Nick Reeves #RejoinEU #NAFO #FBPE Profile picture
For most of recorded history, humans have been ruled by despots. Democracy is a rare and precious gift. It must be defended.

Jun 3, 2018, 8 tweets

1/ Vitally need foreign investment has come to the UK because it has been the "gateway to Europe". What happens when the UK becomes a "gateway to nowhere"? The answer is we'll have to slash taxes on business & the rich, and scrap many regulations & workplace rights.

2/ This is why the Tory Brextremists crave the hardest Brexit possible, because the harder the #Brexit the more Britain will be pushed towards becoming a #BrexitTaxHaven, the low tax, low regulation, low workplace rights, low welfare state Brextremists have been dreaming of.

3/ Here's Daniel Hannan revealing his dream of the UK as a "buccaneering, offshore, low-tax nation", and Brexiters Dominic Raab, Liz Truss and Priti Patel calling for Asian style low-taxes (for the rich) and an Asian Style work ethic to kick lazy British workers into line.

4/ And of course many of the right wing Brexiters dream of privatising the #NHS which a hard #Brexit economic shock plus a trade deal with the USA would almost certainly deliver. Great profit opportunities and the scope for huge tax cuts for the rich.

5/ And as mentioned the Tory Brexiters dream of slashing workplace rights. Here's Liam Fox calling for our already very liberal labour market to be further deregulated. The harder the #Brexit the more the UK will be forced to implement such measures to attract business.

6/ And then Tory Brexiters want to slash regulations and standards. Here's Rees-Mogg saying that standards good enough for India could be good enough for the UK. And that means quitting the Single Market, which coincidentally is what Corbyn wants!

7/ The harder the #Brexit the stronger will be the forces pushing the UK towards becoming an ultra-free market economy. Labour would be fighting against the economic tide, it would be the economically right-wing Tories who would be much more in tune with the new economic reality.

8/ So in due course all but the softest of Brexits would drive the UK towards ultra-free market capitalism and would make the Tories the natural party of government. That's why the Tory Brextremists crave a hard #Brexit and why Corbyn is a fool to want to quit the Single Market

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