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Sep 19th 2018
if you are interested in inviting me to speak at your college or conference, please check out my recently revamped booking webpage: – in this THREAD I will share some of my most requested talks...
my most frequently requested talk continues to be "Making Feminist and Queer Movements More Inclusive" – it is based on my 2nd book Excluded, although I've added some newer material to it in the last few years...… #feminism #LGBTQ #queer #activism
...another popular talk is "I'll See It When I Believe It: On Perception and Gender Entitlement"… #trans #transgender #feminism #gender #sexism
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Sep 11th 2018
brand new Medium piece, but of an older spoken word piece (from 2012) about the rather old superstition that #LGBTQ people are somehow "contagious" - that's right, the #ROGD crowd didn't invent that!… #queer #trans #transgender #children #health #psychology
please give it lots of "claps" so that others see it! also, it is not monetized, as I wanted it to be as accessible as possible. if you appreciate that I make essays like this for free, please consider supporting me on Patreon!…
also, if you'd rather not sign up for Patreon, you can also support me by buying my book Outspoken - the Medium piece is an excerpt from one of the chapters of that book (called "Contagious"): #trans #transgender #queer #LGBTQ #feminism
Read 3 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
Fellow #Entrepreneurs, let's begin our #GlobalEChats on #healthcare and #technology!

RT and follow us to keep updated on our weekly topics as well to interact with only the latest of #startup news.
So 79% of you believe that in spite of exponential #technology advancement, humans are irreplaceable in healthcare and will continue to be its frontliners.

Let's also discuss #AI and #robots in healthcare 😁
But first, how has #tech change the face of #healthcare. Let's take a trip down memory lane!

Some of the #robotics you see in healthcare today range from the electronic thermometer to crucial #life support.
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Aug 28th 2018
okay, I just responded to all the questions and accusations here:… #trans #transgender #LGBTQ #children #health #psychology #science
btw, I've spent almost all of my last 10 days writing the original piece & responding to it. neither essays are monetized, as I want them to be as accessible as possible. so if you appreciate all this work, please consider supporting me on Patreon:…
I am exhausted & in dire need of an internet break. but before I go, here are the most pertinent passages of this follow up essay. if you like them, please RT:…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 26th 2018
"God, I want my future back." Those were the words I whispered to God two weeks ago, while I was going through the greatest health scare of my life. #Thread #Health #Life
In the midst of the tests and various medical consultations, it occurred to me that my life had stopped. My symptoms limited my movements and where I could go. So, I couldn't plan and I couldn't project forward.
Things like traveling or dating went out of the window. I was stuck on finding a solution to my health challenge. My tests are still ongoing. I'm still seeing doctors, but we think we now know what's wrong. And so, I am hopeful.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
The U.S. Senate passed a major defense, labor, #health & education funding bill today on a bipartisan 85-7 vote. Pluses in health #research, health #workforce, other initiatives now to reconcile w/House which hasn't moved its bill yet.. /1 @CardinalWaypt…
Can Congress get #health funding done before the new FY19 begins Oct. 1? Maybe. Holdover temporary funding then finish the work in a post-election lame duck session? Depends. /2 @CardinalWaypt
This is more certain: 2019 work for 2020 #health spending will be much more difficult. The new Congress elected this November will get this ticket after the 2yr Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 $$$ expires,, w/big deficits in view. /3 @CardinalWaypt…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018
okay, my "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" essay is now live!… #trans #transgender #LGBTQ #children #health #psychology
please give it lots of "claps" so that others see it! also, it is not monetized, as I wanted it to be as accessible as possible. if you appreciate that I make essays like this for free, please consider supporting me on Patreon!…
in this THREAD today I will be sharing excerpts from my recent "Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria" essay. for those who don't know, this is a made-up pseudoscientific condition/diagnosis that conservatives & TERFs have increasingly embraced...
Read 21 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
And for my #visuallyimpaired folks, I will #type out the #text of that #image, down here. Cuz the data is #important. (one of these days I'll get all my comics done with text properly on the site)

Starts here: Hello, It's Trish Malone, creator of #NKVSSP and slightly hurty -
- artist monkey.
And it's just struck me now, so bear with me.
My forearm, right at the elbow, is needles and fire. It happens. And Overuse is the #1 suspect. Turns out today though, overuse is actually #2.

As a patient with #EhlersDanlosSyndrome, I have to be on top of, -
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Aug 10th 2018…

Due to #overuse (read, #trying to be what i #usedtobe, and #computing every day)

I must stop the majority of my right arm usage for a week. Maybe 2.


#NKVSSP #webcomics #webcomicchat #comicbookhour #Disability #kitteh #puppy #lefty #ouch
I've been a bit #reluctant to talk about #issues

My #health is up & down, and I'm used to it.
I get around, or I lay down (laying down while typing right now)
&now that my forearm is burnin, I'll be doing this a little less as previously stated.

fine enough, but lets talk bout-
-internalized disabili-phobia. (gimmee a break,& gimmee the word if it exists)

it kinda works like internalized homophobia really. I pulled inside all of the shit I've heard for years. all of the hate, all of the "there's no place for you, so go and die already". all inside-
Read 11 tweets
Aug 7th 2018
1. Since twitter deleted my Smallpox Thread, I'm doing it again. It's obviously important info they don't want you to see.
2. Smallpox was a 18th and 19th Century “filth disease”
Smallpox, cholera, plague, yellow fever, typhus, typhoid and others are a group of infections known as ‘filth diseases.” All were cleared away by improving hygiene and sanitary living conditions.
3. New York City
During the year, the City removed of 20,000 dead horses, mules, donkeys, cattle from the streets. The department also removed nearly half a million
smaller animals such as pigs, hogs, calves, and sheep
Read 18 tweets
Jul 27th 2018
So I'll start a thread that provides more information about #aphasia...
Feel free to ask any specific Qs you may have...
Aphasia is caused by an acquired brain injury, most commonly #stroke. Around 1/3 of people with left hemisphere stroke can have aphasia. Over time, the severity of the aphasia and type may change but many people live with aphasia.
Here are a couple of YouTube clips that talk more about #aphasia, posting them again here for ease of reference:

This award-winning video by @shireeheath explains aphasia from a child's perspective:
Read 14 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
In @HealthyBoston briefing with @wutrain @CampbellforD4 @EdforBoston @LydiaMEdwards where updates are being provided about efforts to improve #trauma response and recovery models by the City working with CBOs, #healthcenters and #hospitals.
In my 8yrs on the Council, I have convened 7 hearings on #trauma, each with a different focus. Although more work remains, I am encouraged to hear that many of the recs offered up by impacted persons & communities at our hrgs & listening sessions were integrated into new system
Data collection of phase 1 implementation indicates that 75% of clients for #trauma response and recovery efforts were #Black #AfricanAmerican #Hispanic #Latino, AND 74% of clients reported chronic exposure to a single (11%) or multiple forms of #violence (63%)
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Jul 9th 2018
a THREAD of all my essays related to current #transgender/GNC children debates. here is my most thorough piece: "Detransition, Desistance, & Disinformation" - it's a long read b/c this is a complex subject:…
..."Transgender Agendas, Social Contagion, Peer Pressure, and Prevalence" challenges the notion that kids are suddenly being "turned transgender" these days...… #trans #transgender #LGBTQ #health #children #psychology
"Reframing 'Transgender Desistance' Debates" discusses recent research debunking the "80% desistance" myth, and demonstrating the very real harm of gender-disaffirming approaches...… #trans #transgender #LGBTQ #health #children #psychology
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Jun 30th 2018
"The 25 points of the NSDAP Program were composed by Adolf Hitler and Anton Drexler. They were publically presented on 24 February 1920 "to a crowd of almost 2K and every single point was accepted amid jubilant approval." (Mein Kampf, Volume II, Chapter I)
"Hitler explained their purpose in the fifth chapter of the second volume of Mein Kampf:…
Read 51 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
American cities are so expensive that they could increase the risk of a ‘demographic time bomb’

"Jewish birth rate rose three times higher than the British population, new report finds
And births outside strictly Orthodox rise nearly a fifth in recent years"…
Experts are "baffled" as to why #fertility has plummeted in the US.

If You Want a Family One Day, You Need to See This

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Jun 24th 2018
good news: IJT has now made the paper I describe here, which comprehensively challenges the "80% desistance" myth, open access!… #trans #LGBTQ #transgender #health #psychology #children
while I encourage you to read my essay about it, you can access that paper directly here:…
and the second paper I described (by same set of authors) remains open access, and can be downloaded directly here:…
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Jun 20th 2018
this piece begins w/500 words on: 1) transgender is spectrum, 2) trans sub-categories aren't discrete, 3) trans trajectories are varied (& all are valid), 4) trans & cis are not mutually-exclusive (due to questioning ppl), 5) therefore cisgender is not a stable category
honestly, I don't know how anyone could write a realistic #trans/GNC #children article without stating all this from the get-go. unsurprisingly, Singal ignores most, if not all, of this. which is one of the reasons ppl find his piece so distorted/biased...
great, apparently another mainstream outlet just published another "but desistance" op-ed...ugh. btw, since ppl have been asking, not a single mainstream outlet has approached me about writing an informed response to @TheAtlantic piece...
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Jun 19th 2018
ICYMI @TheAtlantic kicked off Pride week with a new (but same as the old) Jesse Singal article. in thread #1, I discuss Singal's history of being anti-#trans: #transgender #LGBTQ
in thread #2, I live-tweeted the disingenuous/biased framework of Singal's article:
this 3rd thread is for all the people tweeting at @TheAtlantic "why don't you let trans writers like Julia Serano" write about this issue instead of Singal?"...
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Jun 18th 2018
@ShawnMcGuirk @CFAMMcan @mcgillu @santecannabis @trinafraser #ACMPR highlights #WeedLikeToKnow :
- limit of <30-day supply or 150g
- LP delivery by mail only, no retail point of sale
- medical doc lasts 1 year
- storage limit (to be removed soon with #CannabisAct )
- Soon, might be able to transfer from one licensed producer to another
@ShawnMcGuirk @CFAMMcan @mcgillu @santecannabis @trinafraser #CannabisAct Bill #C45 removes #cannabis from #cdsa, separate act will be created for regulation of cannabis
- Can grow up to 4 plants (debated) in dwelling
- legal limit up to 30g in public
- anticipate royal ascent by end of June, coming into force Sept/Oct 2018
@ShawnMcGuirk @CFAMMcan @mcgillu @santecannabis @trinafraser There is still reluctance in prescribing #MedicalCannabis, and there is lack of point of sale (still will have to be by mail), excise tax and HST/GST upcoming, lack of drug plan coverage.
#WeedLikeToKnow #SPEforum
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Jun 18th 2018
THREAD: earlier I tweeted about Jesse Singal's long history of writing fearmongering anti-#trans/GNC #children articles (+ also treating me & other trans women shittily): #transgender #LGBTQ #health #psychology
...Here I will "live tweet" Singal's latest Atlantic article, which is in the same vein as the others. If I was teaching a journalism class, I'd use this latest article as an example of how to write a highly biased piece that comes across as "fair & balanced" as possible...
...and since people unfamiliar with this subject will no doubt be unaware of all the misinformation & biases at work here, I'm gonna do math to it! I'm dividing it into 14 sections, each of which begins with its own header (aka, giant capital letter)...
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Jun 18th 2018
The Atlantic has just published the umpteenth article Jesse Singal has written raising fears about #trans/GNC #children. He is not some unbiased journalist regarding this subject - he has an axe to grind, as I describe in great depth here:… #LGBTQ #health
...Singal has purposefully slut-shamed & lied about me, + sicced social media mobs on me - he has a history of adding GG-hastags to his critiques of trans women (receipts in comments section). I know several other trans women who've had similarly bad experiences with him...
...regarding his journalistic biases on this matter, Singal outright ignored the following important historical points & trans perspectives in his 2016 "gender reparative therapy isn't so bad" article:… #LGBTQ #transgender #children #health #psychology
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May 30th 2018
15) DeplorableMidwestGal- @gal_deplorable


Highly respected by her peers.She doesn’t fight out of hate, she fights out of love, the love she holds for her children.She fights so they witness that good will always defeat evil & so their tomorrow is a truly bright one.
16) Qntmpkts- @qntmpkts

#Qanon- owner

The Anon who runs Has gone through a lot to show full transparency.Has proven his trust to the community & also to Q as the pub is the only site to have been capped and used in a Q post.
17) Sarah Ruth Ashcraft- @SaRaAshcraft

#Pedogate #Mindcontrol #SayBraveThings

Holds an incredible amount of knowledge on evil, information she brought back from the darkness, she now helps educate others on their tactics & turns dark to light. Truth warrior by divine command
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May 19th 2018
.@EPAScottPruitt just announced an all-out assault on how the #EPA can use #scientific data. This could paralyze the EPA — we need to fight back. #WhiteHouse tried to bury a chemicals report that has major implications for our #health…
Pruitt's new policy proposal restricting #science is his most destructive action yet This "restricting science" rule censors the #science that we can use, in favor to Big #Polluters limiting the data that links their industries to deadly #health impacts.
The clock is ticking, will you add your name today?

The #TrumpAdministration is actively trying to bury science that could have major effects on our #health. Fight back — sign the petition to stop Pruitt's censorship of science…
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May 16th 2018
I'll be trying to avoid @UHC for the rest of my life, or until we get single payer. Here's a brief description of a terrible experience that really isn't that bad in the grand scheme of things.
I was on UHC, had no problems, then got a new job and extended it for one month with COBRA. Hurt my knee (I was on crutches for two months) and paid out of pocket to cover an MRI, bc doc's office didn't have my new card, couldn't run it. I paid knowing I was in-network.
They sent a claim denial to my doctor (not me, as they should have, since I filed the claim). They needed diagnosis codes. I went in person to the doc, got them, and called them in. They refused to accept them from me.
Read 9 tweets

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