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Sep 12th 2018
ANNOUNCING: Finalists for #RoryPeckAwards 2018 - outstanding films and footage this year from #freelancers across the globe
Congratulations to the #RoryPeckAwards finalists for #News: @AlEmrunGarjon @HumamHusari and @MikelKonate!
Congratulations to the #RoryPeckAwards finalists for News Features: @IlayaFilms @RoopaGogineni and @JManzano_Media!
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May 2nd 2018
Day 3 of our #WorldPressFreedomDay series on the working lives of #freelancers worldwide - today we're sharing insights from freelance investigative journalist Mabvuto Banda, who lives and works in Malawi. Follow this thread across the day to hear about his experiences
The climate for journalists in #Malawi has improved over the last 15 years. Nonetheless Mabvuto has been arrested on numerous occasions during his twenty-year career in #journalism. In Malawi, a law still provides for the imprisonment of anyone who 'insults' the head of state.
Mabvuto said of the photo above: “This is me with reporters in the #newsroom. We were working on a story about the growing calls within the ruling party to push the current President to stand down." [1/2]
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May 1st 2018
For the second day of our #WPFD18 series exploring behind the scenes of freelancers at work in regions across the world, we'll be sharing insights from freelance photographer César Rodríguez in Mexico - a country that ranks 147th of 180 on @RSF_inter's World Press Freedom Index
Freelancer César Rodríguez was born in the western Mexican state of Nayarit, where he took this photo: “This was in a living room in a house in Tepic, Nayarit, where a clash between armed civilians and the navy took place." [1/2]
"At least five people died, and it’s believed that other armed civilians escaped. I chose this image because when I see it, it reminds me of places where people are at war – "official" wars – and it reminds me that here in #Mexico we have our own war as well.” [2/2]
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Nov 21st 2017
On my way home from @ilo and @BelgiumUNGeneva high-level forum on the #sharing economy and its social challenges: a few highlights from a great discussion, moderated by @ilo senior economist Janine Berg. Short thread. 1/10 @ILO_live
Josephine Teo, Singapore Minister of Manpower followed w/ fascinating overview of tripartite working group–from offering standard contracts & payment dispute resolution to challenges of #freelancers for social sec. V interested to learn more about their work! 3/10 @SPMGMissionGva
.@Uber's @asingh_au emphasised the challenges of operating in 79 countries, with vastly different laws – and social contracts; the many dimensions of flexibility (scheduling / variations); and the need for policy innovation. 4/10
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