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Jun 27th 2018
(1) A quick thread about abortion, religion, and restoring #RuleOfLawJudges from the SCOTUS on down. #MAGA
(2) I'm too old to get pregnant, I'm non-religious, & I don't even live in the USA (yet). But the coming changes to abortion law in the USA are a historic moment not just for your country, but for the world.

LIFE is making a comeback.
(3) I don't see how it's possible to overturn Roe v Wade unless the Constitution is amended. That becomes more possible each day.

Restoring the right to life will say so much about how the USA has fared since its founding. It will say that the system worked, freedom is back.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 4th 2018
(1) Just to give you an idea of what happens when you allow your curiosity about American politics to run wild, here's the tangential path my mind took today.

Saw a tweet about gun grabbing at Wounded Knee. Had vaguely heard of it, so did a search for more info.
(2) Read that Wounded Knee was a 1890 South Dakota massacre that killed 150-300 native American ?combatants/suspects and civilians & some of the troops. Not good. One tangent took me down the path of wondering why the US military did that.
(3) Because it seems to me that if the native Americans at the time were protected by the US Constitution, they had the same 2A rights as any other citizens. I know many of the settlers hated the native Americans, but that doesn't give government the right to disarm them.
Read 19 tweets

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