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Sep 4th 2018
Profile for al-Komeet Forces: a #Tiger_Forces "storming unit" from Tartous led by Firas Issa (pic 1).

Group is approx company-sized (~80 men) and is the *only* known TF unit fighting IS in south Syria (now moving to Lajat).
Al-Komeet is particularly interesting bc they have close ties to both #Hezbollah and Bustan Association.

While Tigers fought IS in Reef #Aleppo in Jan 2017, al-Komeet was fighting in #Qaryatayn w/ #Hezbollah & al-Rashashat Battalion of the Bustan Association.
Firas & al-Komeet also fought with #Hezbollah in #Boukamal #DeirEzZor in Dec 2017 (pic) and likely w/ them in #Suwayda now where they cont to operate alongside Bustan’s al-Rashashat Battalion.
Read 6 tweets
Jul 26th 2018
In 2015 after fall of #Palmyra #ISIS quickly came through gates of #Damascus and #Suwayda but they focused on #Qalamoun. After 2016, #FSA near Jordanian border started to attack to ISIS and gained ground through early 2017.
When #SAA was planning massive offensive to capture whole #ISIS areas in the center and east of country. #FSA in #Qalamun and near Jordanian border attacks to ISIS and try to open supply line for the besieged Qalamun pocket.
#ISIS was pulling back these areas quickly. They did same in June 2016. They fallback near al Tanf and Iraqi border. Rebels with US Spec Ops attacked #AbuKamal under US-led Coaltion Air Support.
Read 22 tweets
Jun 17th 2018
New thread on interesting SAA & Republican Guard facts/anecdotes I’m finding for an upcoming report. Mostly stuff from earlier in the war.
Video shows #Chechen foreign fighters in Ballermoun, Aleppo on March 17, 2014

On 3/21 rebels here killed Maj General Samea Abbas, head of the 102nd Regiment RG. On 3/25 they killed Brig General Qasi Mohammad, commander of the 415th Battalion of the 102nd.
Seems the 415th Battalion was destroyed in this battle as I can’t find any credible references to it after Qasi’s death. 102nd remained in #Aleppo until late 2017 (when deployment reports end).
Read 20 tweets
Jan 1st 2018
We started a new year (I hope the last) of the Syrian civil war. But 2017 has been the most important year & the result of inflection point of the war in 2016 with many political & military developments : (1)
The first military operation of #SAA was Wadi Bara (23/12/2016 - 29/1/2017) which finished with the evacuation of rebels from Wadi Barada & the North montainous area in the border with Lebanon. At the same time other forces advanced in E.Ghouta reaching some parts of Hazrama (2)
#SDF started the second phase of #WrathOfEuphrates operation on December securing the West flank of #Raqqa plains (3)
Read 47 tweets
Sep 5th 2017
What senior source in #Damascus had to say about #DeirEzzor : 1-City had been under siege for 5 years - two under #Nusra & three under #ISIS
2-When #Mosul fell, #Iraqi Army had almost 10 times the number of people that #SyrianArmy had in #DeirEzzor . Few predicted we can hold on
3-#SyrianArmy presence resembled a small island surrounded by the black of #ISIS. All we had was total of 7,000 between police & soldiers
Read 12 tweets

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