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Jun 28th 2018
!!NEW Q!! 11:10 Q posted article about this years 25 most influential people on the internet!!! President Trump, Q, Kanye West, and Matt Drudge are four of them!! Q says this is only the beginning!! Power to the people!!❤️… #QAnon #WeThePeople @POTUS
!!NEW Q!! 6/28/18 11:15 Anon voices frusttration at watching today’s hearing & nothing changing the minds of those ‘still asleep!’ Q says to focus on the House floor vote going on now!! Watch it here! #QAnon #HouseVote #GreatAwakening #WWG1WGA @POTUS
!!NEW Q!! 11:22!!! Q asks why they’re trying to ‘normalize’ pedophilia!! We know why!!… What is coming?
#Q #ThesePeopleAreSick #ThesePeopleAreEvil #GreatAwakening @realDonaldTrump Cont. Below
Read 59 tweets
Jun 27th 2018
New Q..This shits massive #Qanon
Read 39 tweets
Jun 4th 2018
1- Let's talk #CEMEX
The following work is not just mine, but a compilation of: @CoreysDigs @ScottAnthonyUSA @RebelPilled @NCDM18 @SolAdentro @cornholio74 @Patriot_17 @412Anon87 @MissRepresentU @The_War_Economy @WenjaminBalton & countless other anons that are doing research.
2-The story took off last night, but apparently has been going on for a couple of days. The group that called themselves ‘VOP Alpha Co - Team Pulaski’ (…), a group of veterans with different backgrounds & experience, dedicated to help other veterans
3-...are the ones that brought all this out to light.
They have been live streaming videos from the area, and #Facebook keeps taking them down.
What happened? VOP was in the area looking for homeless vets they could help.
Read 10 tweets
May 2nd 2018
[Thread] A photo journey through an island in the Outer Hebrides off the coast of #Scotland, Lewis and Harris, with a small bit of #tech/#Amazon/#Netflix thrown in for good measure 🤓
Lewis and Harris is about a 3-hour ferry ride from Ullapool, which is already probably further up into Scotland than the vast majority of people will ever go. The view as you leave the Ullapool harbor is 😗
Once you get to Lewis and Harris (pop. 22,000), you've got a pretty wide open landscape in front of you.
Read 18 tweets
Apr 24th 2018
1 NEW Q on Monday🇺🇸
#Grassley/#PlannedParenthood 💥
Apr 23 2018 21:56:53 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: ac300a 1164847 NEW……
Coming soon.

#MAGA #QAnon #QanonPosts #Qanon4chan #WeHaveEverything #TrustThePlan #Qanon8chan #GreatAwakening
2 NEW Q on Monday🇺🇸
#Grassley/#PlannedParenthood #RedCross💥

Future Proves Past 🧐
Where Does All The Money Go??🤔
500 million=6 houses??🙄

#MAGA #QAnon #QanonPosts #Qanon4chan #WeHaveEverything #TrustThePlan #Qanon8chan #GreatAwakening #Haiti
3 NEW Q Early Tuesday🇺🇸
Hey @NBCNews @CBSNews @abcnews 🤡what gives???

#MSM refuses to report, anyone surprised??🙄 #Soon

#MAGA #QAnon #QanonPosts #Qanon4chan #WeHaveEverything #TrustThePlan #Qanon8chan #GreatAwakening #AdamSchiff #MockingbirdMedia #FakeNews
Read 174 tweets
Apr 12th 2018
1. What is #Netflix up to?
Is Netflix following the same model as #Facebook and #Google?
Who is running #Netflix?

cc: @_VachelLindsay_ @TheLastRefuge2
2. Why did #Netflix place #SusanRice on their Board of Directors?

She has no background in entertainment or movie production.
But Susan Rice is experienced in certain online activities - like unmasking secure information.

So why was she added to the Netflix Board of Directors?
3. Why is #Obama currently in negotiations with Netflix to produce a series of "inspirational" videos?
#Obama has a public DISapproval rating of over 50%.
Like Susan Rice, Obama has no background in entertainment or movie production.
Read 16 tweets
Feb 14th 2018
(1) This thread is about a Great American and a great movie. In fact, the movie was made by this Great American, who we affectionately know as #BillMurray.
(2) Unlike the current trend of celebrities jumping over each other to denigrate the efforts of the current administration and .@POTUS, during a short interview on #CNBC Mr. #BillMurray made the following 'positive' remarks (can jump to 1:50 if need be):

(3) It is a measure of how highly respected #BillMurray is by all sides of the political spectrum that he can offer the comments he made and not be attacked the next day.
Read 15 tweets
Nov 4th 2017
A few thoughts on this whole #KevinSpacey episode and how glad I am that #Netflix has severed ties with him.
Sure, it may be good business sense over social responsibility that drive them to it , but that's exactly what's important here.
When people call for the boycott of celebrities like Allen, Polanski, Salman Khan, etc. some people think it's important to separate
Read 16 tweets

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