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Oct 6th 2018
1 We’ve seen how low the left goes in an attempt to “win” with the fake rape smear campaign in an attempt to not #ConfirmJudgeKavanaugh Apply this thinking to #NadiaMurad “winning” the #NobelPeacePrize2018 Her Attorney? #AmalClooney
2 First of all, Amal’s husband #georgeclooney covered for #MeToo members #lesmoonves & #HarveyWeinstein put abuser #CaseyAffleck in his Oceans movies, lamented the punishment for child rapist Polanski & was accused of blacklisting assault whistleblowers on ER.That actress is dead
3 Amal says she wants to help Nadia defeat Isis in a legal tribunal. Odd considering her pals created & enabled Isis. After Qaddafi’s death, Libya, the apex of Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State under Obama, basketball buddy George, created a vacuum for Isis to grow.
Read 15 tweets
Sep 29th 2018
Yes, I was used as an underage honey pot/spy as part of a C(I)A operation that U.S. taxpayers funded.
It is part of the bigger picture of the DOD/C(I)A/M16 #MKultra #mindcontrol operations that U.S. taxpayers also paid for.

I was just saying to @IsaacKappy that one of the reasons I came forward publicly Oct 13, 2017 regarding #pedopredator Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski is because Polanski is BFFs w Harvey Weinstein who runs w the #ClintonCrimeFamily which includes Soros & Rothschilds...
Here is the interview I gave to @emmamarieparry at Sun UK
regarding #pedopredator Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski sexually assaulting me as a child:…
Read 5 tweets
Sep 29th 2018
Let's talk about sex, #Kavanaugh & Venn diagram overlap of male entitlement.

I've written a lot about sex in various contexts. In the late 80s/early 90s I also gave safe sex workshops back when folks my age were dying 24/7 from #AIDS. My 1st book was on juvenile prostitution.
Most of us know consensual and non-consensual sex differ. The entirety of #Kavanaugh's defense and his defenders' outrage is predicated on the presumption that no teenaged boy knows what consent is.


Some, like their adult counterparts, don't care.

This is key.
Since #MeToo we've seen egregious serial rapists like #BillCosby and #HarveyWeinstein exposed & attempts made to prosecute them.

But there are "lesser" sexual assaults we've given a lighter hand to: Matt Lauer, Charlie Rose, Mark Halperin, Louis CK--too many to list.
Read 28 tweets
Sep 18th 2018
Dear @SenatorCollins - I'll tell you why I waited to report a coworker who touched me inappropriately, and why reports of harassment and assault can have "odd timing". 1/12 #MeToo #Kavanaugh
At an event for a coworker who was leaving the company, I was chatting with a married male coworker. Suddenly his hand was up the back of my blouse, almost touching my bra.

I froze in shock for a second, then backed away, stammering "What are you doing?" 2/12 #TuesdayThoughts
He smiled and said "nothing". I walked away and joined some other coworkers. He stayed away from me after that.

I told my boyfriend about it, but decided not to report to HR for several reasons. 3/12 #RoyMoore
Read 12 tweets
Jun 3rd 2018
545-#Naomi is certainly very cozy with the #Rothschild family. She seems to know David, Nat, James, & even Lord Jacob de Rothschild himself.
For somebody whose job is to look pretty and walk catwalks, she certainly seems well connected. Why would that be? 🤔
546-What about the #Bronfmans,? We'll get to that when we get to the charities part of it all. So, just for the fun of it, let's look at some other interesting friends of #NaomiCampbell
There is R. Tisci, pals with #Abramovic 👇……
547-She definitely knows the #ObamaFamily because they have cozy little gatherings at 10 #DowningStreet. This is where the #UK prime minister lives, just so you know.
Definitely knows #EltonJohns & what is more,goes to 'Elton John AIDS Foundation' parties
Read 15 tweets
May 29th 2018
1) @RandyRRQuaid IS ON FIRE!

Did past actors and actresses really die from suicide or did #HarveyWeinstein have something to do with it?🤔

He also attaches a 39-pg pleading to the courts.
2) Here is a link to the 39-pg pleading to the courts...…
3) FYI - download the pdf just in case it disappears. I have already done so myself. ;-)
Read 5 tweets
May 26th 2018
Next up: Black Cube — the Israeli private security firm that made headlines for targeting accusers of #HarveyWeinstein — is back in the news. Last yr it tried to dig up dirt on former Obama officials who had worked on the #Iran nuclear — in an effort to discredit the deal itself.
One of those former Obama officials was @ColinKahl. Black Cube tried to get to him through his wife, @RebeccaKahl, a stay-at-home mom. An operative emailed her a year ago about donating to their daughter’s DC public school.…
.@RebeccaKahl says the outreach felt strange, and after a brief exchange, she stopped responding. #OnAssignment
Read 11 tweets
May 25th 2018
Look at the symbology of the books #HarveyWeinstein was carrying. Shades of #QAnon cryptography. Why the Kazan reference? What did Kazan do? He was an informant during the HUAC days.
Arrest protocol. Never smile, never smirk. Look as though they have just arrested an innocent man. Bad optics even worse body language here. Or does this give more important people very serious reason to be petrified? #QAnon symbology here.
Read 6 tweets
Apr 5th 2018
#QAnon #JaredCohen led Google in donating $3 million to create a database system to connect 65 independent hotlines used to report human trafficking.
#QAnon #Clinton #IranIsNext "Clinton protected Cohen" when Obama asked why he wasn't fired? Who is the good guy in this?
Well.....not sure these are two I would want supporting me:
"Cohen and Schmidt’s book, The New Digital Age, appeared in 2013, with glowing blurbs from Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright. "
Read 40 tweets
Feb 4th 2018
I had to take the day away from Twitter after I read #UmaThurman's story. I was shattered.

I was raped & nearly killed a few years ago. I wrote about it for my local newspaper and @HuffPost.

[TW for this thread]

Rape: Another Coming-Out Story…
I'm not sure why #UmaThurman's story hit me. Was it because 30yr old me dodged a bullet with #HarveyWeinstein? Was it because her friend saw her disheveled and hysterical? Was it because of what happened in that car scene?

No way to know. #PTSD is like that. Unpredictable.

I can tell you that I will never fully recover.

I am not alone in this. We talk about #survivors, but we never talk about how we're supposed to become a survivor.

I wasn't killed, but I was beaten, bitten, punched, slapped, sodomized and raped.

I have permanent scars.

Read 20 tweets
Feb 2nd 2018
1. END OF WEEK THOUGHT: One of the many, obvious benefits of getting out of the media/Twitter bubble and talking to real people is that you get a much more accurate view of how real people are thinking
2. This week I've spoken with hundreds of teenagers and over 100 parents across UK and hot topic was fear around the male/female interface in light of #MeToo #PresidentsClub #HarveyWeinstein and even #DartsWalkOnGirls #f1gridgirls
3. One woman, a mother of sons, said this, and it genuinely made me well up. "Are today's and tomorrow's boys going to made to pay for the sins of their forefathers?" She told me how she saw her son retreating, he was afraid
Read 9 tweets
Nov 15th 2017
1. While revelations about sexual misconduct and assault are grabbing entertainment and political headlines, #HigherEducation leaders should be asking themselves about their own institutions.
2. There are over 3000 4 year degree granting institutions in the country and 1700 2 year institutions enrolling roughly 20 million students. Title IV institutions employ 3.9 million individuals.
3. @AAUniversities' 2015 climate survey showed that 23.1% of female undergraduates experienced "nonconsensual sexual contact by physical force, threats of physical force, or incapacitation since they enrolled at their university."
Read 30 tweets
Nov 12th 2017
Most men that I know, men who respect women as equals, are shocked when allegations come out about people like #HarveyWeinstein, #BillCosby, #LouisCK. They are in shock when men they know are accused of sexually harassing or assaulting women. THREAD 1 #BelieveWomen #RWU #MeToo
Some men find it very hard to believe that these things are so common, because they would never DO those things. If I were a man and I hadn’t experienced harassment and inappropriate behavior multiple times, I would probably find it difficult to believe. 2 #MeToo #BelieveHer
I decided to share about what I’ve experienced, so that good men who respect women can start to understand that these things happen to women know they know, work with, are related to, and love, every day. Their friends, neighbors, coworkers, relatives. 3 #sexualharassment
Read 54 tweets
Oct 15th 2017
Hollywood’s Most Decent Fella on Weinstein, Trump and History
1/ This such a great interview on many levels. I’m fascinated by his comments about #HarveyWeinstein.
2/ #HarveyWeinstein IS a despicable monster to say the least. I’m fascinated by his inner circle those that helped victimize his victims.
Read 12 tweets
Oct 15th 2017
We might want to consider the reality that until MEN wanted to take #HarveyWeinstein down, nothing was done about his serial sexual assault.
We might also consider men have NOT wanted to take down #BillCosby,RomanPolanski(that 13yr old was raped at Jack Nicholson's) or WoodyAllen.
#CourtneyLove spoke out about #HarveyWeinsten in 2005 but was dismissed as a crazy lady b/c of her drug issues. Abuse victims self-medicate.
Read 18 tweets
Oct 11th 2017

So, I was raped when I was about four. It never occurred to me to say anything until I was about eleven.
2) At four, I didn't know what the term rape meant; I knew what had been done and that it wasn't right but who would I tell?? I was ashamed.
3) I remember thinking I'd be mortified if my parents ever found out I'd been a "participant" in this lewd act. God forbid they found out.
Read 32 tweets
Oct 10th 2017
1. In 1985 I was sexually assaulted by an editor of a Wall Street trade publication magazine where I worked as an assistant editor. He...
2. He walked up behind me as I was making copies pressed himself up against me on the copy machine and laughed. I was 24 years old. He was..
3. in his late 40's and recently divorced with kids. I had no idea what to do. When he moved, I turned and left. The next day I resigned...
Read 61 tweets

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