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Apr 14th 2018
New Q drop!! 04/13/18 Q says,”Trust POTUS Sparrow Red. Missiles only. Intel good.” Q #TrustGod #TrustPresidentTrump #TrustThePlan #SyriaAirstrikes #QAnon #AprilShowers @realDonaldTrump
Previous Q drop with Sparrow Red!! Not sure what Sparrow Red is, possibly something to do with Russia? #SyriaAirstrikes #QAnon #TrustGod #TrustThePlan #TrustPresidentTrump @realDonaldTrump
Anon Posts about movie called Red Sparrow and comment about Mattis statement!! #QAnon #SyriaAirstrikes #TrustThePlan #SparrowRed #AprilShowers @realDonaldTrump
Read 9 tweets
Mar 24th 2018
Please read all 2000+ pages @LarrySchweikart ... I respect your opinion, but I do disagree with you on this matter. Obama did the exact same with "appropriated" funds after authorization to carry out his agenda. This is no different, PLUS it falls under "National Security"
The President of the United States, by definition, is charged as a primary function for National Security. In the Constitution. Trump made it crystal clear he signed the Omnibus SPENDING bill for that reason alone. Begrudgingly.
The military spending, something he was after from day 1, was included, and at a very healthy amount. There are also appropriations for various other items Trump wanted, but the military was by far the biggest win.
Read 15 tweets

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