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Gnosis. Dr Ford incident had nothing to do with Kavanaugh. The cabal already knew they lacked the votes. Dr. Ford was placed on camera as a trauma thumper; a pied piper calling the inner victim of injustice in every one of us. The voice of Dr. Ford sounded that way on purpose.
You can weaponize body trauma by insisting it's a celebration. This causes dissonance that many are simply not in touch with their bodies yet to discern. We are crammed full of propaganda in school. You can create a class of trauma survivors with pictures and sound.
You can activate this trauma army later with a simple story or a facial expression. This technique is far from new. It's not accurate to relegate it to #mkultra. We are all Manchurian voters thanks to academia and tribal pressure. This proves we are not in touch with our bodies.
Read 6 tweets
1. #QAnon deleted it (which is very unusual).

"Symbolism will be their downfall."
2. This next consecutive #QAnon drop was also, curiously, deleted fromā€¦.ā€¦šŸ“
3. #QAnon This is VERY important! Register someone(s) now. Take them with you to VOTE!!
Read 24 tweets
1) Starting a thread to explore #QAnon Post #2305 (October 1, 2018): "The Swamp Using Dr. Ford to Frame Justice Kavanaugh"

In 3parts:
--What is Q saying?
--Why is Q saying it?
--How do we know if Q is telling usā€¦xMdKOGR9yX

#MKULTRA #ConfirmKa
2) Couple of things.
--Why is this important? A few reasons. #1, mind control to influence a seat on the SC is huge. #2, if it's a clear setup, it ends now.
-- If you have good stuff to share please do. I might incorporate it here.
-- Time is limited; will do the best I can.
3) Let's start with the bottom line up front and then we can get into the details.
Read 67 tweets
Yes, I was used as an underage honey pot/spy as part of a C(I)A operation that U.S. taxpayers funded.
It is part of the bigger picture of the DOD/C(I)A/M16 #MKultra #mindcontrol operations that U.S. taxpayers also paid for.

I was just saying to @IsaacKappy that one of the reasons I came forward publicly Oct 13, 2017 regarding #pedopredator Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski is because Polanski is BFFs w Harvey Weinstein who runs w the #ClintonCrimeFamily which includes Soros & Rothschilds...
Here is the interview I gave to @emmamarieparry at Sun UK
regarding #pedopredator Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski sexually assaulting me as a child:ā€¦
Read 5 tweets
1) Former CIA Robert David Steele: ā€œI assess this womanā€™s accusation as lies based on both the passage of time...and her association with the CIA (and Stanford, like Yale, a fully vested left wing liberal arm of the CIA)ā€ā€¦
2) ā€œOwlā€: Although Sorcha Faal is a known fabricator...links and graphics are always very high quality and confirmable. This counter-accusation against CIA contractor Dr. Christine Blasey should be taken seriously.ā€ā€¦
Referring to
3) Steele: ā€œWhile it is alleged that she told these stories years ago to her husband and therapist, Justice Kavanaugh has always been a rising star and known right of center judge target.ā€
Read 103 tweets
1) Starting a new thread to suggest we consider whether #MKULTRA mind control has led to Professor Fordā€™s allegation against Judge #Kavanaugh.

This sounds completely insane, but letā€™s follow the logic.

I think Congress should hear it ALL.

(9/17/2017 part 2)
2) You can read Part I of todayā€™s #Kavanaugh ā€œcoffee timeā€ thread from me here.
3) To be clear, I am a total outsider to this, just making observations based on research. My concern here is to ensure our Nation is freed from undue, unelected, corrupt influence.

All opinions I express are personal.
Read 44 tweets
If I were a psychopath with $21 trillion dollars, I would probably build a reptilian space pope. Iā€™d splice the genes of a reptile with a human and create a hairless hybrid simpleton I could control from my cell phone... @davidickeā€¦
#SpaceForce might not mean what we think it means. Why would we poke out the eyes of the Lucifer telescope system?
The telescope shutdowns are only a week after the #NASA self-disclosure over the bullet hole. What is it with these magic bullets anyways? This got no attention but is related to the telescopes and #SpaceForce. #QAnon
Read 29 tweets
This interview was very enlightening to watch, and it was interesting to see the undertones about the AI/ BCI/ Neuralink intel.

Joe to Elon: ā€œIā€™m glad you as a robot like humanity, so you donā€™t kill us and eat us.ā€
Does Elon Musk already have a Brain Computer Interface #BCI #AI chip?! Is that why heā€™s so smart and canā€™t sleep?

What they donā€™t get into much here is how this technology is the true Mark of the Beast and how it could be used to fully enslave all of humanity. Ultimate #MKultra.
Read 3 tweets
To all targeted individuals, gang stalking & neuro linguistic programming are easy to spot & identify. DEWs not so much. I do not doubt your truth/experience, but be sure to consider one possibility. Is there an external stimulus, or are YOU perhaps reacting to something?
When I experience symptoms of dissociation, it causes dysregulation of my autonomic nervous system (temperature, vision, heart rate, inflammatory response, breathing, muscle spasms, nausea & vomiting, headaches, etc). For a long time I thought weather made it worse. It didn't.
My body was rejecting my consciousness because my consciousness was not honoring the truth of what happened to my body. Living a lie started to kill me. #DeceptionKills My mistake was to immediately assign cause to a false external stimulus instead of facing the truth of my abuse
Read 15 tweets
This is the credo of the Illuminati šŸ‘‡šŸ»
I prayed to the LORD, asked for the truth, asked for confirmation of what I was told.
The LORD clearly answered that by having Kanye West expose it with his ā€œWe are Godsā€ tweet (without an apostrophe).
Thatā€™s what we were taught.
Itā€™s a lie.
#MKUltra #mindcontrol #Luciferians
Kanye Westā€™s mama was approx age 4 when she was 1st generation Dr. Louis Joylon West #MKultra #mincontrol victim.
Kanye was, according to insiders, 2nd generation, as I was. Heā€™s now being handled by Masonic Kardashians.
This is the info I was given.
See my media.
Read 3 tweets
PAY ATTENTION : #Hivites are using the media to signal to each other and attempt to trigger Mind Control victims. These things are NOT a coincidence. #HangryHangryHivites are trying to get their feed bags home and frightened so they can EAT, get it? #ByePhoenicia #QAnon @POTUS
@POTUS Other #MKUltra mind control survivors are noticing this too. @ShurterD
@POTUS @ShurterD For any survivors out there who may be affected by the escalating #HiviteTactics and attempts to trigger/access mind control, I hope some of this may help. You are not alone. #SurvivorsUnite #WWG1WGA #ItEndsNow #theGreatAwakening #QAnon @POTUS #WeThePeople
Read 7 tweets
It is time to wake up now.
It is time to wake up now.
Wake up now.
No more sleeping we have work to do.
Everyone needs to help.
FBI announcing they found Ruby Slippers is meant as mass triggering of all #MKultra #mindcontrol victims programmed with Oz ā€œReturn to Homeā€ programming. Theyā€™re seeking to stop victims from waking up and/or cause those that are awake to go back to sleep.
The Movie, ā€œReturn to Ozā€ portrays the heinous process of trauma-based #mindcontrol as experienced by a young girl. #MKULTRA mind control subjects victims to trauma that is so intense it causes them dissociate, or disconnect, from reality.
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One of the many reasons I hate the C(I)A so much is because S@tan worshipping freak #pedopredator Hugh Hefner, one of my Handlers when I was a child, was their man.
My timing on speaking out about Polanski Oct 13, 2017 wasnā€™t a coincidence, it coincided with Hefā€™s timely death.
Itā€™s comforting to know that Hef suffered from debilitating back pain, which left him confined to a wheel chair inside his Los Angeles house, during his last year. At least thatā€™s something.

I will not forgive nor will I forget.
@FionaBa47662575 here is an article that covers some of what I was telling you about Hugh Hefner/Playboyā€™ #childporn magazine and Sugar & Spice.
As you can see, all little girls had their Beta programming triggered for photo shoots:ā€¦

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1. The weaponization of our society seems to cover just about every facet of #American lifestyle. From life's necessities to technology, to media, even our governing agencies. We have to ask: #WhereDoesItAllEnd?.. in #MartialLaw?

2. Let's first define what it means to '#Weaponize'. It's the opposite of what something is supposed to do:

A. Make drinking water unsafe
B. Make food poisonous instead of nutritious
C. Allow @TheJusticeDept to let crime flourish
D. Turn our news into lies: #FakeNews
3. Clearly, the single greatest threat to our society and our entire earth is #GeoEngineering - the spraying of our skies by both military & commercial aircraft.

Just #Lookup!.. it's not hard to spot But what are the motives? We've heard it all. #Chemtrails #OpChemtrails #HAARP
Read 19 tweets
1) A cesspool of filthy arrogance.

Itā€™s coffee time
September 1, 2018
2) We are going to talk about Hillary Clintonā€™s e-mails today.
Read 235 tweets
On the morning of the Parkland Shooting, five armed men in a white Ford pickup rolled up on campus. Two were wearing badges, the other three were in black Kevlar. They geared up at the truck in silence. The adrenaline was flowing.ā€¦
How do you traumatize a group? You shoot President John F. Kennedy in broad daylight. The assassination induces shock across the entire population. Next comes the programming. A single magic bullet from a communist janitor. People in shock donā€™t ask questions. #QAnon #MKUltra
Parkland is one of many false flags. America, the society of alters, has learned to accept it. We call them ā€œtragediesā€ so they hurt less. Weird. We update our profile pics in ritual. Trauma programming is the key to mind control. We are living survivors of satanic ritual murder.
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#Jacksonville shooter David Katz (24) father Richard Katz is a NASA engineer employed at the Goddard Space Flight Center outside Washington DC.

Another mass shooter with psyche issues, warnings, and a NASA connection!
I was waiting to see who that shooter was to see if there was a connection. Iā€™m not surprised there is! Tons of these mass shooters all have similar connections!

Interesting the Dad said he didnā€™t need meds... he had never seen psychozophrenic behavior...
Psychozophrenia is the perfect cover for these poor kids. They literally hear voices (from the BCI implant) so they are told they are crazy... so they see therapists regularly for ā€œmonitoring.ā€

Wonder if the dad had control of his Chip and would purposely use it against the Mom?
Read 6 tweets
My new novel, ULTRA, is now finished. It's a little longer than I expected, but I think it's real fucking good. I'll be launching preorders September 1st I think. #SanJenaro #MKUltra
This is the first time I've ever done preorders for a novel. So, I'm gonna be BEGGING for support for this one. I'm going to try to get it up in the algorithms. It's weird. It's queer. It's indie. I hope you can help me make it a Big Fucking Deal.
Here's the back cover synopsis for my new book, #ULTRA.
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1. #17 jersey
2. Training exercise b4
3. Predicted by hateful ā€œZAnonā€
4. Who gets this mad over a game?
5. Jax - McCain link
6. Killed himself
7. Jewish perp -stokes hatred
8. Both parents gov
9. Divorce trauma
10. Eyes look off
Something is not kosher here.
Read 78 tweets
Survivors of multi-generational Luciferianism have been conditioned to believe that they would rather die, or will die, if leave their "family" (the Illuminati group). This is the core of suicidal programming or as, in my case, Omega programming.
This is a multi-generational Cult.
Leaving means breaking all contact with parents, spouse, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins as well as childhood friends. Since other members are usually amnesic, unless something happens to trigger their own memories, they donā€™t understand.
...the survivor leaving and family/friends will all try to contact the survivor. Theyā€™ll try to draw them back in, asking "don't you love us anymore?" or become accusatory and hostile if the survivor does not respond the way they wish...
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"Leviathan" as a concept is important to #Hivites. It represents primordial chaos (aka the Goddess before creation, the "creatrix") according to the Bible, & the State of Nature in which man is unbound & unprotected by society/laws, per Thomas Hobbs, a philosopher in the 1650s.
Leviathan is also the name given to a monster that presents the external threat #Hivites maintain is required to unify man against a common enemy for mutual self protection. (Da Alienz anyone?)
Read 23 tweets
While U.S. CIA involvement in experiments with mindĀ¬altering drugs in the 1950s & 1960s was made public in Rockefeller Commission hearings 1975, emphasis upon abuses by U. S. intelligence agencies, eliminated the crucial role of Britainā€™s Tavistock Institute.

Tavistock played a crucial role during the Second World War in Anglo-Soviet intelligence operations called the British Occult Bureau. This included occultists Aleister Crowley, Dennis Wheatley, contact with Heinrich Himmlerā€™s astrologer, & occultists in Hitlerā€™s immediate circle
Tavistock ran a number of psychological profiles not only of political leaders and would-be leaders, but of entire populations. It was also involved in intensive studies of brainwashing. A leader in this field was the psychiatrist R. D. Laing, who worked out of Tavistock.
Read 26 tweets
Steven Spielberg is a Luciferian pedopredator and
pos who fought against fellow #pedopredator Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski being removed from @TheAcademy.ā€¦
Anyone who supports the above is a pedo apologist.
#CrimesAgainstChildren #CSA #SRA #WWG1WGA
@FionaBa47662575 whatā€™s your opinion on Kanye?
Heā€™s back in the sunken place imo or he never got out.
Kanye West is not free or he wouldnā€™t call Spielberg a genius nor promote his movie.
If he was free heā€™d call Spielberg and many others out, straight out.
Kanye is kowtowing and now mindless morons will now go watch the movie.
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"Define Psychological Projection
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive&negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others"

"These people are SICK" get it? The truth is killing them. Their supply of human food (CSF, blood, Adrenochrome) is cut off. They are DYING & DESPERATE. They are GOING EXTINCT #ByePhoenicia

#NewQ #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening @POTUS #HivitesGetLit #ItEndsNOW

'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
#QAnon Post 1925 Aug 19 2018 13:03:32 EST


But they are PHYSICALLY UNABLE to confess
Read 30 tweets

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