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May 18th 2018
#Total CEO Patrick Pouyanné: [#Trump's] announcement on #Iran clearly is pushing the price up. And I would not be surprised to see $100 per barrel in the coming months because, clearly, you will have some impacts. 
#Oil #IranDeal…
#Pouyanné: we know we are back to the situation we were before the 2016 agreement, and in the meantime #Iran has grown its exportation by 1 million barrel(s) per day. So this 1 million barrel(s) per day is in question today.
#Total CEO Pouyanné: We have decided to look to that project in Iran because of the #JCPOA, which means end of secondary sanctions. As soon as the U.S. decide to put back in place the secondary sanctions, there is no possibility for us to be a major company, a global company.
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