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Aug 21st 2018
August = Chapter 8 #BloodyWonderland

Yesterday, my thread detailed the bloodlines in control of earth.
Today, let's take a look at the red shoes these monsters are wearing.

What do they signify?
Do u want 2 know?

Q told us that #SymbolismWillBeTheirDownfall

Take a look at the #PodestaArt

Does this turn your stomach yet?

Remember the #Vanderbilt pool?

#AliceInWonderland #TheQueensCroquetGrounds

The pool with no drain?

Still watching #AndersonCooper on #FakeNews?
Time to disconnect
This reminded me of the time I was visiting the Palace of Versailles.

The picture of Louie XIV seemed odd.

Pedophelia has been around for centuries. Also, the royal bloodlines fancy keeping it in the family. That has more (gross) meaning that you want to know.

Read 6 tweets
Aug 16th 2018
Aug = Ch8 #AliceInWonderland
Q = Alice

The #QueensCroquet grounds can be found in the #Vanderbilt #BiltmoreEstate #AndersonCooper s home

Remember the #Murd3rPool Q posted?

What we are seeing unfold is the sickest but in the end,

Here is the "croquet" grounds on the #Vanderbilt property. Alice has to make her way through this #BloodyWonderland in order to save the three gardners - the 2, 5 and 7 from being #beheaded.


What significant do the heads have?

Remember #KateSpade ?
Read 6 tweets
Mar 14th 2018
Thank you @iFortknox. Dropout doesn't even begin to tell their stories. Gates (Microsoft) was the son of a successful attorney, while Zuckerberg (Facebook) is the son of a practising Orthodontist.
One of the oversold stories of our time is the achievers syndrome built around OVERCOMING odds and obstacles. It's the myth that hardwork, focus and determination leads to success. Let me show why they often don't.
Merit-ocracy is a myth. Social (upward) mobility is largely a myth. Hardwork, focus and determination are good but don't lead to wealth. The number one predictor of a child's socioeconomic class is not his IQ, talent, education or networks, it's the parent's socioeconomic class.
Read 29 tweets

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