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Aug 24th 2018
UBS / #Tesla Smoking Gun

1. Paid Munro & Assoc. for #Model3 study
2. Munro recants and says Model 3 is profitable
3. UBS short ~$300M on $TSLA
4. UBS is publicly denying (with information campaign) results of Munro study
5. Munro is sued and gagged (by unknown party)
/3 A sharper view of Munro's logo on UBS footage.

And UBS previously threatening @ElectrekCo with lawyers over a similar Chevy Bolt breakdown. See video.

Read 6 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
MUNRO THREAD 1/ If anyone can buy Sandy Munro's #Tesla #Model3 teardown report, why is his ability to do press limited by a contract from an unnamed corporation (as reported by @lorakolodny)?…
MUNRO THREAD 2/ Who is the unnamed corporation muzzling Munro? The PDF linked above offers some possibilities: BMW and GM.

The report includes side-by-side analyses of the Model 3 with the BMW i3 and Chevy Bolt.

Might these companies fear head-to-head comparisons with Model 3?
MUNRO THREAD 3/ Another possibility is Siemens. They partnered with Munro to measure noise, vibration, and harshness (NVH) and body-in-white (BIW) performance. Though I can't see why Siemens would care if Munro talked to the press.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 14th 2018
Real life Iron Man, aka @elonmusk has big plans for humanity.

He appears to be invested in a bunch of random ventures; rockets, $TSLA cars, tunnels..

But I think it's all connected. He's doing all of this with a very simple goal: the long-term survival of humanity.

A thread:
1/ #climatechange or #GlobalWarming is a huge threat. 14% of ghg emissions are from transportation, and 25% from electricity and heat generation. This is where @Tesla comes in. By electrifying our vehicle fleet, we can already eliminate a big chunk of emissions.
2/ The Semi will probably save more CO2 than all other #Tesla vehicles combined. Trucks drive an insane amount of miles compared to cars, & they pull a lot of cargo.

Second part of this is the energy generation & storage with Tesla Energy. Greenify the grid 👉 less CO2 emissions
Read 24 tweets

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