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Apr 12th 2018
1) @ProjectJupyter Extension of the Day: Spellchecker!

This #nbextension uses a @CodeMirror overlay mode to highlight incorrectly-spelled words in Markdown and Raw cells. The typo.js library does the actual spellchecking, and is included as a dependency.

.@ProjectJupyter Extension of the Day #2: Codefolding!

This extension adds codefolding functionality from @CodeMirror to each code cell in your notebook. The folding status is saved in the cell metadata, so reloading a notebook restores the folded view.

.@ProjectJupyter Extension of the Day #3: ExecuteTime!

This extension displays when the last execution of a code cell occurred and how long it took. The timing information is stored in the cell metadata, restored on notebook load, & can be togged on/off.

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