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Jul 26th 2018
Here's former President Obama having a reporter removed for interrupting him "in his house" the press claps wildly, even starts chanting Obama's name while the reporter is being removed for yelling "NO MORE DEPORTATIONS" #KaitlanCollins cc: @BretBaier
2015 Washington Free Beacon's Adam Kredo ejected from a State Department media briefing in Vienna and senior department officials threatened to call security on him, without him even saying a word. Had to control that #IranDeal narriative #KaitlanCollins…
2012 @politico called interrupting the President a "surprising breach of etiquette" and later the reporter from @DailyCaller was "urged" to and DID apologize to then President Obama #KaitlanCollins…
Read 17 tweets
May 29th 2018
🦂1. Know thy enemy - Sun Tzu
#MarkZaid is attacking conservative accounts calling himself a proud member of #TheResistance and defender of Asha Rangappa, both are being praised by the left but Mark is no hero, unless you’re #Iran or the CIA. Meet #JeffreySterling
2. Mark hails himself as a bi-partisan defender of #whistleblowers he defended Sterling against the CIA in a discrimination case (which was lost) and then he snitched on him to the CIA, which Obama’s Justice dept. dusted off to bring charges in 2015.
3. Mark even had two interviews with the FBI about #JeffreySterling he will swing wildly now and tell you 302’s don’t mean anything and that he was subpoenaed by the Grand Jury but facts are facts, Sterling was charged.
Read 28 tweets

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