How to get URL link on Twitter App was just saying to @IsaacKappy that one of the reasons I came forward publicly Oct 13, 2017 regarding #pedopredator Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski is because Polanski is BFFs w Harvey Weinstein who runs w the #ClintonCrimeFamily which includes Soros & Rothschilds... that, as a child, I was passed around to the same group of people most starlets were, you can assume they managed to compromise everyone who had a viable career in the Entertainment/Film Industry.’s your Daddy now? took me a another 5 years and unsuccessful suicide to get a decent therapist. Thankful for my dear, wise pastor Reverend Shelby at Santa Monica Methodist who told me on no uncertain terms to cut all ties with my family of origin. announcing they found Ruby Slippers is meant as mass triggering of all #MKultra #mindcontrol victims programmed with Oz “Return to Home” programming. They’re seeking to stop victims from waking up and/or cause those that are awake to go back to sleep.’s comforting to know that Hef suffered from debilitating back pain, which left him confined to a wheel chair inside his Los Angeles house, during his last year. At least that’s something., my silence about many things has allowed others to be harmed while it kept me and my brothers alive...… what’s your opinion on Kanye?