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Award-winning investigative journo ▪️ 2022 Society of Professional Journalists Award/Newspaper Feature Reporting ▪️2023 NLGJA/Curve Award ▪️ Socialist ▪️Widow

Jun 26, 2018, 5 tweets

My parents were Civil Rights workers. My father was a Freedom Rider. The calls for #civility were constant.

.@repjohnlewis, our Civil Rights icon, was nearly killed in non-violent actions.

#Civility has never been two-ways. Civility has never benefited the oppressed.

#Civility still got #MLK and #RosaParks arrested.

Because those in power are never civil.

Women especially have always been called on to model #civility.
From #EmmelinePankhurst to #RosaParks to the #WomensMarch, refuting civility is the only way to win civil rights.

#CivilDisobedience and other non-violent actions by Civil Rights activists like my parents were the hallmark of #civility.

But civility is never two ways.
#MLK deconstructed civility in his iconic essay, #LetterFromABirminghamJail which should be re-read often.

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