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Sep 26th 2018
#FollowTheLawyers Thread
2015 John C. Burns for Chuck Johnson
"friend introduced them after the August 9 death of Michael Brown...Burns sued on Johnson's behalf to gain access the dead teens' juvenile records, which are normally closed"…
Oh look here's John Burns provokunting around with James O'Keefe of "Project V̶̷e̶̷r̶̷i̶̷t̶̷a̶̷s̶̷" aka "Project Provokatsiya"
Read 8 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
Tonight we return to history.
In this moment of retiring Justice Kennedy, the shady dealings of his offspring, & the onslaught of judges that "Cocaine" Mitch & Donnie "Two Scoops" are appointing, I've been asked to do a piece on the Mob & judges.
"But, Your Honor..."
1/ If you have a pulse, you're aware of some basic mob tactics (& I hope I've helped to sort lore from reality).
The most basic tactic of all is to compromise law enforcement & politicians.
This is how one can run an illegal empire.
But the jewel of all jewels to compromise...
2/ ... are judges.

I'll start with some historic examples, thanks to these source texts, and archived articles I will attach with their screenshots.
Read 21 tweets
Aug 5th 2018
Michael A. Carvin, Trump Campaign Lawyer, all-around asshole.
Michael Carvin, Trump Campaign Lawyer.
This...did not age very well, now did it?
May 2018:…
Michael Carvin🤮
"major cases include the recent constitutional challenge to the ACA & the decisions invalidating Sarbanes-Oxley's accounting board, preventing the Justice Department from obtaining monetary relief against the tobacco industry under RICO.."
Read 6 tweets
Jun 26th 2018
SEC traced pastor's stock trades to just after news releases were uploaded… via @business
cc: @thespybrief @gametheorytoday @xtrixcyclex @911Corlebra777
JP Morgan hack.
Read 8 tweets

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