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Oct 4th 2018
#OPCW hacking case: we've already had the Russian government trying to dismiss the latest UK / NL claims about the #GRU. That's tactic number 1.

Up next, expect attempts to distort, distract and dismay.
Distort. We saw this with the Skripal suspects, portrayed as "civilians" and snow-shy tourists.

Expect attempts to say that the photos were faked, the evidence was made up, and / or the men were harmless visitors on a diplomatic visit to fix the Embassy wifi.
Distract. Accuse the accusers.

Expect the arguments, "The West hacks people too," or "You killed civilians in Libya / Afghanistan / Vietnam / insert name here."

Which doesn't justify use of CW on civilians, or attempts to cover it up.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 4th 2018
Poised for MoD/Dutch ministry of defence presser in The Hague. Will try to live tweet. #Russia #GRU
Ambassador @PeterWilson speaking on behalf of @AlanDuncanMP whose flight was cancelled due to bad weather
Expecting details of joint intelligence operation relating to #Russia #GRU
Read 42 tweets
Aug 5th 2018
1.#WhiteHelmet leader #RaedSaleh - "WH saved Omran's brother (presume Ali), kept him hospital for months until he recovered" #FakeNews. Ali died 2 days after Orman,s image went viral RIP. Perhaps someone shld update Saleh? @afshinrattansi @Underground_RT
2. #WhiteHelmet leader #RaedSaleh claims Mohammed Daqneesh (Omran father) was forced to criticise WH & terrorists after pressure fm Syrian Govt. #FakeNews WH exploited Omran's story via their PR agencies & media partners to lobby 4 Nobel Peace Prize. @Underground_RT Links below.
3. "The Other Omran" - "23-year-old Ahmad was the first to be placed on the orange seat before smaller and cuter Omran was seen emerging from the debris and the White Helmets seized Omran and evicted Ahmad. "… @Underground_RT
Read 9 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
1. #WhiteHelmets basics! 1. 'NGO' #Fake financed by majority of regime change govts UK/US-led. 2. 'Impartial' #Fake Muslim Brotherhood, sectarian group as admitted by James Le Mesurier himself. 3. 'Paramedics' #Fake procedures hve been severely criticised by experts
2. #WhiteHelmets basics! 4. 'Humanitarians' #Fake participated in & mopped up terrorist executions of #Syrian civilians & #SAA POWs in violation of all Geneva Convention rules of war. 5. 'Unarmed' #Fake see dozens of images of WH carrying arms recently (not in past as claimed)
3. #WhiteHelmets basics! 6. 'No terrorist connections' #Fake over 65 WH identitified having ties to hardcore extremist & terrorist groups, hundreds more to "moderate" extremists. Leadership demonstrate allegiance to Nusra Front etc. WH praised 3 times by Nusra Front #AlQaeda.
Read 18 tweets
Jul 8th 2018
U.K Govt bombed #Syria based on "alleged" chemical attack in #Douma - now #OPCW has almost ruled out presence of "chemicals" (except traces of "chlorine" elements) at scene of alleged attack in #EasternGhouta. Does May stand trial for violation of intl law? Media - tumbleweed?
9th April: Statement by Ambassador Karen Pierce, UK Permanent Representative to the UN, at Security Council session on the use of chemical weapons by Syria in Douma. ⬇️⬇️RUSH TO JUDGEMENT.
According to its own "Chemical Weapons in Syria" paper - UK Govt conceded that #Syria had destroyed all declared chemicals, overseen by #OPCW & "UK contributed to the process"
Read 6 tweets
Apr 14th 2018
The OPCW yesterday announced it was about to enter Syria. US media spent today not covering this critical fact. I put it atop news release today. As much as anything else — as with the US attacks on Iraq — the targets are law, inspections, open process.…
I was alerted to this by Noam Chomsky who really deserves the credit here. He was totally spot on. I don’t think he would mind if I shared his note from yesterday afternoon to me:
The dynamic here is similar to how US gov ensured UN inspectors left Iraq just before major bombing by Clinton in 1998 and invasion by Bush in 2003.
Read 7 tweets
Apr 10th 2018
BREAKING: The White House has said that US President #Trump is canceling his upcoming South America trip to remain in the US "to oversee the American response to Syria." - @NBCNews
This sounds like the US is planning to strike #Syria and Trump will remain in the US to closely monitor responses by #Russia. This is terrible.
BREAKING - British forces are now mobilizing at their bases in #Cyprus for strikes against #Syria. It appears very likely that the US, France and U.K. will strike Syria in the next 24 hours. This is dreadful.
Read 182 tweets
Apr 9th 2018
Here goes Nikki.. time to play my violin slowly and mournfully while she lies through her teeth... #UNSC #Syria
Nikki: "Mumble mumble mumble Russia mumble Russia Russia. Mumble Russia Russia mumble Russia..." #UNSC #Syria
The UK dare lecture Russia and Syria on open and independent investigations... that is laughable... #UNSC #Syria
Read 18 tweets
Apr 9th 2018
The representative for the #Netherlands is trying to shame #Russia into not using its veto to defend Bashar al-Asad's "mass atrocities". Best of luck ....
Amb. @nikkihaley asked about gas attacks and then attacks on the first-responders: "Who does this? Only a monster does this."

#Russia's hands are "covered in the blood of Syrian children", the Ambassador says, and "cannot be ashamed ... we have tried that before."
Amb. @nikkihaley attacks #Russia for its backing of #Asad, something "no civilized government" would do; its help in directing the siege-and-starve campaigns in #Syria; and its assistance to the broader war crimes.

The U.S. "will not be held hostage" to Moscow's veto.
Read 27 tweets
Mar 5th 2018
Critically ill Russian national is 66yo Sergei Skripal, former intel colonel/double agent granted refuge in UK after a 2010 "spy swap" between US & Russia. He and a woman were apparently poisoned in/near Salisbury shopping center.
Ex-Russian spy & daughter 'poisoned' in UK sparks fears of another Kremlin-backed hit. Investigators scrambling to identify the chemical used. Skripal feared for his life after his wife died in a car crash & his son was killed in a road incident..…
UK warns Kremlin over poisoning of ex-spy Skripal & his daughter. Recalling Litvinenko murder, FM Johnson said UK was "in the lead across the world" in trying to counteract a "host of malign activity" by Russia.

Skripal's brother, son & wife have been killed in the last 2 year.
Read 76 tweets

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