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Aug 10th 2018
Thank you to everyone who attended #HSLS2018. It really was an honor of a lifetime to chair this event and I can't wait for next year which will be even better! See you at #SAS2018
Which 3 speakers did you enjoy most at #HSLS2018?
I really think we need to have @RabbiShmuley (the last person in the video) at every @TPUSA event. He was incredible. #HSLS2018
Read 3 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
It's a real shame. I invited @SenBillNelson to address the dozens of MSD students attending #HSLS2018, but his office won't even return the multiple emails I sent. I hope it's a mistake - if it is, please feel free to DM me.

While I understand politicians are busy, almost everyone's office has answered the email I sent their scheduler's and declined politely. Why not Nelson?

Other D invited @amyklobuchar is trying to make it work. See the difference between the two. It's stark.
In the crowd is @PollackHunter, @PatrickPetty23, @kennethrpreston, and others. Out of respect for them, @SenBillNelson's office should formally reply .

I hope @SenAmyKlobuchar accepts the invite.

Really hope my email to Sen Nelson's wen to spam and it's a mistake.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 8th 2018
Up at 3:00 AM working on my @TPUSA #HSLS2018 address. @LaurenAna_ & I have been working on the event for a month now, booking the best lineup of speakers I have ever seen

Thank you, everyone, for standing by me and empowering me to move forward. Excited to meet you all at HSLS
Special thank you to @benshapiro, @guypbenson, and @charliekirk11 for believing in me from day one and giving me incredible opportunities. I hope I continue to make you proud and continue to make a positive change 🙏🙏 I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am without you guys.
Parents and students, if you know anyone that is a high schooler, I encourage you to let them know about I assure you the event will be incredible and unlike anything seen to date.

I am really proud of what we built and I can't wait to welcome everyone.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 4th 2018
Hey @brianstelter! I wanted to invite you to address the crowd at #HSLS2018. I think we'd all love to have a civil discussion with you about civility. You in?
Just sent @brianstelter an email as well 🙏🙏
Still nothing from @brianstelter :(
Read 3 tweets
Jul 2nd 2018
Can't wait for everyone to hear @RealCandaceO speak at #HSLS2018.

This is going to be legendary. Apply today at
My mentor and friend @charliekirk11 will be at the whole #HSLS2018 and will be taking dozens of questions from the audience. Don't miss out! Apply today!!!
Has anyone applied for #HSLS2018 and not been accepted yet?


Has anyone been accepted and didn't confirm? If that is you, what is holding you back from confirming? @TPUSA
Read 4 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
Tomorrow we'll be announcing a few more of the confirmed speakers for @TPUSA's #HSLS2018! Our team has been working non-stop to make this summit one of our biggest EVER!
We'll also be announcing, thanks to @conservatyler and @charliekirk11, an amazing scholarship for #MSDStrong students! I'm especially excited for this launch.
I'm especially excited for this event and can't thank @LaurenAna_, @conservatyler, and, of course, @charliekirk11 for all the hard work.

#HSLS2018 is going to be legendary and I can't wait to see you all there! Apply today at
Read 3 tweets

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