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The Last Refuge is a rag tag bunch of misfits that do not align with political specificity. We share information, seek known truths and discuss.

Jun 27, 2018, 17 tweets

1. This 👇 is actually more important than a quick twitter review presents.

2. The most important shift in political awareness comes when a person admits they have been a victim of "battered conservative syndrome".

3. Just because the cat had her kittens in the oven, well, that don't make 'em biscuits.

4. I shall share a few thoughts that are guaranteed, over time, to save heartache and/or disappointment.

5. First rule: Accept their companionship at arms length. Never trust #NeverTrumpers

6. Don't divide from them per se'; accept their contributions to MAGA when appropriate; but never, E.V.E.R, drop your guard and trust a #NeverTrumper . When the opportunity for self-interest presents, they will stab you in the back E.V.E.R.Y time.

7. If you find yourself in a foxhole, and notice the majority of those around you is from the former #NeverTrump crowd, GET OUT. Exit. Remove yourself immediately. They are toxic selfish personalities. Keep your eyes on a swivel at all times.

8. Next suggestion/recommendation relates to #ColdAnger : Always have an unabashed MAGA supporter at your six. Embrace the deplorable nature of brutal honesty.

9. MAGA supporters don't have a political or ideological test you must pass in order to participate. The nature of the association confounds and angers the professional political class and all political punditry. Good, because they suck.

The MAGA-Super-elite don't suck.

10. It was our deplorable and calloused MAGA hands that volunteered, opened our scant piggy banks, and held firm to support each other and our vulgarian candidate against all opposition. #NeverTrump was part of that opposition.

11. While we were getting bloodied in Chicago, Virginia and California they were worried about our tone & political sensibilities. But worse than that, much much worse than that, #NeverTrumpers broke the cardinal rule of grassroots camaraderie, they aided the other side.

12. While Donald Trump was wearing a friggin’ bullet-proof-vest to deliver Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, #NeverTrump took every opportunity to broadcast their litmus-test and purist-antagonism in every outlet they could muster.

13. The #NeverTrump arrogant self-righteous efforts not only didn’t help, but they actually opposed our common sense #MAGA objective. They were/are worse than the enemy.

14. At least a righteous enemy claims opposition from outside the wire, wears identifiable uniforms and looks you in the eye. #NeverTrump chose to lay toxic land mines inside our own territory, obstruct us at every engagement, and sit back gleefully predicting our MAGA defeat.

15. Victory belongs to all Trump supporters who absorbed constant ridicule as fuel. The MAGA team who battled through the ridicule of media and the elitist class, and stood in cold Virgina fields at 2am because we knew we needed to keep moving forward despite #NeverTrump efforts

16. #NeverTrump *crony-constitutional* purists were then, and are now, just as much a part of the problem as before . Remember, we’re vulgarian. #NeverTrump can put on pussy hats and go join the other side. We didn’t get support in 2016 and we damned sure won’t need it in 2020

17. For those who have quit #NeverTrump. Fine. No need to dismount your high-horse now. Just shut up and be thankful, quietly.

#MAGA has this now; and much more yet to come.


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