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Sep 24th 2018
@LizCrokin @TameTheDrew Satanists Marina ABRAMOVIC famous for "Spirit Cooking"

#QAnon #953
➡️ They think you are STUPID.
➡️ They think you will follow the STARS.
MOCA (Los Angeles)
November 12, 2011

Hosted by Marina Abramovic

Celebrities in attendance:
- Blondie (Debbie Harry)
@LizCrokin @TameTheDrew Other Celebrities at the MOCA event hosted by Marina Abramovic.
Read 9 tweets
Sep 17th 2018
This is a tale as old as time folks! This strategy out of the Dem playbook goes back decades, and in the case of Clarence Thomas, his nomination also threatened what the Dems thought of representation for their interests on the #SCOTUS.…
What’s most eerily similar is that the Dems attacked the Thomas nomination as a specific threat to abortion rights. For those of us that believe we know WHY Dems truly value dead babies’ bodies, this signals more truth to that theory.
Allow me here to jog your memory on the Project Veritas revelations about the use of Planned Parenthood to sell aborted babies bodies, and point to some curious additional revelations that I haven’t seen discussed.…
Read 8 tweets
Aug 19th 2018
"Define Psychological Projection
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive&negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others"

"These people are SICK" get it? The truth is killing them. Their supply of human food (CSF, blood, Adrenochrome) is cut off. They are DYING & DESPERATE. They are GOING EXTINCT #ByePhoenicia

#NewQ #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening @POTUS #HivitesGetLit #ItEndsNOW

'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
#QAnon Post 1925 Aug 19 2018 13:03:32 EST


But they are PHYSICALLY UNABLE to confess
Read 30 tweets
Aug 16th 2018
1) My thoughts on why our #MSM being called a #FreePress is...

Complete bullshit.

2) Our #FreePress never challenges Democrats on their talking points. Only Republicans get this 'privilege'.

@AdamSchiffCA is on TV all day talking about how their is proof of #Collusion, but we've yet to see ANY.

Anchors just sit back and listen to the narrative of the day.
3) Anyone anti-Trump gets to make the rounds everywhere spouting nonsense against @POTUS.

You'd think a #FreePress would of learned after Wolfe's book backfired, but instead...

Here's comes @OMAROSA who gets more insane with each interview.
Read 33 tweets
Jun 30th 2018
Pt1: Pt 1: The "#Pizzagate" Evidence Of #RitualAbuse Hidden In Plain Sight…
Pt2: The "#Pizzagate" Evidence Of #RitualAbuse Hidden In Plain Sight.…
I wrote this piece because, a year and a half after #pizzagate started off in the wake of the #spiritcooking scandal, I see many people parroting info about #ritualabuse that, while not intended to be misleading, often blinds us from researching what is in front of our eyes.
Read 55 tweets
Jun 26th 2018
This isn't the longer piece I had been working on, and it's totally rushed, but it is important. The death of #AnthonyBourdain just got a whole lot more surreal.

#Ritualabuse #Pizzagate #SpiritCooking…
Why? For starters, his final segment of Parts Unknown included a Bhutanese death ritual. This is massively significant in and of itself, but who he performed it with is equally important. None other than #DarrenAronofsky

#ritualabuse #Pedogate #CSA #SRA
What's so special about #DarrenAronofsky?

He is the Director of the film, Mother!

Movie poster for that film is.... telling, to say the least.

#Ritualabuse #CSA #Pedogate #SpiritCooking #RitualAbuse #SRA #cult
Read 21 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
People ignore the evidence of ritual abuse in plain sight because it doesn't come wearing pentagrams, inverted crosses or kabalistic imagery. It is a smokescreen to focus only on abrahamic faiths or inversions of them for the origin of #ritualabuse.…
Even #Abramovic and her #SpiritCooking are actually drawn from Latin American shamanism, & as shown ^ above, the Aztecs practiced ritual human sacrifice on a mass scale. The public are so easily manipulated to not see the evidence in front of them.…
Read 8 tweets
Jun 16th 2018
1. Call this “fake news” if you like, but the rumours are getting too loud to simply be dismissed. Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den Of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast On Blood Of Kids’…
2. There are many who believe that this “Feasting on the blood of kids” is the real reason why there is so much opposition to President Trump and those who go against SJW orthodoxy. They play with semantics to win the uninformed to their side.
3. But there comes a tipping point. A time when certain things can no longer be ignored. I believe the #IGReport contained lots of significant information... but there is one page that stands out but about which the media is unsurprisingly quiet. Here’s a screen shot.
Read 26 tweets
May 11th 2018
They've been in the #ChildTrafficking, #OrganHarvesting black market business since 1984. What say you #Congress? 👈Explain!
Read 11 tweets
May 6th 2018
391-All this would be just a coincidence except...
That infamous #SpiritCooking' from #Wikileaks “Cooking w/ Fratelli Podesta”
Participants included J. & Tony Podesta, #Alefantis & First Lady of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Dorothy McAuliffe (wife Terry McAuliffe) + 90 guests
392-Look at the email… & click on attachments & download the guest list.
Guess who is there? Conrad #Cafritz
in a 2 hour event with not time for cooking, what exactly did happened there? 🤔…

Coincidences #Pizzagate is #FakeNews
393-Bill & Buffy (Pam's Cafritz parents from #NXIVM sex cult) which also have their own charity 'Buffy And William Cafritz Family Foundation ' are all tied to the same charities as the rest of the cousins & of course, the #Clintons & #SpiritCooking
Read 8 tweets
May 2nd 2018
1. #QAnon a few days ago, in context of CIA, questioned coincidence of US planes crashing here, and in Syria, latter being blamed by Newsweek on "#Russians".
2. #QAnon (above) asked about,"Coincidence?". Now, today, we note:

10:30 AM - We're told to expect a loud sound in Chatham County around noon.
11:00 AM - Mike Pompeo sworn in as Sec of State, no longer CIA Director
11:55 AM - Plane down in Chatham County

#Q: "Comms"?
3. #QAnon has told us before that 7/10 plane crashes are "targeted kills". Some have linked this to the QRS-11 chip in auto-pilot device, the intel version of which is said to be capable of remotely turning off engines. Hillary represented the inventor #Q
Read 12 tweets
Apr 30th 2018
After the Royals Rosemary Baby thing I said that's it
The last red pill
But that was Friday
This is Monday
I began wondering why Q posted about the #EmmyAwards
Like seriously, why??
Why he said Red carpet event
#QAnon #Qanon8chan #QArmy #TheGreatAwakening
The Emmys are the awards of the
National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences
Or backwards, SATAN
No joke

#QAnon #QArmy #QAnon8Chan #TheGreatAwakening #EmmyAwards #PedoWood #PizzaGateIsReal #Weinstein #SpiritCooking #PedoGateNews
Google satan backwards
The first thing that comes up?
Why, The Emmys!
Of course!!
It's almost like a satanic ritual in plain sight...🙄

#QAnon #QArmy #QAnon8Chan #TheGreatAwakening #EmmyAwards #PedoWood #PizzaGateIsReal #Weinstein #SpiritCooking #PedoGateNews
Read 8 tweets
Apr 26th 2018
#QAlert 4/26/18 This will be my THREAD for all #Q's posts for Thursday April 26, 2018. #ReleaseTheTexts Edition! Let's Go!

@POTUS #QArmy #QAnon #ReleaseTheTexts #WWG1WGA
#QAlert 4/26/18 Post 1275
Interesting theory.
It’s nice when you can work in peace.…
No redactions.
@POTUS #QArmy #QAnon #ReleaseTheTexts #WWG1WGA
#QAlert 4/26/18 Post 1276 Anon posts pics of @johnlegend and baby. #Q responds with a challenge!
How many pics can you find of JL & HRC?
re: Haiti?
Marching into the Darkness - lyrics.
Follow the stars.
It’s everywhere.
@POTUS #QArmy #QAnon #ReleaseTheTexts #WWG1WGA
Read 24 tweets
Apr 21st 2018
1. BOoM! Big #QAnon drop out now succeeding Q's clear SKY signal:
A canary sings.
Mack sings
AS <---------Schiff
2. #QAnon tells us that accused NXIVM Sex Cult trafficker Allison "Mack is naming names, Big names" in Hollywood, and government. #Q…
3. #QAnon confirms that Allison Mack is singing like a canary & giving "Proof", mentioning "The ‘Standard’ Hotel" & the "Helicopter crash" as being "All related", indicating that "Future will prove past". He asks Adam Schiff if he's "Feeling ok today?" #Q…
Read 18 tweets
Apr 21st 2018
New Q Friday 💥
Apr 20 2018 22:37:22 (EST) Anonymous ID: 3d9fc3 1124637 NEW

Is @Snowden talking about us?

Apr 20 2018 22:48:30 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 35d50c 1124872 NEW
The world is watching.
#WeHAVEEVERYTHING #QAnon #MAGA #Qanon8chan #QanonPosts
Remember this?? Q Related Friday!💥🐸🐰

#Q #WeHAVEEVERYTHING #QAnon #MAGA #Qanon8chan #QanonPosts #GreatAwakening #TrustThePlan
Read 99 tweets
Apr 19th 2018
1, #QAnon drops. Yep. Sho 'nuff.

"Delta engine fire?
How rare are engine fires?
Think logically.
2. #QAnon: Gen McMaster's father died Friday April 13 of blunt trauma to head.

"187"'ed (murdered) for Gen's
"Failure to retain position/ear." of @POTUS; #Clown
"Threats are real.
WAR is real.
Good vs Evil real.
Think State of the Union - FREE" (still)…
Read 15 tweets
Apr 17th 2018
1/ Layer about the WHERE and the WHY in Shenzhen, related to the #qanon drop. #Qanon #Qanon8chan #shenzhen #sse #WWG1WGA @prayingmedic @lisamei62 @realdonaldtrump
2/ The Shenzhen Stock Exchange was designed by OMA bureau [Rem Koolhaas / Shohei Shigematsu] as an upside down cross. #Qanon #Qanon8chan #shenzhen #sse #WWG1WGA @prayingmedic @lisamei62 @realdonaldtrump…
3/ Rem Koolhaas of OMA also made the design for MAI, Marina Abramovic Institute; partly crowdfunded but not realized; backers wont be refunded.… #Qanon #Qanon8chan #shenzhen #sse #spiritcooking #WWG1WGA #abramovic @prayingmedic @lisamei62 @realdonaldtrump
Read 23 tweets
Apr 14th 2018
I feel it is time to talk a little bit about what is going on in the Middle East. I was not very happy about @realDonaldTrump's missile strike in Syria. I am VERY anti-war because of my experiences in the 60's and the atrocities that were Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan.
Especially it disgusts me when children are hurt and killed. This is from #Yemen, done by the Saudis, our allies. Few complaining about this, lots of ordnance used massive profits for the Military Industrial Complex.
In the 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, and 1996 elections, I wrote in @RonPaul for President. Also I am a strong advocate of the #Libertarian school of thought.
Read 15 tweets
Apr 8th 2018
Immediately following the chemical attack in #Douma, Syria, the usual suspects are lining up to push the theory that it was a false flag.
This isn't the only time in the last couple of months we've seen "false flag" theories pushed in the wake of a chemical attack. In one case, the prime suspect is Assad's government, a Russian ally, and in the other the Russian government itself.
We downloaded recent tweets containing the hashtag #FalseFlag; the majority are related to the attack in Syria. 1744 of 1950 (89%) of the accounts involved also have #Novichok tweets on their timelines.
Read 19 tweets
Mar 21st 2018
Just going to add this news story to this thread for easy reference when all of the social media platform are taken down for contributing to the largest data bases of child pornography that'll make these pedophiles jealous
This looks like a good place to add another tweet exposing the Child Trafficking Pedophiles being brought to justice as spoken on 12/24
Read 249 tweets
Mar 10th 2018

#GreatAwakening #WeThePeople #Qanon8chan #qanon
@FedupWithSwamp @3nityAlchemy @MrBill108

PART 1️⃣💥

Re_read re: Australia.
AUS donations to CF?
Why is this relevant?
More than you know.
This is BIG.
#GreatAwakening #Qanon8chan #Qanon #WeThePeople

PART 2️⃣💥💥

Donald J. Trump
Verified account
#GreatAwakening #Qanon8chan #Qanon #WeThePeople

PART 3️⃣💥💥💥

Which conversation leaked?
Why that specific conversation?
We (they) hear what you are saying?
Threat to AUS?
What do they know?
Read 38 tweets
Dec 27th 2017
You think these rare occurrences are a coincidence?
2018 will be the year that pedophiles are exposed!
The unrepentant knee will bend!
Eyes will be open!
If the knee doesn't bend then this will likely be the result for more exposed pedophiles to come.
Read 114 tweets
Dec 27th 2017
1) #SaveTheKids Now that I have a following, I am a single, threaded 27-point story of the #Treason against the US committed by #Hillary, #Obama, and the #Cabal, starting w/ #UraniumOne and #IranNukes deals.…
2) Trump was recruited by #Patriots/#Military as the only outsider (not part of establishment) who could really #DrainTheSwamp, which is much worse than the aforementioned #Treason. He is protected by the #Marines in particular.…
3) #SethRichMurder The #Cabal, which includes corrupt Dems/GOP, never expected #HRC to lose. They owned #FakeNews #LSM (lying socialist media), rigged #DNC primary for #Hillary, and unsuccessfully rigged actual election w/electronic voting…
Read 27 tweets

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