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Oct 1st 2018
The truth about Brexit, the "EU is punishing us" narrative & what "no deal" actually means... (1/19)
#bbcr4today #gmb #r4today #bbcbreakfast #victorialive #politicslive #LBC #bbcnews #C4News #itvnews #skynews #5news #bbcpapers #skypapers #peston #bbcqt #itvtonight #bbctw #bbcaq
The EU isn't punishing the UK for Brexit. We are punishing ourselves. Losing all the benefits of EU membership IS punishment. Just like no longer being able to use the fitness equipment or the weights is punishment for quitting the local gym. 2/19
You might well put on weight because you cancelled your gym membership. But you wouldn't turn around and say "Hey, the gym's punishing me for leaving by making me fat!" That's the consequence of losing your gym membership, not the fault of the gym. 3/19
Read 23 tweets
Feb 4th 2018
By some distance, the most catastrophically anti-democratic thing that British political media has done over *decades* is to frame political activism of tens of thousands of people as insignificant & non-newsworthy, while obsessing over the remarks of individual politicians.
James Ball there is just regurgitating received wisdom of the political establishment, they've convinced each other that marches, demos & rallies are insignificant & not newsworthy. It's one of the major reasons why they misread the Corbyn's 17 election campaign so profoundly
The Guardian's readers editor admitted a few years ago that it is the paper's policy not to cover demonstrations unless they turn violent. And that's the Guardian.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 4th 2018
#Marr #Peston - in a week when a far-right extremist was convicted of murdering a Muslim, injuring several others, and announced in court his intention was to kill Corbyn & that if he could kill Sadiq Khan too, it would be "winning the lottery", you run with "members abuse"?
It has really got well beyond @ggreenwald 's stage 7 and is entering into the arena of total panic melt-down. Any old crap at all will do to ensure there is no anti-austerity government in No. 10.…
Clare Kober makes unsubstantiated allegations, says it's been going on for 2 years, & didn't report it to the NEC which is controlled by the Left, yet the NEC has only been under Left-wing control for 10 days, and gets a free pass to smear anyone she chooses.
Read 6 tweets

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