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Apr 12th 2018
#MikePompeo @SenatorMenendez This committee considers your nomination after nearly a year-and-a-half of reckoning with Trumps erratic approach to foreign policy that has left our allies confused and our adversaries emboldened. It's an approach driven by impulse and not strategy.
#MikePompeo @SenatorMenendez Trump's America First policies have left us alone in the midst of unprecedented challenges. challenges from an aggressive Russia who seeks to undermine the international order we helped create after World War II. @POTUS
#MikePompeo @SenatorMenendez the ongoing threat of terrorism in the Middle East, an emboldend China in the South China Sea militarily and economically right here in the Western Hemisphere.
And you can honestly right here in the Western Hemisphere.
Read 21 tweets
Apr 12th 2018
#MikePompeo #SecretaryofStateConfirmation Bob Dole (R-Kansas) is testifying on his behalf. Not much to say, more a figurehead with a gold star. Sen Pat Roberts (R-Kansas), talking about what a great businessman he is what does that have to do with being Secretary of State?
Sen Richard Burr (R-NC)
He is in love with this guy.
He's saying not saying that compared to all of Trump's unqualified nominees, Pompeo is qualified.
@BobCorker recognizing that Mike Pompeo has a close relationship with the president which will serve him.
#MikePompeo @BobCorker But many calm voices have been terminated. That's why I think it's fair for our members to ask whether your relationship is rooted in a candid healthy give and take dynamic or whether it's based on deferential willingness to go along to get along.
Read 11 tweets

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