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Sep 29th 2018
Kavanaugh lies multiple times about inconsequential facts. Does anyone really think he would tell the truth about the important facts? #IStandWithChristineBlaseyFord #NoToKavanaugh
Multiple classmates confirm he was a drunk, and he was belligerent during his hearing and disrespectful to the senators questioning him. #SubpoenaMarkJudge #KavaHELLNaugh
Dr Ford was incredibly credible witness. It’s time to open an FBI investigation and dig further into this man’s entitled background. #liarliar #FBIInvestigation #sexualassault #KavanaughVote
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Aug 20th 2018
Kavanaugh’s fellow Yale Law alumni call him ‘morally bankrupt’ in scathing open letter.… #StopKavanaugh #TW #NoToKavanaugh
What is being hidden in the documents from Judge Kavanaugh's time in the Bush White House? We the People and all Senators deserve to know before any hearings. #NoToKavanaugh #StopKavanaugh #ReleaseTheRecords #TW
Judge Kavanaugh changed his position on impeaching a sitting president after he aggressively orchestrated Ken Starr’s investigation of a Dem president. NO ONE is above the law. #NoToKavanaugh #StopKavanaugh #TW
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