Katy Hayward Profile picture
as it turns out, a @QUBelfast professor of political sociology working in & on the island of Ireland. @IrishEF Fellow #Brexit #Protocol #Border Own my own views

Jul 12, 2018, 5 tweets

First blatant non-sequitur of the #WhitePaper: FTA will give continued frictionless access at the UK/EU border.

Unless working assumption is that the 'friction' can be managed 'away from' the border, which is a distinct possibility.
Will keep reading...

It's a 'free trade area', but not as we know it.

Both 'the letter & the spirit' of @BelfastAgmt to be honoured in #Brexit.
The UK will agree an operational legal text for a #backstop for NI... but will negotiate a future partnership that ensures that this will not have to be used.
In keeping with Joint Report of 8th Dec.17

Request for joint institutional structures (ref. possible Assoc. Agmt) is interesting & marks progress.

Esp cos UKGov slides on Economic P'ship (24 May bit.ly/2N8McQE) implied UK wants deeper cooperation than others enjoy but minus the necessary institutional structures

If DUP/Tory alliance has done anything, it's made UK 'constitutional integrity' a favoured pat phrase for HMG.

& I would interpret what is meant here by 'constitutionally appropriate' as being primarily a political judgment/tactic.

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