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Aug 6th 2018
So after an age of netflindecision we decided to just re-watch #GameofThrones again from the start. It’s so weird going back all them years.

Here comes a 70-odd tweet thread commenting on every episode...
#GoT #S1e1 That cold opening though.

It’s odd that you give a pass to beheading, incest and marital rape but the thing that made me think “this show is different” was Jaime casually pushing Bran out the window. Seeing Robert grieving for Lyanna was more poignant with hindsight.
#GoT #s1e2 Lots of ominous shots of dragon eggs. Robb acting brash, Cat loving her kids, Joffrey being a dick #foreshadowing

Tyrion steals the wall scenes.
I realise now why they all love direwolves - mostly for Joffrey biting.
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