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Sep 19th 2018
Let’s talk about how #Iran apologists/lobbyists, such as @tparsi, are becoming desperate & resorting to unprecedentedly low propaganda against the Iranian opposition #PMOI/#MEK.
This caught my eye.
They couldn’t get this published anywhere such as CNN, Al Jazeera English or other such (in my opinion) #FakeNews outlets favoring an appeasement approach with #Iran’s regime.

The criteria is too low, even for them!
This is so ridiculous I won’t even discuss the article.

To be fair, you can read it if you like and see for yourself.…
Read 19 tweets
Sep 3rd 2018
Warning: Demonization Efforts by UK Channel 4 News, Setting the Stage for Terrorist Acts Against #PMOI/MEK Refugees in #Albania
#StopYellowJournalism against #MEK
@Ofcom @Channel4News @lindseyhilsum @thebarcouncil @itvchanneltv @CommonsCMS…
The Security and Counter-terrorism Committee of the #NCRI warns about despicable deals by the clerical regime’s Ministry of Intelligence& Security (MOIS) & preparing D stage 4 terrorist acts against members of #MEK in Albania, through D British television program Channel 4 News
Ms.@lindseyhilsum utterly failed a simple test of honesty formulated in the following question: When did Channel 4 decide to produce the piece and why did it decide to inform the #PMOI at the 11th hour?
#StopYellowJournalism against #MEK
Read 8 tweets
Sep 2nd 2018
Warning #StopYellowJournalism Against #MEK: Demonization Efforts by UK @Channel4News,Setting the Stage for #Terrorist Acts Against #PMOI/ MEK Refugees in Albania…
@Ofcom @Lindseyhilsum @thebarcouncil @commonsCMS @TheLawSociety @Sjmc65 @Kirsty_Brimelow #Iran
The Security &Counter-terrorism Committee of the #NCRI,warns about despicable deals by the clerical regime’s Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) &preparing the stage for terrorist acts against #Iranian refugees in Albania, members of #MEK through @Channel4News #StopYellowJournalism
The hit piece produced by the dishonest producer Lindsey Hilsum, will prepare the ground for yet another terrorist attack, against MEK, #Iran's main opposition.
#StopYellowJournalism Against #MEK
@Ofcom @Channel4News @thebarcouncil @commonsCMS @TheLawSociety
Read 5 tweets
Aug 27th 2018
Crime against humanity Part1
Have you ever seen this #video?
Nouri Maliki's (former prime minister of #Iraq) Special Forces carried out the operation in cooperation with the Iranian Regime to slaughter 52 Iranian dissidents on Sep 1st, 2013 in Camp Ashraf
Crime against humanity Part2
Maliki's barbarian assassins attacked Ashraf-city in #Iraq and slaughtered 52 Iranian refugees, the members of #PMOI #MEK
A shocking documentary about the massacre in Camp Ashraf Part 1
Crime against humanity by Maliki's forces and slaughtering 52 Iranian refugees by the order of #Khamenei
Sep. 1st, 2013
#PMOI #MEK #Iran
Read 6 tweets
Mar 10th 2018
March 10 - Varzaneh, central #Iran
More incoming footage of farmers continuing their protests today, demanding their plundered water resources.
March 10 - Varzaneh, central #Iran
More incoming footage of farmers launching a major rally demanding their plundered water resources.
"Incompetent officials, shame on you"
March 10 - Varzaneh, central #Iran
More incoming footage of farmers continuing their protests today, demanding their plundered water resources.
Read 341 tweets
Feb 19th 2018
Feb 19 - Pasdaran district, Tehran, #Iran
Outside 102nd Police Station
Dervish Gonabadi community members protesting the detention of Nematollah Riahi (#نعمت_ریاحی) & demanding the his unconditional release.
Feb 19 - Pasdaran district, Tehran, #Iran
Outside 102nd Police Station
Dervish Gonabadi community members protesting the detention of Nematollah Riahi (#نعمت_ریاحی) & demanding the his unconditional release.
He is suffering from heart disorder.
Feb 19 - Pasdaran district, Tehran, #Iran
Outside 102nd Police Station
Latest footage of Dervish Gonabadi community members protest site.
Reports indicate security forces are attacking the protesters with tears gas & opening fire. One protester is shot.
Read 125 tweets

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