vanessa beeley Profile picture
The pursuit of peace and progress, with its trials and its errors, its successes and its setbacks, can never be relaxed and never abandoned. DH
Phillipa60 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Aug 25, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
1. Via @Temimi_Yusra "Sources in Anbar province this morning - US forces were deployed in province & hve ordered withdrawl of PMFs from all areas. They hve also asked locals to vacate near Al Qaim,Taji, Ain al Assad & Airport 35, as they officially start to build bases" 2. "Witnesses say US planes were heard arriving throughout last night. In Al-Qaim, US airstrikes on borders btwn 11pm-8am "targeting ISIS" or locals believe - Hashd, Hezbollah inside #Syria." Via @Temimi_Yusra
Aug 25, 2018 6 tweets 6 min read
1. Staging of chemical attack in #Idlib reportedly prepped by Olive Grp who James Le Mesurier used to work for, founder of #WhiteHelmets, OG merged wth Constellis in 2015 who hve Blackwater in portfolio.… 2. "In May 2015, Olive Group merged with Constellis Holdings, portfolio includes Academi, previously the notorious Blackwater Group. [..]Post 9/11, Bush enabled the CIA to subcontract assassinations allegedly targeting Al Qaeda operatives - Blackwater"…
Aug 13, 2018 21 tweets 5 min read
SEXUAL VIOLENCE AND EXPLOITATION: Unbelievable 2002 report released by UK Parliament after 16 yrs - sexual violence/exploitation of refugee & displaced children by "aid workers" "peacekeepers" in Liberia, Guinea, Sierra Leone. Horrifying reading.… "“Agency workers from local and international NGOs as well as UN agencies are among the prime sexual exploiters of refugee children often using the very humanitarian assistance and services intended to benefit refugees as a tool of exploitation."
Aug 5, 2018 9 tweets 10 min read
1.#WhiteHelmet leader #RaedSaleh - "WH saved Omran's brother (presume Ali), kept him hospital for months until he recovered" #FakeNews. Ali died 2 days after Orman,s image went viral RIP. Perhaps someone shld update Saleh? @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT 2. #WhiteHelmet leader #RaedSaleh claims Mohammed Daqneesh (Omran father) was forced to criticise WH & terrorists after pressure fm Syrian Govt. #FakeNews WH exploited Omran's story via their PR agencies & media partners to lobby 4 Nobel Peace Prize. @Underground_RT Links below.
Aug 4, 2018 18 tweets 15 min read
1. #WhiteHelmets basics! 1. 'NGO' #Fake financed by majority of regime change govts UK/US-led. 2. 'Impartial' #Fake Muslim Brotherhood, sectarian group as admitted by James Le Mesurier himself. 3. 'Paramedics' #Fake procedures hve been severely criticised by experts 2. #WhiteHelmets basics! 4. 'Humanitarians' #Fake participated in & mopped up terrorist executions of #Syrian civilians & #SAA POWs in violation of all Geneva Convention rules of war. 5. 'Unarmed' #Fake see dozens of images of WH carrying arms recently (not in past as claimed)
Jul 22, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
1. Just did an interview on Al Mayadeen and this is what I learned from the other guests in Damascus and Jordan about #WhiteHelmet exodus from S. #Syria : 2. Out of the alleged 800 White Helmets who were given "exceptional assistance" by Israel - only 442 have actually arrived in the camps in Jordan.
Jul 12, 2018 9 tweets 5 min read
1. Has Syria Direct uncovered plans for staged chemical weapon provocation in #Hasaka? Ad appeared in Syrian Observer & FB pages, NGOs for volunteers 4 "documentary". Families, women, children preferred. Apply on WhatsApp. Syria Direct applied. @RenieriArts @21WIRE 2. Advert also appeared on "opposition" sites. SD applied under name of Latifa wth children - Location nr Assad camp under control of US military. Applicants were told they wld be 'victims of tragedy' & 'simulate overdose frm pills & have make-up applied'. @RenieriArts
Jul 8, 2018 6 tweets 5 min read
U.K Govt bombed #Syria based on "alleged" chemical attack in #Douma - now #OPCW has almost ruled out presence of "chemicals" (except traces of "chlorine" elements) at scene of alleged attack in #EasternGhouta. Does May stand trial for violation of intl law? Media - tumbleweed? 9th April: Statement by Ambassador Karen Pierce, UK Permanent Representative to the UN, at Security Council session on the use of chemical weapons by Syria in Douma. ⬇️⬇️RUSH TO JUDGEMENT.
Apr 19, 2018 6 tweets 6 min read
of #BBCTrending "online activists pushing conspiracy theories" - I have responded fm on the ground in #Syria so I would suggest Wendling is the "online activist" pushing UK FCO conspiracy theories to secure regime change in #Syria. My response in full ⬇️@21WIRE initial email: 1. "My team is currently preparing a report on influential social media commentators on the Syrian conflict and recent alleged chemical weapons attack, to be published on the BBC News website. " @PiersRobinson1 @21WIRE
Mar 3, 2018 6 tweets 3 min read
#Syria conflict has more "4 minute men & women" manufacturing consent 4 NATO intervention than Pres. Wilson had in lead up to US involvement in WW1. Also worth noting, candidate Wilson also said "no war" as did candidate #Trump. #WhiteHelmet r modern day salesmen of death.…