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Sep 29th 2018
This 👇🏽
Not better as an attending. Support mechanisms for residents lost. Stress of liability & productivity metrics. “Ambassador” status remains. “You are one of the good ones” a lactation RN told me, “You follow the rules.”
@choo_ek @RheaBoydMD @Priyanka_Dayal @DrJRMarcelin
That lactation RN then said “My ancestors did not fight in the Revolutionary War 4 ppl to come here with their hand out” & “Slavery happened a long time ago. People need to get over it”

Identified as “one of the good ones”, she’d felt comfortable saying this to me on minorities
That left struggling with the cognitive dissonance of her words: how did she simultaneously take credit for ancestors fighting in the Revolutionary War (at the end, slavery was codefied into law until another war was fought to end it) and AlSO tell others to “get over” the past?
Read 34 tweets
Jul 8th 2018
Interesting question that gets at my central concern about declaring a major interest in advancing careers of #WomeninMedicine or #MinoritiesinMedicine, particularly as a research interest - cc @NarjustDuma
The last time I gave a talk on gender bias in medicine, a faculty member asked me if it had hurt my career to speak on this topic. I was taken aback, but then realized it was a smart question.
It’s a high risk topic for a number of reasons:
Read 13 tweets

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