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Jul 10th 2018
(1) Obama tried to GIVE AWAY 10 AIRCRAFT CARRIERS to the UN.

Admiral Mike Rogers told Obama: "GFY."


(2) Admiral Mike Rogers is a major HERO, up there with Trump.

It was Rogers who approached Trump to ask Trump to run for president.

Rogers made it VERY clear to Trump that the military would have Trump's back.

Rogers made it clear that around 6,700 elite Powers that Be...
(3) ...would be quickly killed by the US Special Forces if anything happened to Trump, regardless of who may do it.

I've heard this same number from another source.

I had long given up on the idea of humans saving America and the world.

THANK YOU Rogers, Trump and Deplorables!
Read 3 tweets
Jun 16th 2018
This is the second thread in my ongoing running commentary on the OIG report. I’m trying to keep these below massive, and the first one has 62 tweets in it. This is the link:… I’ll continue my commentary as I have, adding tweets as I’m reading.
I’m just going to drop this here and let you read it. Any commentary I wrote about it would include foul language. I’ll just say this. Really, FBI? REALLY!?
Page 104 “The SSA told us that he believed Combetta should have been charged with false statements for lying multiple times;” Ya THINK?!?!?! And yet he wasn’t. #PardonFlynnNow
Read 60 tweets

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