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Science Officer|Commentary Account 🖖Logic over Lunacy. No DM’s| To find me on other platforms just Google SpockResists
Jul 20, 2018 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
Just a thread about Minny Jackson from The Help.
Jul 3, 2018 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
The American people really do need grasp again that “We The People,” are the power. It is us that limit the federal government power. We are the principal power holders, and we loan that power to legislators, the president and federal judges. The constitution protects people.... not presidents, it is indeed to protect us from possible despots. The Constitution is supreme, that’s why it has been amended so little, regardless of the hundreds of amendment proposals. But to protect us as a people was the need of the #RuleOfLaw. The Constitutional supremacy
May 6, 2018 • 31 tweets • 12 min read
226,135 gun violence incidents from 2014 - end 2017 in U.S.

Why doesn't he keep his uninformed mouth shut. Stop using other countries to try and explain gun deaths.
Look in American graveyards.

Look through thread 👇 2014- end of 2017
Total: 226,135 incidents.

Children 0-7yrs:
2014 = 610
2015 = 695
2016 = 672
2017 = 735
May 1, 2018 • 26 tweets • 7 min read
A #libtard tweet.
I am hearing, "oh shut up libtards, you have been talking about tRump investigation for over a year now, and they haven't found anything."
First of all, we don't know what they have found.
But as you are so resistant to learning any history. Let's do that. June 17, 1972

Five men are arrested while trying to bug the Democratic National Committee’s headquarters at the Watergate, a hotel and office building in Washington, D.C. A day later, White House press secretary Ronald Ziegler famously called the
Mar 31, 2018 • 113 tweets • 17 min read
In the America 1930s, a new kind of Christianity was emerging. It was aimed at the wealthy, and was supported by massive companies. The aim was to change Christian meaning.
But it didn't really start to pick up until 'The New Deal ' which was to help to poor. This new Christianity, you didn't need to read the Bible, but you had attend church.
Now this was only aimed at the rich and middle classes.
The preacher would clearly state, that you having money was a gift from God, and the poor were being punished by God.