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Jun 30th 2018
Unknown author - if you can help give credit, please do:
Justice Kennedy was not planning to resign next term. We know, because he had already appointed his clerks for that term. He suddenly resigned BECAUSE his son, worked for Deutsche Bank... /1
...indicted in the EU for being a conduit for money laundering for Russian Oligarchs. He resigned because his son's client - had been Donald Trump, for whom, he had arranged up to $1 billion in Deutsche Bank "loans." These funds likely, were monies originating from... /2
...Russian oligarchs connected to Putin - being laundered through the bank, with the knowledge of #Kennedy's son. In other words - Kennedy's son could be esnared in the #Mueller investigation - perhaps, vulnerable to indictment himself. In this eventuality, you can be certain- /3
Read 7 tweets
Jun 29th 2018
Since the #KennedyRetirement I've seen pessimism that Roe v Wade & the ACA are already lost. But we in #TheResistance aren't pundits.


WE won on the ACA repeal.
Senate marginâž¡NARROWER.
There's a path to victory—just need to march there.
Details in thread⤵
ICYMI, in a debate in 2016, then candidate 45 vowed that he would "put[] pro-life justices on the court," and that if he could place multiple justices on SCOTS, that Roe v Wade would be overturned "automatically."…
45 & SCOTUS may think that a woman’s right to choose is a close partisan decision, 5/4 with Kennedy as the deciding vote. But It’s not even close; only 18% of Americans believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances—has stayed steady since Roe.…
Read 9 tweets
Jun 28th 2018
A short THREAD on a huge issue: A major thing missing to me so far in the #KennedyRetirement coverage is this: all Presidents who appoint justices might have those justices rule on their official acts, like policy initiatives or legislation. /1
But I cannot think of a prior example of a President appointing a justice who could rule on that President's personal exposure to serious criminal or civil liability. /2
Yet that's exactly what might happen here. Trump is currently under investigation on a range of fronts, from whether he obstructed justice to whether he colluded with Russia to whether his pre-presidency business dealings were on the up and up. /3
Read 9 tweets
Jun 28th 2018
Good morning.
Yesterday sucked.
What did you do?
Did you take the punch in the #KennedyRetirement and call it a day?
Did you rage about it here or IRL?
That here is no right answer,
There is a WRONG answer.
Good morning.
If you had the luxury to turn of the internet and not feel the impact of yesterday, fortunate.
But if you can live in a regime targeting people who don’t get a break and go “I need a break..."
Are you okay with that?
I’’m not.
#SCOTUS #KeepFamiliesTogether
Good morning.
What did you do last night?
I picked up dinner hearing Trumpers end zone dance over #SCOTUS.
And #TrumpConcentrationCamps.
And #BabyJails
And a million other things I disagree with.
It sucked.
I just wanted dinner.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 28th 2018
Hearing about the #KennedyRetirement was a gut punch, I won’t lie. But I’ve had some time to digest it and talk to some smart friends. I’m now more calm but importantly, more fiercely determined.

I know what I’m going to do. /Mini-thread
SCOTUS is the top court in the land, full of justices with lifetime tenure. They are the final stop when it comes to interpreting federal law. It’s heady, the importance and power they have.
But wait. They are one of the co-equal branches of government. That means there are checks and balances for them, too. Alexander Hamilton famously said they were the weakest of the branches.
Read 17 tweets

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