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Oct 9th 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump has accepted the resignation of Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador.

My gut tells me an even bigger story will develop.

Rest assured #Iran's regime is terrified about who Trump/Pompeo will appoint as their new envoy.…
Amb. Nikki Haley spoke six months ago with President Donald Trump about the subject of resigning.
Will be staying at this post until the end of the year.
Amb. Nikki Haley saying she will be campaigning for President Trump in 2020.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 21st 2018
My goodness: here's a prime example of policy advocacy on #Syria based either on ignorance, or [hopefully not] malign intent.

This is *riddled* with inaccuracy & misinformation.

@steelejourno says the West should force an opposition surrender in #Syria:…
@steelejourno #pt: @steelejourno says the US, UK & #France are “less honorable” in seeking to delay #Syria & #Russia’s “success” in regaining territory.

- They seek to enable a meaningful political process, in which there’s an opposition entity to sit at the table. I’d say that is honorable.
@steelejourno #pt: Here, @steelejourno says UK, US, France & "Gulf Arab monarchies” want ceasefires to protect rebels, not civilians.

In #Idlib, nothing could be further from the truth. None of those countries have *any* ties to rebel groups in #Idlib, who only equal ~0.5% of the population.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 21st 2018
In order to understand the #Idlib “de-escalation agreement”, one must understand the nature of relationship between #Putin & #Erdogan. Best to think of both leaders as being engaged right now. Not yet in a full marriage but neither is ready to walk away from each other just yet=>
2-Engagements don’t last forever. They either end in marriage or in walking away for good. This engagement phase will be tested over the coming months as Erdogan is expected to deliver on promises he made to his partner.
3-Naturally, Syrian Leadership is watching this engagement phase very closely. The base case scenario in Damascus appears to expect Erdogan to experience significant challenges in delivering on the promises he made to his partner. The coming few months will prove to be decisive
Read 3 tweets
Sep 19th 2018
Excellent write-up by J. Flores at FRN on Russia going along with western narrative over the IL-20 jet downed on Monday.
That French frigate Auvergne shot down the plane is a long shot, but #NATO wanting to sever #Russia#France ties is nothing new.…
Summing up the facts that led to, and followed, the downing of a Russian IL-20 plane.

1/ #NATO has strongly opposed the #Idlib campaign from #Syria & #Russia, warning a response to a chemical attack and then – to secure an escalation – on any attack.…
2/ One #NATO member also strongly opposed to the #Idlib campaign, but for all different reasons: #Turkey reinforced its backed rebels in Idlib with support (after striking out the #HTS on its books) and weapons.…
Read 17 tweets
Sep 18th 2018
Thread on status of Syrian Opposition post the "demilitarized zone" agreement in #Idlib . Thus far, most commentary has regarded the deal as a win for the Opp since risk of imminent strike on the province has been avoided. But is this deal really a positive for opp? Answer: No=>
2-Let's step back first. This is an Opp that was formed with goal of toppling the State (diplomatic language of Geneva process called it political transition). Nothing short of above was acceptable to this opp. As of yesterday, mere avoidance of strikes is now seen as a win
3-Let's not also forget that from early days of Geneva's political transition talks, the only political activity left now is an attempt to establish constitutional committee. All else has been shelved. Now that we established the general status of the opp, let's discuss this deal
Read 7 tweets
Sep 18th 2018
Couple of tweets re the Putin/Erdogan “demilitarisation” deal on #Idlib:
1. The Syrian regime army is depleted to the point of collapse. Without Russia/Hezbollah support they couldn’t advance against Turkish-backed and properly armed rebels…
2. A lot of hyperbole around about Idlib being controlled by al-Qaeda. This BBC explainer is quite good on the balance of forces there:… But need to add that Turkey & HTS are not friends - Turkey wants this deal for leverage against HTS, who it can’t contol
Read 10 tweets
Sep 17th 2018
Thread listing Preliminary observations on the announcement of the “Demilitarized Zone” in #Idlib today: What does it mean for Turkey, Russia, Damascus and the armed groups? What is the likely risk/reward calculus for each party? What should we expect going forward? ===>
2– Let’s recap what we seem to know first: A zone 9-12 miles long would be established by Oct. 15. It would contain no heavy weapons or extreme elements of the insurgency (al-Qaeda-linked militants). It would be be patrolled by Turkish and Russian forces
3-First critical point to note is whether this deal will end up securing the highway that passes through Idlib and links the north and south of the country under Govt control together. This was of course one of the strategic aims of Damascus from any #Idlib operation
Read 12 tweets
Sep 17th 2018

#Syria #Idlib postponed until 15 of #Decembre to start with, with a 15km buffer zone and an engagement of #Turkey to disarm Nusra ( or merge it) and neutralise all other jihadists.
#Moscow has accepted to give #Ankara more time (for after the US sanctions really) to sort out #Idlib and the jihadists in the city, defusing the #US intention to bomb #Syria.

So: no job for warmongers for the next couple of months. Find another war.
#turkey wants the #idlib case to be postponed until the constitutional changes and the peace process to kickoff in #Geneva: more time for Idlib and Turkey to sort out its affairs with Syrian proxies.

All here in details:…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 17th 2018
For the record, while everyone seems to believe that the number of civilians in #Idlib is close to 3 million, a Damascus source who has been very prescient in the past believes that the actual number may not exceed 1 million.
2-To suggest that 3 Million civilians live in #Idlib is to suggest:

A-That pre-war housing stock & other infrastructure was able to accommodate double the pre-war population

B-Moreover, safe to assume both housing & infrastructure now nowhere near pre-war conditions/capacity
3-In effect, for #Idlib to host 3 Million now compared to 1.2-1.5 pre-war is to assume either a building boom (not war) or construction of massive camps that would host such massive numbers. Yet to see credible images of such camps or investments in the housing stock
Read 6 tweets
Sep 15th 2018
No force will attack #Idlib in the near future or the next few months. Talking about millions of internally displaced is displaced as they are not going anywhere.

Jihadists proved to have a substantial weight in Idlib by showing off yesterday.

Even Jihadists who became " Turkish proxies moderate rebels" are criticising the showing off of al-Nusra, aka HTS, of its flags and jihadists during yesterday's manifestation in the Turkish controlled area of northern #Syria.
Foreign Fighter the Emir Abu Abdallah al-Iraqi (from #Iraq), Emir of Sheikh Ali and western rural #Aleppo #Syria, has arrested several people who refused to rise al-Nusra (HTS) flag in #Idlib manifestation.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
Once again protests against the #Assad regime have erupted all over rebel-held #Idlib and nortern #Aleppo.

Syrians in the town of #Kafranbel sing "we want freedom!"
#Syria: anti-#Assad protest in the village of al-Ibizmu in western #Aleppo
#Syria: anti-#Assad protest in the town of Darat Izza in western #Aleppo.
Read 24 tweets
Sep 13th 2018
#Siria🇸🇾 13/12/2012
I terroristi delle Milizie Libero invadono i due villaggi cristiani vicini Qunaye e Yacoubiye assaltando gli uffici pubblici uccidendo la polizia e terrorizzando gli abitanti usati scudi umani #Idlib #Sapevatelo #NonViDicono #IdlibLibera
#Siria🇸🇾 Fine 2013
Terroristi #IS prendono il controllo dei villaggi cristiani Qunaye e Yacoubiye rompono le croci delle chiese impediscono il suono delle campane, impongono il velo alle donne e divieto di circolazione ai civili #Idlib #Sapevatelo #NonViDicono #IdlibLibera
#Siria🇸🇾 Dal 2014 sotto l’occupazione dei Terroristi dello Stato Islamico #IS fuggono tanti giovani e famiglie dei villaggi cristiani Qunaye e Yacoubiye e i tagliagola con loro famiglie occupano loro case e terreni #Idlib #Sapevatelo #NonViDicono #IdlibLibera
Read 5 tweets
Sep 12th 2018
1) Back in 2015 #Idlib was Syrian Governement stronghold.
On 24 of March of 2015 a Jiahdist Alliance started their offensive on the city
They called themselves Army of Conquest ( جيش الفتح/Jaish al-Fatah)
map @PetoLucem
Read 12 tweets
Sep 12th 2018
So it seems #Idlib ops (divided into 3 stages) has been moved for a further date, giving me enough time to close the Iraqi news and return to #Syria, soon.
#Turkey failed to integrate al-Nusra, aka Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham, within rebels army (it might succeed at a certain point); failed to isolate al-Qaeda (Hurras el-Deen) & foreign fighters, incl Chinese Uyghur jihadists. So Erdogan turned against the #EU

#Russia refused any negotiation over Jihadists in #Idlib and insisted on Turkey to fulfil its promises or stand down.

Putin is expected to give Erdogan more time by clearing rural Lattakia, rural Hama, rural Aleppo and leave the city of Idlib last.

Read 4 tweets
Sep 12th 2018
Short THREAD on #Russia - #Turkey divergences over #Idlib as seen from #Moscow:
1. In early August I described rationale behind RU positon & that "certain level of understanding reached w/ TUR that there should be no [large-scale] offensive on Idlib [then]"
2.I recently reached out to the same senior RUS diplomat who reiterated #Moscow's bottom-line desire to settle the issue peacefully except for terrorists organization who he argued #Turkey too agreed to fight as part of AStana agreements.Yesterday,RU #Syria envoy Lavrentyev..
3. .alluded to #Russia's growing displease w/ #Ankara's inability to deliver upon its committments in the area that, as Lavrentyev said"is kind of their zone of responsibility."Instead,#Erdogan writing op-eds,trying to enlist support from #West/ern partners over #Idlib which is..
Read 10 tweets
Sep 11th 2018
Erdogan in an op-ed in @WSJ :

“Moderate rebels played a key role in Turkey’s fight against terrorists in Northern #Syria; their assistance and guidance will be crucial in Idlib as well”
2-Erdogan: “Preventing the assault on #Idlib need not set back counter-terrorism efforts. Turkey has succeeded in fighting terrorist groups, including ISIS and the PKK, without harming or displacing civilians”

Notice how he doesn’t include Nusra /al-Qaeda in above group
3- Erdogan: “Turkey’s ability to maintain order in Northern #Syria is proof that a responsible approach to counter-terrorism can win hearts and minds”
Read 7 tweets
Sep 10th 2018
Muhammed Najem was in Ghouta saying the exact same things before Assad liberated that part of Syria from Jihadist "rebels". This teenager is taking selfies for propaganda purposes and shame on Al Jazeera for participating in this.
#Idlib #IdlibDawn #IdlibOffensive
Seriously the #FUKUS coalition and the allied press are recycling the same children to use to manufacture consent for interventionalist wars to defend terrorists from legitimate Syrian forces.

#Syria #Assad #SyrianArmy #Russia…
What a photogenic teenage boy no wonder why they are sending him around to do selfie videos defending the head choppers. Here is one he did for the terrorists in Ghouta before they sent him to Idlib.
Read 18 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
A big part of the Russian-led disinformation campaign surrounding Syria is psychological warfare designed to condition people not to care when Russian/Syrian forces slaughter civilians. One of the main ways this is accomplished is by portraying those targeted as terrorists. 1/
These are just a few examples from this week. Right now, Assad & Putin are targeting #Idlib, which is home to 3 million people, many of whom fled to the province when they were forcibly displaced from their homes. Now they're all being portrayed as terrorists. 2/
Often, Russian govt officials will claim to have knowledge of some "terrorist" plot in the region being targeted, and they use that as an excuse to destroy entire towns and kill, injure and/or displace the civilians who live there. 3/

(More on that: )
Read 6 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
This is a thread confirming once again the duplicity of the White Helmets AND that they are allied to al-Qaeda

8 Sept 2018
"Hass Hospital", Idlib
We're told that White Helmets are trying to evacuate civilians and that several people have been killed
#Thread on "Hass Hospital"

White Helmets tweet that they rescued the injured from "a medical point in the outskirts of Hass" without ANY casualties
#Syria #Idlib
#Thread on "Hass Hospital"

HTS (Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) news channel in Telegram releases a video claiming that Russia's Air Force targeted their field hospital near city of #Hass, near #Idlib
Note: HTS is al-Qaeda in Syria
Read 6 tweets
Sep 9th 2018
We are past the point of no return in #Syria. Not taking direct military action against the Assad regime as it proceeds to carry out its extermination campaign in #Idlib & the rest of Syria, is complicity to genocide and puts us squarely on a direct war path with Russia and Iran.
Pretending that Russia and Iran can be appeased by allowing the #Assad regime to commit genocide in #Syria is a lethal mistake. Striking the Assad regime decisively and militarily will halt the Russian & Iranian war march towards Europe & Mediterranean. Diplomacy has not worked.
We are already at war with Russia + Iran. Pretending that allowing Assad to live is somehow going to change that fact is simpleton nonsense blanketed in immorality masked as "anti-war" sentiments that condone genocide, torture, and the erasure of international law & human rights.
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Sep 8th 2018
Starting another thread on the ongoing Russian disinformation campaign surrounding the White Helmets (@SyriaCivilDef) and more broadly, the current state of affairs in #Idlib.

For reference, here's a link to last week's thread on the same topic.
The narrative being pushed today by the Russian govt is that "terrorists" (or "jihadists") met w/ the White Helmets, a humanitarian org, to finalize a plot to stage a chemical weapons attack on...themselves.

Putin/Assad have made similar claims before launching a chem attack. 2/
Per usual, Russian propaganda channels promptly got to work spreading the disinformation peddled by Russian govt officials. (Important to remember that people are more likely to believe false claims when they hear them from multiple sources.) 3/
Read 8 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
My take-away from #TehranSummit this far is #Russia, #Turkey, #Iran each, by & large, can be satisfied w/ its outcomes. #Moscow & #Tehran realized #Erdogan has bigger assets & higher stakes in #Idlib than, say, in southern #Syria where he let #Assad get the opposition, thus..
..the idea for the summit was to get a deal where all the 3 can secure their bottom-line interests.They didn't fully achieve it since there will be another round of trilateral talks (some time in the future in #Russia) and the parties hope to settle #Idlib issue in #Tehran but..
..(a) #Turkey maintained credibility of the oppoaition (by that good cop-bad cop thing #Erdogan & #Putun played), (b) #Russia got his promise to deal w/ those attacking #Hmeymim (c) #Ankara received time to settle the major task of assorting militants (d)..
Read 4 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
What I remember about President Obama:

- Turning his back on #Iran's 2009 uprising
- Allowing Assad gas innocent civilians in #Syria
- Selling off America's Middle East allies
- Bending over backwards to reach a highly flawed #IranDeal with Tehran's mullahs

Need I say more?
What I remember about President Obama:

"the Obama administration derailed an ambitious law enforcement campaign targeting drug trafficking by the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah"…
What I remember about President Obama:

"Two high-level Iranian government backers, including a former Islamic Republic official and another accused of lobbying on Tehran's behalf, were hosted at the Obama White House for more than 30 meetings..."…
Read 17 tweets
Sep 7th 2018
At #TehranSummit Erdogan asked Russia&Iran to allow time so Syrian opposition groups can surrender. This was agreed by Rouhani and Putin. Rouhani:"Mr Putin we should allow all the groups to surrender and give up their arms[as Mr Erdogan mentioned]." Putin:"Yes, absolutely."
Today Erdogan was humiliated by Putin again. Erdogan asked Iran&Russia to change the 3rd clause of the agreement but his request was refused by Putin: "No.We(indirectly he meant Erdogan)aren't representatives of the terrorist groups."
#Russia and #Iran used #Turkey to gain more.
Third Clause:
Erdogan wanted ceasefire in #Idlib in the statement/agreement, However Putin and Rouhani said: We would agree if Syrian opposition groups lay down arms and surrender.
Erdogan lost the game.He has no back up plans/allies as he has betrayed US and Turkey is all alone.
Read 3 tweets

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