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Jun 30, 2018, 55 tweets

Pt1: Pt 1: The "#Pizzagate" Evidence Of #RitualAbuse Hidden In Plain Sight


Pt2: The "#Pizzagate" Evidence Of #RitualAbuse Hidden In Plain Sight.


I wrote this piece because, a year and a half after #pizzagate started off in the wake of the #spiritcooking scandal, I see many people parroting info about #ritualabuse that, while not intended to be misleading, often blinds us from researching what is in front of our eyes.

And it's not out of a sense of condescension or hubris that I wrote this: it is purely because I do not want evidence of ritual abuse to remain hidden in plain site. I want the public armed with knowledge they can use to stop this evil.

I welcome anyone and everyone who disagrees with the ideas I put forward here to engage with the material, so that even if you think it's all wrong, you can at least consider new evidence when approaching the topic of ritual abuse.

And as I go through this I want to start with a giant trigger and NSFW warning, because some of the art discussed is unavoidably explicit, so go no further if that triggers/disturbs you.

When writing this, I did not want to tell people: "you must think as I do, or you are wrong." Actually I simply want to add information, not dismiss it.

I want people to ***widen the scope*** of evidence they consider, NOT narrow it. #ritualabuse #spiritcooking #pedogate

I went back to the beginning of the #pizzagate scandal, I looked through the history provided by the r/pizzagate reddit sub and a large compilation of links that they included. From there I focused intentionally on one of the the "weakest" leads, surrounding #cometpizza.

I found mention of the artist, Arrington De Dionyso, whose work decorated the walls of #CometPingPong.

Researchers soon found more of his work, and interpreted it in relation to #MKULTRA/multiple personality disorder and #ritualabuse. Eg:

Dionyso's name is of immediate interest, in terms of the the orgiastic, ecstatic rights of #Dionysus which were said to include ritualistic cannibalism amidst wild dances and ecstatic altered states.

Some context is necessary here: Oddly, this requires revisiting #Esalen.

In my last section of work on Esalen, I discussed the work of John Weir Perry, the acolyte of Carl G Jung. However, I did not write about Michael Cornwall, the 'grandchild' of Jungian thought who is currently an #Esalen staff member who studies "extreme states" there.

And before you role your eyes at me for returning to #Esalen, this is absolutely necessary and I would not include it otherwise.

Cornwall enthuses about cannibalistic orgies dedicated to Dionysus. He describes personally performing cultic rituals to call Dionysus forward, explicitly telling us that the ancient rites involved #ritual #cannibalism


He says that he practices elements of the original rituals & rites, while telling us those rites involved frenetic cannibalistic murder, but has the sense not to specify which aspects of these orgies he incorporates.

Image is of the murder of Pentheus at behest of Dionysus

Cornwall's entire, gratuitous diatribe on the god of insanity are available here:
Please read it to understand not only the importance of someone of these beliefs studying madness (extreme states) at #Esalen, but also the nature of these ecstatic rites.

Possession in ancient times may have also been an early conception of the symptoms of multiple personality disorder. Adam Crabtree, also of #Esalen, is a self-described expert in MPD, and authored the book: "Multiple Man: Explorations in #Possession and Multiple Personality."

Winkelman, an academic, suggests that dissociation is a biological evolutionary trait, developed specifically in relation to and as a result of Shamanistic practice - specifically spirit #possession.

That is an incredibly important observation. Massively important.

Did Michael Cornwall perform rites to #Dionysus at #Esalen, where one of the three leaders of the campus is a self-described expert on dissociative personality disorder, #hypnosis, and #trance?

But it's just a trust-funder resort, right? #spiritcooking

Actually Cornwall dispels that notion utterly, stating outright that Esalen was founded as a 'refuge' for the insane. One that led to #NIMH-backed projects. (Agnews project)
Agnews project: psychrights.org/research/Diges…

John F. Callahan discusses the nature of the Gestalt practice developed by Esalen co-founder Dick Price. Incredibly, it appears as if my previous posts on the body as the central vehicle of #ritualabuse (as opposed to the mind) was more accurate than I could have imagined.

Even more interesting is the fact that Callahan tells us that Gestalt practice developed at Esalen does not involve a trained professional, but a group - a communal environment. Where body work is done.

Remind you of anything? (Esalen rant is almost over haha)

The point of all this diversion to #Esalen is to explain the 'insane' murderous cannibalistic orgies dedicated to #Dionysus in order to give adequate context on Dionyso's name. I did not see #pizzagate researchers make this connection. This is the type of info easily missed.

Given the cannibalistic rites of Dionysus so explicitly referred to by Cornwall, we can say that Dionyso's work had an important extra layer of significance insofar as his name's connection with the rites of Dionysus and therefore types of acts associated with #ritualabuse.

In various religions, we find ecstatic traditions associated w/ possession, similar to the rites described by Cornwall in tribute to Dionysus. Even in some Christian sects, speaking in tongues is said to occur via possession by the holy ghost.

Where do we get these traditions, originally? Shamanism.

Communal altered states of consciousness. Major point, though:


This is crucial to differentiate. It is a set of practices, not beliefs, not symbols.

Caps 1000% intended.

So what is a definition of shamanism, since we see shamanistic concepts raised over and over again in connection with #ritualabuse?

In his work "Shamanism and the Alteration of Consciousness," Michael Winkelman defines it thus:

Please read the entire paper if you are at all interested in this, because the rest of the posts will make much more sense that way -


I argue that #ritualabuse is fundamentally shamanic, all of the time, no matter what aesthetic it wears. Masonic, Satanic, Kabbala - all shamanic methods under the symbols.

BUT, not all shamanism is ritually abusive.

Easier to read dot-points of the definition of shamanism.

Crucially, Winkelman actually compares shamanistic trance with #hypnosis and #dissociation. Through his observations we understand a level of logical reasoning behind multi-generational #ritualabuse #cults focused within certain families:

In Winkelman's definition of shamanism, he specifically states that it was the product of hunter-gatherer societies.

Hunter-gatherer societies also predate the development of agriculture, city-states, written language etc, and occur globally, from the Norse to Tibetans etc.

IMHO: early versions of what we would call ritual abuse were developed w/in shamanism over eons - long before the Abrahamic traditions had been imagined much less written down.

This destroys the narrative often pushed in alternative media that argues that ritual abuse stems only from the moloch-worshipping carthaginians or ancient semitic cultures.

I honestly believe that the moloch-centered narrative has been pushed so hard amongst conspiracy-types to prevent a wider understanding of the reality of how ritual abuse works, so that the strongest evidence of its existence can remain ****safely hidden in plain sight.****

Am not claiming that #ritualabuse does not happen in situations with #Masonic/ #Luciferian/ #Satanic/ #Kabbala-related imagery. The thesis of this piece is not meant to discount those experiences, but to look beyond the symbols and understand the heart of the practice.

If we look beyond the symbols - the visual decorations - and understand the heart of the practice, you the reader can more easily spot ritual abuse, no matter what aesthetic it wears.

In that light, one of the major reasons for writing this was that #pizzagate researchers missed a LOT of evidence -- specifically because that evidence portrayed shamanistic **methods** instead of the satanic/luciferian **visuals** they had been conditioned to expect.

My aim in this piece was to break down the mountain of information gained by looking at just one person who was just one part of even the flimsiest aspect of #pizzagate in order to show the magnitude of what is missed if you do not understand that #ritualabuse is shamanic,

So again, these are the fundamental aspects of shamanism as defined by Winkelman, whose entire paper is here and worth reading: academia.edu/4165443/Shaman…

He directly speaks to shamanism being at the biological core of dissociation.

Winkelman's definition of shamanism includes:

Contact/control of animal spirits, as well as the shaman's belief that they transform into animals during rituals/trance etc.

We see this continually in Dionyso's work, & in pop-cultural discussions of MKULTRA (beta kittens etc)

In the following instagram post by Dionyso discussing an event with "small children," it appears that a child is wearing the large cat mask.

In many of Dionso's works, we see animal and human bodies interlaced, as well as humanoid figures with animal or monstrous faces.

Dionyso also depicts humans with body parts in the shape of animal heads, usually genitalia or hands. He named the following image "Priapic Maenads" Hence this is not only a sexual image but also a direct reference to the rites of Dionysus, which we discussed earlier re: Cornwall

The #ritualabuse significance of the Dionysus references in Dionyso's name and art seems to have gone totally unnoticed by #pizzagate researchers. Am not saying that to be a condescending ass, but because I don't want that loss of evidence to continue.

Winkelman called initiatory death and rebirth a requisite for shamanistic practice, and it is one that is also key in ritual abuse in terms of trauma used to create alter personalities.

Image is another work by Dionyso showing clearly shamanic clothing/etc

Not all shamans experience altered states due to ritual abuse, but many of them did suffer a great deal in childhood via natural causes such as illness, injury, etc. This would have created the first "natural" shamans.

A major difference between initiatory ordeals undertaken by shamans and the trauma of ritual abuse, is that shamans go through some type of painful event/injury or ceremony by choice(or accidentally), often just before or during adolescence.

Similar rituals involving pain, like the Native American Sun Dance, are not ritually abusive despite the induction of altered states through pain, because it is performed by consenting adults, of their own will.

In many cultures, such painful events are not intended to produce lasting PTSD-type trauma, but are a method of inducing an altered state of consciousness, with sun dancers hoping to be given what they term a 'vision.'

The difference between these methods and ritual abuse is clear: in #ritualabuse, unlike initiations and shamanic practice, children are traumatized without their understanding or consent, as it is in this early stage of development that true alter personalities can be created.

In ritual abuse, the 'death and rebirth' takes a young child much closer to the threshold of death than would be the case in any non-abusive shamanic practice.

The concept of transformation through such dissociative splitting of the psyche through multiple extreme 'deaths and rebirths' has often been linked with the image of the monarch butterfly in pop-alternative-culture.

Such extreme and near-deadly abuse often induces an out-of-body experience, which also ties into Winkelman's concept of "flight" in shamanism.

Image showing an out-of-body experience is of a painting by Kim Noble's alter Ria Pratt.

In some of Dionyso's pieces, as in the work pictured below, a number of figures are wearing animal masks, which again evoke Winkelman's description of animal-tied shamans.

This work in particular is significant not only because it shows the use of masks in ritual practice (and we know Dionyso owns such a mask), but also because Dionyso himself has tagged the image with: #deathandrebirth, #shamanism and #ritual.


The direct reference to **shamanism** employing a hypnotic state.

Experts at Esalen including Crabtree, while experts in Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) also pursue hypnosis and trance. NLP was also developed there.

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