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Aug 9th 2018
Why doesn’t the Trump Administration/US Attorney Office
in conjunction w ICE & LAPD conduct a raid and seize all of the child pornography that was part
of C(I)A operative Hugh Hefner’s extensive collection.
It’s in Cooper Hefner’s possession?
#ChildSextrafficking #ChildPorn
I’d like all the C(I)A child porn I was used for in 1970s (as well as all porn other children were used for) seized and destroyed.
I really don’t give a bleep about US Attorney and LA DA’s Office excuses why this can’t be accomplished.
Most perps, like Hefner are dead!
US Attorney’s Office deciding it’s “child erotica”
is bogus!
I know why they won’t prosecute this old stuff.
C(I)A #HumanTrafficking operations and their operatives get full protection while survivors of their crimes get f’d adinfinitum.
#GreatAwakening #MAGA #QanonPatriots
Read 4 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
This is a channel 4 kids. The cover pic is only a surgical scalpel. The person plays with objects like talking with children. The objects which R cut R metaphoric. They can all B replaced by a baby. It is 1 of the most disgusting vids on Utube & poisonous to children.
Link of the channel here:…
and they are produced by sickos in H3H Productions. They mock their own videos to desensitize ppl about them. There is nothing funny or comic in these vids. Their twitter page is wired too
This is their twitter page.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
1-Your child belongs to the state according to your marriage license. Marriage is a contract between U, Ur spouse & the state and your signature on this contract means "the consent."
#QAnon #QAnonPatriots #WeThePeople #GreatAwakening #TrumpArmy #Deplorables #TrumpNation
2-As the court system offers only opinions which become "public policy" & are wrongly called "law," at this point & according to that signature on Ur license, the courts offer the opinion that Ur child is owned by the state. This is how the children become children of the state.
3-This opinion is quite common in its legal application. In fact, it is the basis of the criminal “Child Protective Services (CPS)”, a child abductor organization which claims to have authority from the Federal “Health And Human Services (HHS)” to legally kidnap Ur children.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 30th 2018
#Qanon #Qanonpatriots #Qarmy #SuperElites #MAGA #KAG @Potus @realDonaldTrump "Something BIG about to drop" TONIGHT
#NXIVM & #ArizonaMafia whistleblower @realJeffreyP has come forward & has gone public.
His life is in danger
He lives the #GreatAwakening - Ultimate #WalkAway 🙏
When your best friend threatens to kill you and your whole family if you talk. Then you go public and #MakeItRain #Qanon
#NXIVM whistleblower @realJeffreyP has had enough!
Says he is going to drop something IMPORTANT @ 6pm pst! RT
Read 5 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
1) A message to the Deep State: It's time you answered for your crimes. It's time you were exposed for the sick, vile, twisted beings you are.

.@POTUS .@realDonaldTrump .@VP .@USAGSessions
2) For over two centuries you have warped, twisted and mangled the truth in an effort to bring down this country. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

#QAnon #QAnonPatriots .@GOP .@DNC
3) For over a hundred years you have forced your agenda down our throats and murdered those that threatened to expose you, manipulated the branches of government in order to get what you wanted. It's time you answered for your crimes.

.@SecretService .@FBI .@USMarshalsGov
Read 9 tweets
Jun 3rd 2018
TUCSON, AZ. TPD doing nothing. Dhs is on scene and have arrested 2 VOP volunteers that found the camp. Get this story out people. Don't let them sweep away like they always do.
@Breaking911 @realDonaldTrump @KamVTV.
I will continue updates through this recent feed. Word around town is look into cemex. They are owned by... You guessed it... Rothschild and brofman. They were on scene in Tucson trying to get the citizens to leave. I do not have a big audience. Please help us get the word out!
Read 24 tweets
May 18th 2018
1-Sanate school didn't have the landline/signal 2 call 911
2-NY Times wrote an article about Santafe shooting YESTERDAY
3-Valerie Jarrett as I promised U, started 2 beat the gun ban drum
#IamTheNRA #NRA #2ndAmendment
#HumanTrafficking #SaveTheChildren #NRA #MKULTRA
Read 32 tweets
Apr 23rd 2018
#QAlert 4/23/18 This will be my THREAD for all of #Q's posts for Monday, April 23, 2018. Wake up! Happy Hunting! Armenia, NK freed, Order important, Happening now, World is Awakening Iran next and more! Let's Go!

@POTUS #QAnon #QAnonPosts #GreatAwakening #ItsHappening #MAGA
#QAlert 4/23/18 Post 1241- YUGE post here.
Iran is next.
CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2.
Jan 1.
Jun 1.
No inspection @ GZ NR sites.
No missile tech prevention.
Load carrying.

@POTUS #QAnon #QAnonPosts #GreatAwakening #ItsHappening #MAGA
#QAlert 4/23/18 Post 1242

Do you believe?
The world is awakening.…
@POTUS #QAnon #QAnonPosts #GreatAwakening #ItsHappening #MAGA
Read 34 tweets

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