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Oct 3rd 2018
!!NEW Q DROPS!! 10/3/18 01:50 EST Ford herself coached by the C_A?
FARM (pre-family invite) w/ internship assignment (Stanford)? #QAnon #RedOctober #PanicInDC @realDonaldTrump
2. C_A-assisted 'sex assault' 'sleepers' who are targeted based on trusted family backgrounds, geopolitical location relative to families of power/influence, ability to harvest [control], etc.? #QAnon #RedOctober #PanicInDC @realDonaldTrump
3. Fantasy or Reality? Normal-to- [self-induced] in stages to exhibit past trauma-level events w/ 'friendly' therapy sessions notated as undefined? #QAnon #RedOctober #PanicInDC @realDonaldTrump
Read 48 tweets
Aug 4th 2018
A story written with no plan or script through nano-chapters using the prompts from #vss365 #AmWriting #SunScribbles #SunWIP #SciFi #Satsplat #BadWordSat
#Swim steady and firm”, 15 yr old David told the others. They had been prepared. Their go-bags had the clothes approved by Deplorables and they had a small list of safe-houses in the mainland. All the adults in the island died do make their escape possible. #vss365 #AmWriting
In the mainland, it was safer to marry the kids to each other. They would live with their assigned parents according to the fake identity genealogy. What used to be known as the #cycle of abuse had been normalized. They had to blend in and hide in plain sight. #vss365 #AmWriting
Read 50 tweets
Mar 21st 2018
Continuing to investigate the mirrored Q posts that I think we will see this week. I think the narrative in the msm takes a turn tomorrow. McCabe Strok Hodgman Comey criminal fiasco. Why? Because on 12/4 Q focuses on this. 12/4-3/22. #qanon #windtheclock #doitq
Yes 3/22 is not tomorrow- it’s a process of revealing info to the general public. Many of you may know all of this. News unlocks the message. Q asks about the news last Friday. In the present, McCabe was fired last Friday. Q asks who is Melissa Hodgman. #windtheclock #qanon
She is director of sec enforcement div. Promoted Oct 14. 2 weeks later Comey reveals that emails have been found on wieners lap top. Strok overseeing the investigation. Strok is Hodgman’s Husband! Strok rewords comeys letter from ‘gross negligence’ 2 ‘xtemely careless’ #qanon
Read 17 tweets

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