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Mar 16th 2018

A longtime #NRA attorney reportedly expressed “concerns” about the NRA’s ties w/#Russia🇷🇺and possible involvement in ILLEGALLY funneling Russian money into the 2016 election to help Donald Trump‼️🤬1/

h/t @traciemac_Bmore…
Former NRA board member Cleta Mitchell (also did legal work for them) is one of MANY people whom House Intel Democrats want to interview. Democratic Senate Intel investigators also are interested in what she may know about relationships btwn the NRA and wealthy Russians.🧐 2/
Get this. In addition to being a gun lover (of course🙄), Mitchell is an *election law specialist* and veteran conservative operative.🤨

Meaning: she should know that it’s ILLEGAL for #Russians🇷🇺to donate ANY money that is spent on political campaigns‼️ 3/
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