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Aug 10th 2018
#JaredCohen was mentioned by #QAnon “Newly released #HRC emails, published on Wikileaks show Cohen head of Google Jigsaw has been acting as a secret agent for the state department turning the world’s most powerful tech company into a private arm of the US intelligence services.”
“A secret government spy using Google data and resources to build spying tools to help the US State Department encourage regime change in Syria.

Pretty cool!”
Read 3 tweets
Apr 5th 2018
#QAnon #JaredCohen led Google in donating $3 million to create a database system to connect 65 independent hotlines used to report human trafficking.
#QAnon #Clinton #IranIsNext "Clinton protected Cohen" when Obama asked why he wasn't fired? Who is the good guy in this?
Well.....not sure these are two I would want supporting me:
"Cohen and Schmidt’s book, The New Digital Age, appeared in 2013, with glowing blurbs from Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright. "
Read 40 tweets

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