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Mar 20th 2018
Navraatri literally means nine nights! These nine days n nights are dedicated to the Divine Mother. The female energy of universe peaks during this period. Each day has a reigning Goddess, specially worshiped in her child form! A thread of 9.

Prathama : #Shailputri
वन्दे वांछित लाभाय चन्द्रार्द्वकृत शेखराम I
वृषारूढ़ा शूलधरां शैलपुत्री यशस्विनीम II

Daughter of Himalaya, is first of the 9 eternal Shakti-Roops. Wields a trident in right hand to protect devotees, a lotus in left for knowledge & peace. Rides a bull.
Dwitiya #Brahmmcharini:
दधाना कर पद्माभ्यामक्षमाला कमण्डलू।
देवी प्रसीदतु मयि ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा॥

Austere in conduct; she is 2nd of the 9 eternal Shaktis; adorned in white; Japmala in right hand; Kamandal in left; bestower of ‘satt, chitt, anand’ i.e. truth, awareness, bliss.
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