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Jul 23rd 2018
1) interesting eh 🧐..We’ve all heard of triangle spaceships, they have also been called “Black triangles” there has been some famous accounts of these objects..#QAnon #SpaceForce @POTUS #UFO
2) In this patent it lays out the basic design of these crafts, not conspiracy give it a read.. #QAnon #SpaceForce
3) The most famous account of this object was an event known as the Phoenix lights which occurred on March 13, 1997 ..#QAnon #SoaceForce @POTUS #UFO
Read 8 tweets
May 30th 2018
15) DeplorableMidwestGal- @gal_deplorable


Highly respected by her peers.She doesn’t fight out of hate, she fights out of love, the love she holds for her children.She fights so they witness that good will always defeat evil & so their tomorrow is a truly bright one.
16) Qntmpkts- @qntmpkts

#Qanon- owner

The Anon who runs Has gone through a lot to show full transparency.Has proven his trust to the community & also to Q as the pub is the only site to have been capped and used in a Q post.
17) Sarah Ruth Ashcraft- @SaRaAshcraft

#Pedogate #Mindcontrol #SayBraveThings

Holds an incredible amount of knowledge on evil, information she brought back from the darkness, she now helps educate others on their tactics & turns dark to light. Truth warrior by divine command
Read 11 tweets

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