"One must know when to stop.
Knowing when to stop averts trouble."
- Lao Tzu -
Oct 6, 2018 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
Who created ISIS?
Ex Al Qaeda leader Nabeel Naim: "Baghdadi is a US agent. It's known that US released him from prison and he spent $20 to $30 million to establish these ISIS groups. The first ISIS camps were in Jordan supervised by US Marines
7 November 2015, Douma
Notice how the "dead" man lying next to the ambulance keeps moving and how the White Helmets just dump him on top of the other "dead".
Notice all the photographers
Rural Damascus, 8 March 2016,
White Helmets rescue a man wounded by artillery shelling.
Sep 9, 2018 • 6 tweets • 6 min read
This is a thread confirming once again the duplicity of the White Helmets AND that they are allied to al-Qaeda
8 Sept 2018
"Hass Hospital", Idlib
We're told that White Helmets are trying to evacuate civilians and that several people have been killed #Thread on "Hass Hospital"
2. White Helmets tweet that they rescued the injured from "a medical point in the outskirts of Hass" without ANY casualties #Syria#Idlib
This is a thread showing how those who told the truth about Syria were targeted and are still being targeted today
In June 2012 gunmen attacked pro-Syrian government TV station al-Ikhbariya. They killed 7 employees and kidnapped others. bbc.com/news/world-mid…#SilencingDissent
In Aug 2012 US/UK backed "rebels" kidnapped a al-Ikhbariya TV crew while they were filming near Damascus. "Rebels" later executed the driver. The rest of the crew were rescued by the Syrian Army one week later
1 theguardian.com/media/greensla…
Aug 22, 2018 • 16 tweets • 11 min read
This is a thread revisiting the horrific false flag chemical attack on Ghouta in August 2013
Leaked documents have shown that Obama's administration supported a plan for "rebels" in Syria to launch a chemical attack which would be blamed on the Assad govt in.news.yahoo.com/us-backed-plan…
May 2013
Turkish security forces found a 2kg cylinder containing sarin gas after searching the homes of Syrian Nusra Front "rebels" in Turkey veteranstoday.com/2013/05/30/bre… #Ghouta#FalseFlag#Syria