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#US Senator Dick Black speaking to reporters at a #SAA position in #Aleppo: "Beyond this dividing line is Al Qaeda. They keep changing names, but it is Al Qaeda, the same group that did 9/11." He also proceeds to praise the Syrian soldier who is observing the enemy.
Senator Black on #HTS terrorists: "This is their final stand here in Idlib province. This is a very good time for us, for anyone who cares about terrorism. We have been fighting the War on Terror for 17 years with nothing to show, but the Syrian army has them cornered."
"The Syrian army cares very much about casualties, considering that what we have here is urban combat, a very brutal type of combat."

Senator Richard Black, ladies and gentlemen.
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Thread Upsum
#IRGC and #Hezbollah have trained hundreds of #SDF fighters who will be joining the #SAA offensive on the W. #Aleppo - #Saraqeb Axis. The deal was forged in August and immediately put to work.
It began back in July when an #SDF delegation met Gen. Ali Mamlouk in #Damascus. His coterie included the #SAA Coordination officer with #Iran-ian forces. He berated the SDF for dealing with Americans, called them “US agents” and asked them to "show loyalty" to #Syria.
Then, negotiations began when #SDF offered to take part in the forthcoming #Idlib offensive, as a way of building trust between both parties. In return, the #SAA would have to back up their claim for #Afrin. The idea sounded agreeable and tweaks began.
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Explosions happened in Mazzeh AB south of #Damascus
Its not yet cleat if they are caused by an air strikes
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THREAD: #SAA will soon launch #IdlibDawn operation to eliminate militants' presence in #Idlib, #Latakia, #Hama & W #Aleppo CS w/in green area (6,222 km^2).

Map shows vital targets, strategic mountain ranges & locations of #TAF/ #TSK military “observation” posts. #Syria 1️⃣
2️⃣ During FIRST stages of #IdlibDawn OP, #SAA will probably focus on 3 main axes:

1st: NW/W #Aleppo CS
2nd: N #Hama CS
3rd: NE #Latakia CS

#TAF presence will be seriously taken into account (as long as its existence); expecting certain pressure/isolation of #TSK posts.
3️⃣ FIRST AXIS; NW/W #Aleppo CS

Possible #SAA movements to secure #Anadan Plain & W Aleppo suburbs, forcing militants (#NLF) retreat towards Jabal Sem’an.

PS: The #TAF/ #TSK’s “Anadan” post is hereby bypassed from eastern axes. #Syria #IdlibDawn
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With #Daraa & #Quneitra province under full control. #SAA turn their eyes on N.W. #Syria : In the next days army will launch a new operation ( #IdlibDawn ) in order to liberate the remaining areas of #Latakia , #Hama , #Idlib & W. #Aleppo & eliminate #HTS rule (Dark green) (1)
Due to the extension of the frontlines (273 Km) & rebel control area (6428 Km^2) operation will be carried out in more than one phase & 4 different axis:
- #Latakia: #SAA 4th division objetive is expell rebels from their last areas of Latakia until outskirts of Jish Shugour (2)
-Ghab plains: #SAA objetive is the liberation of N.W. #Hama (especially Qalaat al-Madiq) & enter in the first parts of Zawiyah mountains for the future Jish Shugour battle
-North Hama: #SAA will open this axis in order to reduce most of #Hama salient (Morek is not included) (3)
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1.#WhiteHelmet leader #RaedSaleh - "WH saved Omran's brother (presume Ali), kept him hospital for months until he recovered" #FakeNews. Ali died 2 days after Orman,s image went viral RIP. Perhaps someone shld update Saleh? @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT
2. #WhiteHelmet leader #RaedSaleh claims Mohammed Daqneesh (Omran father) was forced to criticise WH & terrorists after pressure fm Syrian Govt. #FakeNews WH exploited Omran's story via their PR agencies & media partners to lobby 4 Nobel Peace Prize. @Underground_RT Links below.
3. "The Other Omran" - "23-year-old Ahmad was the first to be placed on the orange seat before smaller and cuter Omran was seen emerging from the debris and the White Helmets seized Omran and evicted Ahmad. "… @Underground_RT
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1. #WhiteHelmets basics! 1. 'NGO' #Fake financed by majority of regime change govts UK/US-led. 2. 'Impartial' #Fake Muslim Brotherhood, sectarian group as admitted by James Le Mesurier himself. 3. 'Paramedics' #Fake procedures hve been severely criticised by experts
2. #WhiteHelmets basics! 4. 'Humanitarians' #Fake participated in & mopped up terrorist executions of #Syrian civilians & #SAA POWs in violation of all Geneva Convention rules of war. 5. 'Unarmed' #Fake see dozens of images of WH carrying arms recently (not in past as claimed)
3. #WhiteHelmets basics! 6. 'No terrorist connections' #Fake over 65 WH identitified having ties to hardcore extremist & terrorist groups, hundreds more to "moderate" extremists. Leadership demonstrate allegiance to Nusra Front etc. WH praised 3 times by Nusra Front #AlQaeda.
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In 2015 after fall of #Palmyra #ISIS quickly came through gates of #Damascus and #Suwayda but they focused on #Qalamoun. After 2016, #FSA near Jordanian border started to attack to ISIS and gained ground through early 2017.
When #SAA was planning massive offensive to capture whole #ISIS areas in the center and east of country. #FSA in #Qalamun and near Jordanian border attacks to ISIS and try to open supply line for the besieged Qalamun pocket.
#ISIS was pulling back these areas quickly. They did same in June 2016. They fallback near al Tanf and Iraqi border. Rebels with US Spec Ops attacked #AbuKamal under US-led Coaltion Air Support.
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Journalist on the ground in #Syria confirm all busses (121) that evacuated 6900 civilians and militants from Fua and Kfarya arrived safely to gov controlled area.

Many busses, according to eye witness, have been stoned (broken glasses).
In exchange pop Fuas and Kfarya, Jihadists and prisoners (1500) crossed in direction of #Idlib, the biggest concentration of Jihadists and militants evacuated from all over #Syria and under Turkish controlled zone.
#Russia managed to satisfy #Damascus and #Tehran will to free Fua and Kfarya without a fight.

Assad wanted to push #SAA in direction of Fua and Kfarya (sieged since April 2015) at the beginning of this year but #Moscow asked him to be patience.

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Time has come for the serious confrontation with #ISIS "soldiers of the Caliphate" in Quneitra (Jaish Khaled bin al Waleed) bordering the occupied Golan heights as the Syrian Army, Hezbollah & allies reached the territory occupied by the group as part of south #Syria liberation.
#Damascus soldiers & allies are aware of the necessity of this inevitable battle that is supposed to begin as soon as the preparation of attack from different fronts is completed. This can be achieved when more territories under Nusra and FSA are cleared.

90 cities & villages and 27 border positions are liberated in south #Syria in the provinces of Suweida and #Daraa.

Syrian Army is on the borders, once again, with #Israel and the occupied territory.

Israel T4 attack last night is an insignificant move.

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PRESSER: #Russia's FM #Lavrov & #Jordan/ian FM Safadi:
1. Say they're satisfiedd w/ "close & useful interaction" over #Syria both in trilateral format (w/ #US in Amman) & via Astana where Jordan is observer.
Lavrov says #Rus appreciates JRD mediation b/n #SAA&opposition militants
2. #Lavrov, #Safadi discussed "some concrete measures of how to address issue of #Syria/n refugees in #Jordan."
Both reinforced need to comply w/ trilateral agreements over SW de-escalation zone,including,Lavrov stressed,"part on fight w/ #ISIS, #HTS that control 40% of the area"
3.#Lavrov said the SW zone "remains a priority" since as terrorists get driven out,conditions will be created for return of refugees,incl those based now in #Jordan.
#Moscow insists broad international coop needed to restore #Syria's infrastructure,create jobs...
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#Israel should be happy to have the Syrian Army back on the borders in Assuweida-Daraa-Quneitra as it was the case for thirty odd years without any significant incident,rather than protecting uncontrollable salafi-Wahhabi radicals who can wake up from one day two another & attack
The war in Syria is almost over: #ISIS will continue attacking (with no strategic purposes like in #Iraq), #Idlib and al-Hasaka are considered under occupation forces. Now the Syrian government can call for general elections any time in liberated #Syria

The last remaining pocket is expected to fall slowly but surely. It might take some time after the US-Russia summit next month to agree on removing #ISIS (Jaish Khaled bin al-waleed) from Quneitra.

Civilians living in #Idlib will think carefully.

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S. #Syria: Battle for #Nasib border crossing is over on 10th day of Offensive. Amidst Rebel collapse in NE. #Daraa, situation is quickly evolving everywhere & many towns about to surrender.
#Pt. Preliminary map with confirmed and semi-confirmed towns accepting surrender through reconciliation. #Daraa - S. #Syria.
#Pt. Situation changed quickly. Gatherings in support of #SAA (Assad) in many towns of #Daraa province after days of unprecedented bombardment. Video from Dael. S. #Syria.…
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As expected, the #Assad regime - supported by #Russia & yes, #Iran-backed militias - is well into a pre-planned offensive vs. opposition-held areas in S/SW #Syria.

= Violating de-escalation zone agreement & with little/no word/response from the opposition’s foreign backers.
#pt: At least one pro-#Assad Shia militia group overtly backed by #Iran/#IRGC -- Liwa Zulfiqar -- has publicly proclaimed its ongoing role in the offensive in south #Syria.

No word or response from #Israel, as yet.

[via @hadialbahra]
@hadialbahra #pt: The U.S’s impotent role in #Syria has again been revealed for all to see & exploit…

June 21: @StateDept threatens “serious repercussions” for any offensive in the south.

June 23: @USEmbassyJordan tells FSA 'we don’t have your back' [via @AbuJamajem]

June 25-27: Silence.
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MAP: After eliminating #Lajat salient, #SAA enters new phase by capturing Nahitah & securing Sama Hunaydat towns, seeking to secure its Daraa salient (through Khirbat Ghazalah) by clearing eastern #Daraa CS. #OpBasalt 1+
MAP: #SAA captures Maliha Sharqiyah, Maliha Gharbiyah, Rakham & 52nd Armoured Brigade from militant groups, activating Khirbat Ghazalah front by securing 42nd Air Defense Battalion in NE #Daraa CS. #Syria #OpBasalt
1700 H (EEST): An exclusive source confirms to @ArabianaINTEL that Al-Herak & Al-Sourah towns are still under militants control, despite some reports/maps claiming their liberation by #SAA. #Daraa #Syria

PS: ‘Alma has been fully captured by SAA moments ago. #OpBasalt
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Thread on #Daraa offensive, will be updating daily news, #SAA advances, losses & the mood surrounding it.
1.#SAA continues advance in North West Sweida & North East #Daraa after several days of heavy bombardment.
2. Breaking : #SAA now in control of Howsh Hamada in North East #Daraa after fierce clashes.
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If the #USA is worried about south #Syria ops it means the establishment is afraid of #SAA's success. Obviously, #SAA took eastern Ghouta with 35K jihadists and the south today has with 20k-25k jihadists & FSA and the geography is much easier.
Actually, the #USA has nothing to do in the south of #Syria. the area is not part of US national security nor it affects #US citizens or interest. It is #Israel that is extremely worried about #SAA regaining demarcation line with #IDF.

#Israel is aware #SAA and its #NDF have gained enough experience and is afraid the long 30-40 years of "peace on the borders" is over: #Damascus next step after the war will be the #GolanHeights, an area rich of oil and exploited by #US companies.

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#SUWEIDA: #SAA captures “Mushayrifah School” & “Rahbat Mushayrifah” on Khirbat Al-Umbashi axis during a new operation to eliminate #ISIS cells adjacent to As-Safa volcanic plateau…
BREAKING: #SAA, #SSNP advance 12 km deep into #Suweida desert on Khirbat Al-Umbashi axis, capture “Mushayrifah” hills which overlook Umbashi road amid total #ISIS collapse. #Syria
BREAKING: #SAA, #SSNP capture Wādī ‘Ar’Ar & Rasm Al-Hatitah on Tal Safa - Al-Qasr axis in #Suweida desert from #ISIS. #Suweida #Syria
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Humanitarian Wars for democracy and freedom are false and lying - 13

The so-called "moderate rebels"

#Syria #WarCrimes #FakeNews #lies #terrorism #aggression #Hypocrisy #FalseFlag #bastards #IillegalWar #Criminals #CriminalDamage #DoubleStandard #ModerateRebels
What was the UN created for?
What was the United Nations charter created for?
What were human rights associations created for?
What was the International Criminal Court created for?

Enough of double standars and hypocrisy. Enough is enough.
If wars can be started by lies, they can be stopped by truth.”
- Julian Assange -
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Thread: Over the Last 24 hours a series of events have led to a dangerously escalating situation between #Israel, #Iran & #Syria
1/ #Trump withdraws from #IranNuclearDeal
2/ #Israel Instantly activates bomb Shelters in Golan Heights
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1/ Important Development: After weeks of intense fighting in #YarmoukCamp in South #Damascus an agreement has been reached between #HTS (Nusra) & #SAA for militants to leave, deal includes #Fua & #Kafraya, #ISIS are not involved

Here's the full story:
2. #HTS controlled areas of the #Yarmouk will surrender fully as the agreement for them to leave is set to come into effect tomorrow morning
3. #HTS Militants & their families are set to be deported to #Idleb, where there is a strong #HTS presence
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Update from T4 airbase just attacked by missiles/strikes in East #Homs
1. Over 20 missiles landed in and around the Airbase
2. 8 were reportedly intercepted by Syrian air defenses
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Important: Here's how the Russian brokered deal to evacuate #Douma involving #SAA & Jaysh al Islam (JAI) went sour, paving the way for a widespread military operation today in the last trapped rebel enclave in East #Ghouta
31. Within 48 hours the deal should be completed, which draws to a close the Russian backed #SAA operation to retake the whole of Eastern #Ghouta
32. Buses enter #Douma just now to start process of taking JAI to #Jarablus under terms of agreement
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SHORT THREAD: #SkripalCase & #Syria: 1.#Russia's authoritative,yet controversial #MiddleEadt expert Satanovsky known for his ties to #FSB sec service says "#UK's persecution of Russia" has to do w/ serious,underreported development in #Syria that occured shortly before #Salisbury
2.According to him,during operations in #EasternGhouta "actions by #SAA's special force unit (supported by #Russia/ns) led to a group of #UK's special forces ending up trapped in a siege,allegedly near Kafr Batna settlement.
3.The incident occurred few days after another unit of #UK's special forces was captured near Nashabiyah in #EasternGhouta.#London allegedly sought to negotiate their release w/ #Russia via #Oman as a mediator.#Moscow replied it was the jurisdiction of #Syria/n mil authorities.
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