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Oct 6th 2018
DO THE REPUBLICAN'S NOW HAVE SOMETHING "BIG" ON FEINSTEIN? Does this explain Feinstein's DESPONDENT response & desire to Keep the FBI supplemental investigation secret?
Sentence From Grassley's Latest Letter to Ford's Attorneys Suggests Huge Discovery of Illegal Dem Behavior, Burying Feinstein...…
Read 17 tweets
May 1st 2018
A #libtard tweet.
I am hearing, "oh shut up libtards, you have been talking about tRump investigation for over a year now, and they haven't found anything."
First of all, we don't know what they have found.
But as you are so resistant to learning any history. Let's do that.
June 17, 1972

Five men are arrested while trying to bug the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate, a hotel and office building in Washington, D.C. A day later, White House press secretary Ronald Ziegler famously called the
Watergate break-in a “third-rate burglary.” At a press conference June 22, President Nixon denied that the White House was involved in the incident.
Read 26 tweets
Apr 27th 2018
Hey, Hank Johnson...

Telling two strong, independent black women, that are blatantly being censored, that they're wasting your precious time is disgusting.

Need more time to pontificate about Guam capsizing, #Libtard?

If they were libtards, or illegals, there would be riots in
The streets! How the hell do you still have a job?!

#DiamondAndSilk have 1st amendment rights like anyone else, and it's YOUR job to protect them!!

If that's a "waste of your time", it's time for you to find a new job. You're not worthy. #SwampThing

A shining example of the braindead morons that are paid to "govern" us...

No. Serious question...


Read 12 tweets

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