago. Al-Maliki was unhappy for his party (Da'wa) to lose the position of PM due to the #USA support to Haidar Abadi following his overt manifestation to "abide by US unilateral sanctions on Iran".
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BREAKING - Likely #Israel airstrikes just hit a scientific research center - reportedly linked to the SSRC - in #Latakia.

#Assad regime air defenses were allegedly activated in multiple provinces: #Latakia, #Tartus, #Homs & #Hama.
Mabrouk #Assad - your invincible air defenses shot down an aircraft!

... a #Russia IL-20 reconnaissance plane was shot down over #Syria tonight - amid #Israel airstrikes in #Latakia.


Tonight’s developments vis-a-vis #Israel & Russia are a pretty big deal.

It would seem #Israel may have acted without giving #Moscow prior warning = big challenge to their prior arrangement.

Or, #Russia did know, but got attacked by their errant ally in #Damascus = humiliating.
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Iranian militias in #Syria
By the beginning of 2012, with the increasing peaceful demonstrations the #IRGC began to feel the danger to the regime of its ally Assad and the major schisms within the #Assad army. Opposition sources estimate the number of dissidents at 150,000.1/12
Because of Assad's field losses, Tehran gave orders to #Hezbollah terrorist militia to conduct military intervention to save #Assad. It was the first direct military presence of the militia in southern #Damascus and the vicinity of Damascus International Airport.2/12
#Iran #USA
Over time, the #IRGC has established a number of trained, financially and militarily supported militias from #Tehran that are spread over a number of Syrian provinces from #Aleppo to #Daraa.3/12
#Iran #Syria #USA #Israel #IDF #Russia
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Profile for al-Komeet Forces: a #Tiger_Forces "storming unit" from Tartous led by Firas Issa (pic 1).

Group is approx company-sized (~80 men) and is the *only* known TF unit fighting IS in south Syria (now moving to Lajat).
Al-Komeet is particularly interesting bc they have close ties to both #Hezbollah and Bustan Association.

While Tigers fought IS in Reef #Aleppo in Jan 2017, al-Komeet was fighting in #Qaryatayn w/ #Hezbollah & al-Rashashat Battalion of the Bustan Association.
Firas & al-Komeet also fought with #Hezbollah in #Boukamal #DeirEzZor in Dec 2017 (pic) and likely w/ them in #Suwayda now where they cont to operate alongside Bustan’s al-Rashashat Battalion.
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Thread Upsum
#IRGC and #Hezbollah have trained hundreds of #SDF fighters who will be joining the #SAA offensive on the W. #Aleppo - #Saraqeb Axis. The deal was forged in August and immediately put to work.
It began back in July when an #SDF delegation met Gen. Ali Mamlouk in #Damascus. His coterie included the #SAA Coordination officer with #Iran-ian forces. He berated the SDF for dealing with Americans, called them “US agents” and asked them to "show loyalty" to #Syria.
Then, negotiations began when #SDF offered to take part in the forthcoming #Idlib offensive, as a way of building trust between both parties. In return, the #SAA would have to back up their claim for #Afrin. The idea sounded agreeable and tweaks began.
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#EXCLUSIVE | #Iran's secret weapons-smuggling air route to #Lebanon revealed by intel sources @FoxNews
#Qeshm Fars Air, an Iranian civil aviation company, is suspected of smuggling arms into #Lebanon, destined for the militant group #Hezbollah and #Iranian weapons factories.
On July 9, involved a #Boeing 747 that departed from an air force base in #Tehran, stopped for a short layover at the international airport in #Damascus, #Syria,
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Twelveth anniversary of the divine victory. #Lebanon #Hezbollah #Israel
Here he is. #Nasrallah
The crowd is chanting 'Abu Hadi'.
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Preparations appear to be underway for a pro-#Assad offensive on #Idlib.

12hrs of on/off air & artillery strikes vs. southeastern & western #Idlib & northern #Hama - see marks on map (original by @ETANA_Syria + my additions).

+ multiple large pro-regime convoys moving north.
@ETANA_Syria #pt: If/when any major military campaign gets underway, expect the #Assad regime (+ #Russia & #Iran-backed militias) to focus on these 2 fronts:

1) West #Idlib (Jisr al-Shughour)
2) N. #Hama/#SE #Idlib (Latamineh, Khan Sheikhoun, Kafrazita)

-> a gradual push ‘inland’ & north.
@ETANA_Syria Very good by @theIRC’s @DMiliband:

- The West must “re-assert” itself & protect civilians in NW #Syria & as a backstop, safe-routes should be opened for civilians to flee into #Turkey.

- UNSC must demand full access to S #Syria; for aid, monitoring etc.…
Read 83 tweets
Thread on Iranian diplomats playing hands-on roles in acts of terrorism & assassination plots across Europe, from my new @CTCWP Sentinel piece on "Iran's Deadly Diplomats" @WashInstitute 👇
2. According to German prosecutors, Assadollha Assadi was no run-of-the-mill diplomat but an Iranian intelligence officer operating under diplomatic cover.
3. In a statement, prosecutors tied Assadi to Iran’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), whose tasks “primarily include the intensive observation and combatting of opposition groups inside and outside Iran
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Acc. to @BarakRavid sources, #Russia has told #Israel that it'll seek to force #Iran 100km away from #Israeli-held 1974 #Golan line.

That means all territory west of the red line on map (L).

= A truly wild fantasy.

Look where #Iran is now (R); per @ETANA_Syria:
@BarakRavid @ETANA_Syria #Israel has shot down an #Assad regime Sukhoi fighter jet, which took off from T4 Airbase & flew 2km into Israeli airspace.

x2 Patriot SAM missiles were used & multiple messages sent in multiple languages prior to shoot-down.

Another example of #Russia’s value in de-escalation.
@BarakRavid @ETANA_Syria #pt: Just 36hrs ago was #Israel's first operational use of the "David’s Sling" SAM system, used to down #Assad ballistic missiles.

Yesterday, #Russia’s MFA & MOD visited #Jerusalem to firm-up their security arrangements with #Israel.

I wrote that #Moscow is incapable - clearly.
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An Egyptian al-Qaeda foreign Fighter based in #Idlib, telling Syrians from Fua and Kfarya there is no place for you in #Syria: is this what the world and MSM supported for 7 Years?
Fua and Kfarya evacuation was completed following #Turkey, the guarantor, intervention putting pressure on Jihadists to release the 900 detained.
#Damascus released additional 250 prisoners to compensate the 700 who refused to go to #Idlib.

Jihadists ignored the presence of 6 #Hezbollah commanders/trainers in the last busses held among the 900 inhabitants of Fua and Fkarya. These were responsible for creating a defence plan since 2015, preventing Jihadists from occupying besieged cities.

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Top international adviser to #Iran's SP Ali Akbar Velayati speaking @ValdaiClub now:says term #MiddleEast is British concept, he'd rather use West Asia/North Africa,argues due to #US influence some countries seek to play greater regional role (than they can)
Velayati:*throughout history external powers sought to dominate Mideast, #US no exception here, #Libya, #Somalia brought manifestations of western FP,#Trump seeks to undermine region,he wants to partition #Syria as they did w/ 🇱🇾 & #Iraq - bith once big, important states
Velayati: New element is after Islamic Revolution #Iran able to conduct policies independent of Western states, this is real reason why #US seeks to counter IRN.But if ot were not for #Russia & IRN, Leader of Nusra would be ruling today in #Damascus, head of #ISIS-in #Baghdad.
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New evergreen Tweet? "Netanyahu asks Putin to remove #Iran's forces from #Syria."

@AcrossTheBay @JSchanzer & I describe the stakes & provide policy options in @FDD's "Controlled Chaos: The Escalation of Conflict between #Israel & Iran in War-Torn Syria"…
The need for our new report and recommendations therein is best summed up two maps indicating today's developments in #Syria:
It's a few hours after Putin & Netanyahu met in #Moscow to discuss the removal of #Iran from #Syria. #Israel responded to the UAV that crossed into its airspace from Syria with strikes at 3 military posts near its border.
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1-The #Awan Brothers.
I haven’t followed the story closely, so I am no expert in the matter. I am just going to give you the highlights along with some sources of information for you to investigate.
But here is what I have:
2-Four brothers: Abid, Jamal, Rao and Imran Awan performed IT for the members of the House of Representatives & were abruptly fired on suspicion that they accessed congressional computers without permission. Hina Alvi, Imram Awan’s wife is also involved &likely a second wife too
3-According to various sources, they stole a bunch of equipment, which is the least of the problem. They have access to a lot of classified information, including war on terrorism and what not. What did they do with that information?
Read 26 tweets
Time has come for the serious confrontation with #ISIS "soldiers of the Caliphate" in Quneitra (Jaish Khaled bin al Waleed) bordering the occupied Golan heights as the Syrian Army, Hezbollah & allies reached the territory occupied by the group as part of south #Syria liberation.
#Damascus soldiers & allies are aware of the necessity of this inevitable battle that is supposed to begin as soon as the preparation of attack from different fronts is completed. This can be achieved when more territories under Nusra and FSA are cleared.

90 cities & villages and 27 border positions are liberated in south #Syria in the provinces of Suweida and #Daraa.

Syrian Army is on the borders, once again, with #Israel and the occupied territory.

Israel T4 attack last night is an insignificant move.

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The Syrian Army agreed with the Russian suggesting to ship all Syrians refusing to reconcile with the government to #Idlib: green busses (or whatever colour it is going to be) are prepared to go to #Daraa #Syria.
Over 100 busses are reaching #Daraa to carry over 1500 Jabhat al-Nusra aka Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and their families who rather stay under Turkish control the north of #Syria.

The #Damascus-Amman road is clear and safe now and Naseeb crossing is expected to reopen soon.
Syrian Army is clearing up east of #Daraa where the Russian Military police is tasking position.
The enormous quantity of weapons recovered by the Syrian army is filling up the army's warehouses, thanks to Arab and the west generous donations to Jihadists

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As expected, the #Assad regime - supported by #Russia & yes, #Iran-backed militias - is well into a pre-planned offensive vs. opposition-held areas in S/SW #Syria.

= Violating de-escalation zone agreement & with little/no word/response from the opposition’s foreign backers.
#pt: At least one pro-#Assad Shia militia group overtly backed by #Iran/#IRGC -- Liwa Zulfiqar -- has publicly proclaimed its ongoing role in the offensive in south #Syria.

No word or response from #Israel, as yet.

[via @hadialbahra]
@hadialbahra #pt: The U.S’s impotent role in #Syria has again been revealed for all to see & exploit…

June 21: @StateDept threatens “serious repercussions” for any offensive in the south.

June 23: @USEmbassyJordan tells FSA 'we don’t have your back' [via @AbuJamajem]

June 25-27: Silence.
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If the #USA is worried about south #Syria ops it means the establishment is afraid of #SAA's success. Obviously, #SAA took eastern Ghouta with 35K jihadists and the south today has with 20k-25k jihadists & FSA and the geography is much easier.
Actually, the #USA has nothing to do in the south of #Syria. the area is not part of US national security nor it affects #US citizens or interest. It is #Israel that is extremely worried about #SAA regaining demarcation line with #IDF.

#Israel is aware #SAA and its #NDF have gained enough experience and is afraid the long 30-40 years of "peace on the borders" is over: #Damascus next step after the war will be the #GolanHeights, an area rich of oil and exploited by #US companies.

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Somalia, Pakistan? No, It's Toronto, Canada.

The "refugees" our globalist "progressive" left media & corrupt government push. Islamic economic migrants at Al Quds Day "protesting" They glorify Hamas & Hezbollah.

Terrorism at our expense. #cdnpoli…
Sheikh Shafiq Huda of the Islamic Humanitarian Service calling for eradication of America Israel UK at Toronto Al Qud's Day

B'nai Brith Canada filing complaint w TO police. #cdnpoli #IslamicState #Hezbollah #Hamas #TrudeauMustGo…

Newly Elected Conservative Ontario Premier Doug Ford Took Correct & Strong Stand Against Al Qud's Day.

Quite refreshing after over a decade of progressives willfully complicit.

Al Qud's Day inaugurated by Iranian dictator Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979.

#cdnpoli #DougFord #Hamas
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Yesterday late afternoon #Russia/n forces took 3 positions in Qusseyr and Juseh and established checkpoints. #Hezbollah, not informed of the Russian presence, came close to these forces and asked their immediate pull out+
Following the direct intervention of President Bashar al-Assad, the Russian force pulled out this morning and avoided any clash with #Hezbollah in the area.

hezbollah maantin and kept all positions. The #Russia/n move was not coordinated.+

#Hezbollah did not...I repeat, did not pull out one single element from the area.

I spoke to people on the ground: The Russian decision was unclear and considered unwelcome by the forces on the ground. Still, many elements of this move are unclear.

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Humanitarian Wars for democracy and freedom are false and lying - 13

The so-called "moderate rebels"

#Syria #WarCrimes #FakeNews #lies #terrorism #aggression #Hypocrisy #FalseFlag #bastards #IillegalWar #Criminals #CriminalDamage #DoubleStandard #ModerateRebels
What was the UN created for?
What was the United Nations charter created for?
What were human rights associations created for?
What was the International Criminal Court created for?

Enough of double standars and hypocrisy. Enough is enough.
If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.”
- Julian Assange -
Read 253 tweets
#Iran has obviously not fully considered #Russia. Russia does not want a war between #Israel and #Iran in #Syria. So the Russians are now trying to mediate between the two nations. Russia has too much at stake in Syria. #SyriaStrikes #middleeast #tcot #ccot
#War between #Iran and #Syria would draw the #UnitedStatesOfAmerica into the fight and that would be a disaster for #Russia. Believe it or not, Russia does not want to tangle militarily with the US or Israel in Syria. #SyriaStrikes #middleeast #tcot #ccot
Scenario 1:
#Iran will launch another strike but it may come from #Hezbollah in #Lebanon or #Hamas in #Gaza. Or it could be another attack from #Syria into #Israel. My guess is that it will be a #terrorattack. #SyriaStrikes #middleeast #tcot #ccot #airstrike
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Some quick thoughts: It looks like #Israel initiated military activity against Syrian regime and Iranian assets in Syria last night in order to take advantage of favorable political situation in aftermath of #Trump's withdrawal from #IranDeal, and also... /2
/2 to draw a red line against #Iran/#Hezbollah moves southward toward #GolanHeights now that regime has completed takeover of most Damascus suburbs, freeing up forces. Yet the Iranians don't seem to be responding, Israeli claims to the contrary - .../3
3/ or at least not with the ferocity that would enable an even stronger Israeli riposte. Moreover, Israel is constrained by #Russia's two principal red lines: Syrian regime preservation, and no harm to Russian assets and personnel..../4
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Just to state the obvious: This is largest confrontation between #Israel and #Syria since 1973; the first time #Iran and the IRGC themselves launched missiles at #Israel. Expect even more.
With all the targeting in Damascus #Syria, expect #Israel to go after the main IRGC headquarters near the Damascus Airport. Around 1,000 IRGC tend to be stationed there, along with senior leadership.
Suggestion: If you thought what the US did in response to the April CW attack in #Syria was strong, fasten your seat belts.
Read 24 tweets

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